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May 11-13, 2019
National NewsNational News A growing lack of faith in electionsNational News House Dems reintroduce bill to protect elections from cyberattacks
ALAlabama State election leaders in Alabama for voting rights history tour
ARArkansas Commission finds some Fayetteville voters assigned to wrong zone
CACalifornia OC registrar of voters releases report on maintaining accuracy of voter registrationCalifornia Elections office ballot app designed to boost mail voting
FLFlorida After troubled November election, Broward must pay $1.9M in extra costsFlorida Federal judge orders bilingual ballots for Florida countiesFlorida Lori Scott kicks off 'VOTE to End Childhood Hunger' fundraising effortFlorida Sancho says election bill doesn't go far enoughFlorida St. Johns Co. must provide Spanish-language ballotsFlorida Even without Russian hacking, Florida's voting system is 'not secure,' says election expert
GAGeorgia Local impact of new voting machinesGeorgia ACC BOE keeps busy in between election cycles in preparation for the next electionGeorgia Pooler to get two new voting precincts ahead of 2019 electionsGeorgia Elections board to announce new supervisor
ILIllinois Will Co. clerk's 2019 election report lists costs, challenges
KYKentucky Where the secretary of state candidates stand on felon voting rightsKentucky Secretary of state race promises new faceKentucky Packed primary for Kentucky's secretary of state raceKentucky E-pollbooks to be used in Mason
MEMaine Emotions flare as lawmakers debate measure to ensure that only citizens voteMaine Waterville voter challenge cost city nearly $31K
MDMaryland Vote-by-mail initiative unveiled in Rockville
MAMassachusetts Voting age in Somerville may drop to 16Massachusetts City council approves lowering voting age in Somerville elections
NJNew Jersey Atlantic City HS students register to vote
NYNew York Kingston school district wants option of barring non-school elections from its buildingsNew York Polling places are few and far between
NCNorth Carolina NC elections director who lead the 9th District fraud investigation may soon be out of a jobNorth Carolina SBOE to oust executive directorNorth Carolina NCBOE expected to name Karen Brinson Bell as next director
OHOhio Elections deputy director leaving postOhio Solon council wants county BOE to reconsider new polling places
OROregon Redmond's Clarno charting her course as secretary of state
SCSouth Carolina New effort launched to register SC students for 2020 vote
SDSouth Dakota Women's voting rights
TXTexas Candidate files for recount after missing runoff by 59 votesTexas 19th person arrested in Edinburg voter fraud probeTexas From princess gowns to the voting booth: How Quinceaneras increase voter turnoutTexas ACLU, Texas civil rights group to represent local woman convicted of illegal votingTexas Senator: Election bill aims to stop cheatingTexas Hughes' election security bill set for hearing in House
WVWest Virginia Two absentee ballots arrive for tied race
WIWisconsin Brown Co. Clerk: Selfies with ballot have consequences
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