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Thursday April 25, 2019
National NewsNational News In push for 2020 election security, top official was warned: Don't tell the presidentNational News 2020 Democrats confronting debate over letting felons voteNational News Threats known and unknown loom in 2020 elections
CACalifornia How a suspicious email led to a scare over Russian-linked malware in Contra Costa elections office
COColorado Voter turnout, registration debated in race for Denver clerk and recorderColorado Why Secretary of State Jena Griswold sees democracy as a superpower
CTConnecticut Effort being made to have early voting in ConnecticutConnecticut Panel reviews New Have election processConnecticut House passes early voting bill 125-24
FLFlorida New voting machines to arrive in PBCFlorida Florida lawmakers propose ways to fix state electionsFlorida House passes Amendment 4 bill requiring felons to pay up before they can vote
GAGeorgia Georgia's voting system contract attracts bids from large election companiesGeorgia How election board members are appointed, director's role could change
ILIllinois For Illinois elections officials, no new news is good news in Mueller ReportIllinois Tazewell Co. board approves pay increases for election judges
INIndiana Porter clerk asks for funding to pay for 2018 election billsIndiana Seeing drop in early voters, St. Joe officials encouraging you to come out and vote now
KYKentucky Voting location changes for 2 Covington precincts
MEMaine Maine House Speaker's bill would implement automatic voter registrationMaine Small town, many hats for Town Clerk Joan Archer
MDMaryland Budget could be obstacle to Washington Co. election board getting consolidated home
MAMassachusetts No contests, but prep for election underway
MIMichigan Senate plans plan cuts secretary of state budget for redistricting panel
MNMinnesota HAVA, Russian hackers and provisional ballots: How an 'early win' became a legislative quagmire
NVNevada Nevada Assembly votes to restore felons' voting rights
NHNew Hampshire Lawmakers debate 'no excuse needed' absentee votingNew Hampshire Critics: New Hampshire primary commission is unnecessary
NMNew Mexico NM secretary of state announces run for senate
NYNew York Monroe Co. BOE snafu sparks odd housewarming gift for 126 votersNew York In New York, where you live can determine how hard it is to vote
NCNorth Carolina Guilford gets allies in voting machine battleNorth Carolina After 9th District scandal, bill would make paying for absentee ballot request forms a crimeNorth Carolina More UNC System schools to be approved after rewrite of voter ID law
OHOhio Automatic voter registration has bipartisan support in OhioOhio Options sought for election board's space dilemma
PAPennsylvania Franklin Co. to get new voting machinesPennsylvania County's new voting system expected to be up and running by November
TNTennessee Election commission gets demo of voting machinesTennessee Election administrator says voting precinct at Prairie Life Fitness will close April 29
TXTexas Check out which San Antonio polling sites are least likely to have lines
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