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Tuesday February 26, 2019
National NewsNational News Cyber experts: Congress needs to do more before 2020
Tech NewsTech News New voting technology controversy
AZArizona Hobbs: Reagan staffers deleted public records
ARArkansas Legislators back ballot-issue bills
CACalifornia Orange Co. supervisors consider vote system overhaulCalifornia 'No stamp, no problem'--All vote-by-mail ballots now come with prepaid postage return envelopesCalifornia Sonoma County's voting system set for test run next week
GAGeorgia Secretary of state: Supporters of hand-marked paper ballots are 'out of the mainstream'Georgia Abrams' group targets bill to switch voting machinesGeorgia Why Georgia's secretary of state wants to see voting machine bill pass Tuesday
IDIdaho Canyon Co. commissioners rescind English-only rule
ILIllinois Election board officials openly discuss nightmare scenario in mayoral raceIllinois Mail-in ballots could be major factor in mayor's raceIllinois Elections officials--tomorrow night could be a long oneIllinois What's it like to be an election judgeIllinois Will Co. clerk announces expanded options for early votingIllinois County officials beef up election securityIllinois Illinois senator seeks to ban guns from polling placesIllinois Colleagues recall former Clerk JoAnn Carretto's career
INIndiana Upcoming election may be guided by vendor under review
IAIowa Secretary Pate honored with national award
KSKansas Lawmakers study bill addressing ballot signature problemsKansas Kansas has pitched hundreds of bad ballots. Now a bill would give voters time to fix errors
KYKentucky Lawmakers to debate restoring voting rights to felonsKentucky Voting precinct changes proposed in Daviess Co.
LALouisiana Secretary of state weighs in on deconsolidation vote
MAMassachusetts Ranked choice voting could change Massachusetts electionsMassachusetts Burlington town clerk undecided on using ranked-choice voting
MTMontana Motor voter act update bill gets heard
NYNew York Judge rejects move to block translators from NYC pollsNew York Kings Co. Supreme Court rules for more language interpreters in polling placesNew York Public advocate election will coast the $11M to $15MNew York City Hall wins last-minute legal bid to place interpreters in polling places
NCNorth Carolina NC Republicans appeal order voiding voter IDNorth Carolina NC universities haven't signed off on student IDs for votingNorth Carolina Jim Kimel named chair of Guilford elections boardNorth Carolina Gaston's election board back in actionNorth Carolina State will monitor new elections in Bladen Co.
OHOhio Marion Co. gets new voting machinesOhio State elections chief to back cybersecurity bill
PAPennsylvania County official: Lunch with voting machine rep was 'spur of the moment'
SCSouth Carolina Richland elections director says he didn't resign. With board fired, confusion reigns
TXTexas GOP bills would force registrars to remove people flagged as potential noncitizens from voter rollsTexas Federal judge directs more counties to halt voter citizenship review efforts as lawsuits proceedTexas In federal court, lawyers trade accusations over state voter investigationTexas San Antonio judge will order counties to stop requesting proof of citizenship in state voter purge program--at least for now
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