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Friday April 26, 2019
National NewsNational News O'Rourke says he supports voting rights for nonviolent felonsNational News 5 ways the Administration could prepare to thwart 2020 election meddling
AZArizona County sets new election fees
ARArkansas Pulaski Co. election chief asks 57K voters to return registration notices
CACalifornia Countywide polling places receives overwhelming support from communityCalifornia California ramping up security in advance of presidential primary
COColorado Colorado could restore voting rights to 9K felons this year
CTConnecticut Early voting in Connecticut moves one step closer to realityConnecticut House Republicans fail in getting new vote for Stratrford
FLFlorida New voting machines arrive in PBCFlorida Banning access to voter information opposed by civil rights groupsFlorida Russians attempted to hack Broward election systemFlorida Broward Co. elections office confirms two emails sent by possible Russian hackersFlorida FBI to meet with Florida governor to discuss election-hacking attempts
GAGeorgia County election takeover proposed in GwinnettGeorgia 'Missing' votes draw citizens call for answers
HIHawaii A flurry of deal-making at the Hawaii Legislature as end of session looms
INIndiana Marion Co. adopts vote centers
MAMassachusetts Galvin expects Mass. to be safe from 2020 election interferenceMassachusetts In union position, Brockton elections director supports political donation
MIMichigan LWV celebrates women's voting history with 1919 teaMichigan Judge orders Michigan to redraw congressional and legislative mapsMichigan What Michigan voters can expect on May 7
MNMinnesota Minnesota hasn't accepted election security funding. Why no?
MTMontana Voters in Bonner received incomplete ballot
NHNew Hampshire Bills that reverse GOP election law changes headed to House floor
NMNew Mexico NM GOP calls for secretary of state resign
NYNew York Controversy lingers weeks after Lynbrook electionNew York Livonia village trustee charged with having forged ballot signatures
OHOhio In rare Ohio hearing, US House panel battles over voter purgesOhio House subcommittee probs Ohio voting at Cleveland hearingOhio New BOE gets started
PAPennsylvania DOS: Bradford Twp. election precinct boundaries don't comply with state lawPennsylvania Residents preview Montco's new voting machines
TNTennessee Bill that would penalize groups for incomplete, late voter forms passes SenateTennessee Ed Jackson explains SB0971Tennessee Wilson Co. plans to offer 'convenient voting centers'
TXTexas Texas AG arrests Edinburg Mayor and wife on voter fraud chargesTexas VIA to offer free rides in San Antonio on Election DayTexas Edinburg mayor had advantages as voter registrarTexas Cameron Co. elections office receives complaints of voter bribery in BrownsvilleTexas 50 Yers of Elections: Longtime worker talks election changes over the yearsTexas ACLU of Texas opposes election security billTexas Growth pushes commissioners' approval of new voting precinct
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