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April 6-8, 2019
National NewsNational News States spent just a fraction of $380M in election security money before midtersmNational News Lack of security clearances hampers federal election panelNational News CISA director outlines agency role and prioritiesNational News Sanders says convicted felons should be allowed voting rights during prison sentencesNational News DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen resigns
FLFlorida Slew of bills affecting voters clearing committeesFlorida An all vote-by-mail election? Volusia experiment will be biggest in Fla. in decadesFlorida Activists blast bill limiting felon voting rights
GAGeorgia Bartow to be one of the first counties to receive new voting machinesGeorgia Legislature changes selection process for DeKalb elections boardGeorgia Elections board to consider supervisor applications
HIHawaii Charter commission to consider special election
ILIllinois Late-arriving mail ballots, provisionals could come into play in District 15
INIndiana Tippecanoe Co. voters to get 'queue tips' at the pollsIndiana Voting machines ready for actionIndiana Marion Co. tests new voting equipmentIndiana Do a little shopping, grab some food...and cast your vote?
IAIowa Reynolds won't issue an executive order for felons' voting rights
KYKentucky Secretary of state candidate visits Elizabethtown
LALouisiana No surge in voter registration after La. changes laws for felons
MAMassachusetts Selectmen vote to move all polling places to one location
MSMississippi LWV re-established in East Mississippi
MOMissouri Clerk disappointed by low voter turnoutMissouri Secretary of state opposes voter reg bill despite bipartisan support
NJNew Jersey NJ judges still mulling Hispanic voting rights caseNew Jersey Middlesex Co. Dems try to overturn 'outdated' gender rule
NMNew Mexico New Mexico is latest state to join National Popular Vote compact
NYNew York Lynbrook Village election stirs controversyNew York Counties readying for early voting
NCNorth Carolina Pender elections director resigns
OHOhio BOE votes for voting machineOhio Licking Co. poll workers welcome new voting system
OKOklahoma Norman man requires medical attention after fall, still votes in election
OROregon Salem woman arrested on 35 counts of election fraud
PAPennsylvania Proposal would eliminate 10 voting locationsPennsylvania Vote by mail legislation introducedPennsylvania County council to weigh voting system optionsPennsylvania Training session held for Greene Co.'s new voting machinesPennsylvania Crispell case referred to ethics commission
TNTennessee Knox Co. election commission representation changes
TXTexas Trautman creates countywide voting centers
WAWashington Washington Dems choose presidential primary for 2020
WYWyoming Secretary of state addresses election policy issue in DC
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