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Thursday April 11, 2019
National NewsNational News 2020 candidates are very hesitant about letting prisoners vote
ALAlabama Secretary of state addresses Handley High students
CACalifornia Solano Co. shopping for new voting equipment, seeks public inputCalifornia Santa Clara Co. adopts Voter's Choice Act for 2020 electionsCalifornia All residents will receive mail-in ballots under Voter's Choice Act for 2020 election
FLFlorida Judge sides with supervisors on ballot images
GAGeorgia New law is going to change your voting machineGeorgia DHS documents shed light on Kemp network scan gripe
ILIllinois Austin students served as judges for historical electionIllinois Dead candidate highlights limits on state's election laws
INIndiana Spread the Vote dedicated to increasing voter regIndiana Absentee ballot bill on its way to governor's desk
IAIowa Iowa sending out inactivity notices to votersIowa Applications to restore felons' voting rights sent to 3K Linn Co. residents
KSKansas Officials weigh in on possible voting centers
LALouisiana Ardoin wants Lafayette fall council elections haltedLouisiana Interviews begin for new Calcasieu Parish registrar
MEMaine Maine holds hearings on expanding ranked choice voting
MAMassachusetts Restore voting rights for incarcerated felons, Senator saysMassachusetts 3 Montague precincts relocate polling places
MOMissouri Lawmakers discuss return to paper ballotsMissouri Candidate questioning clerk's process for handling tie
NENebraska Audit verifies tight Warren Co. election results
NVNevada Democrats propose changes for voting eligibility
NHNew Hampshire AG subpoenas James O'Keefe after NH man admits voting twice
NJNew Jersey Botched ballot quickly corrected in South Orange
NMNew Mexico Toulouse Oliver planning announcement on U.S. Senate race
NYNew York NY senator, Ulster elections boss cheer longer upstate voting hours on primary dayNew York State approves $25M in funding to help address election law changes
NCNorth Carolina Voter ID standards retooled, deadline extended in House billNorth Carolina NC House moving quickly on retooled ID standards
OHOhio New voting machines make debut for Lorain Co. votingOhio Elections board seeks new machinesOhio Secretary of state stands by effort to reach inactive votersOhio $130K in taxpayer money to sign up 540 Ohio voters--was it worth it?
PAPennsylvania Philly commissioner breaks silence to criticize voting machine decisionPennsylvania Counties fear they'll fail to hit deadline for new paper ballot voting machinesPennsylvania It took a bit of pestering to get young people to vote in Pa., but group says its strategy workedPennsylvania New voting machines coming in NovemberPennsylvania Luzerne committee to review voting systemsPennsylvania Luzerne Co. spent $47K on Crispell probe
SCSouth Carolina Plan would have election commission conduct Williams and Smoaks elections
TNTennessee Legislature ready to penalize 'deficient' voter reg formsTennessee Hamilton Co. election commission OKs another $20K for lawsuit legal feesTennessee Wilson election commission sworn in, new term begins
TXTexas Former election administrator recognizedTexas Local voting rights activists question intent of Senate Bill 9Texas At LBJ Race Summit, Texas voter probe cited as example of suppression
UTUtah Orem city council says no, again, to ranked choice voting
VAVirginia Voting proves difficult for University of Mary Washington students due to precinct confusion
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