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May 18-20, 2019
National NewsNational News 16-year-olds want a vote. Fifty years ago, so did 18-year-oldsNational News States explore opportunities at national summit on cybersecurity
CACalifornia Town halls planned to discuss new voting options
DEDelaware First State's new voting machines pass first test
FLFlorida Which Florida counties were hacked? Maybe these non-denial denials offer a clueFlorida Did a non-response to hacking questions give this Florida elections office away?Florida FBI says Russians hacked Washington Co. in 2016Florida Suffragist Project marks 100 years of women votingFlorida Officials hope election changes tighten proceduresFlorida Washington Co. SOE responds to hacking reportsFlorida Hacked Florida counties could disclose their identities--if they wanted toFlorida Almost 10K more ballots returned over weekend in Volusia
ILIllinois Rep. Ammons proposes state Election Code revamp
INIndiana Purdue IDs at polls a felony? Clerk says perhaps, then fends off voter suppression claimsIndiana Fewer St. Joseph Co. absentee ballots rejected in this year's primaryIndiana Porter Co. prepares for larger election boardIndiana Hammond councilman granted temporary restraining order on election ballots in recount effortsIndiana Tippecanoe Co. clerk gets pushback on Purdue ID validity questionIndiana Porter Co. certifies election results
IAIowa All Iowa absentee ballots must have postal bar codes
KSKansas Dedicated poll worker prepares for primary election
KYKentucky Four Republicans running for secretary of stateKentucky Four seek Democratic nomination for secretary of stateKentucky Simpson Co. clerk expects low turnout
MOMissouri After Mueller Report, state and local election officials talk cybersecurity
NJNew Jersey After man shows up at Post Office with more ballots hours after polls close, Essex officials refer matter to prosecutors
NMNew Mexico Udall still pushing for passage of For the People ActNew Mexico Councilors pushing for ranked choice voting this year
NYNew York Onondaga Co. officials encourage voters to participate in early votingNew York New York City's early voting plan will favor white, affluent voters, advocacy groups sayNew York The BOE won't open 100 early voting sites--but that doesn't mean it doesn't want the money NYC offeredNew York Ontario Co. BOE names early voting locationsNew York Dispute in Onondaga Co. over early voting sitesNew York NY Dems will seek input on automatic voter reg at Albany hearing
NCNorth Carolina NC voter photo ID cards offered freeNorth Carolina Democrats turned to Cooper's political arm in replacing state elections director
OHOhio LaRose weighs in on cybersecurity during Portage visitOhio County elections office's future still an open equestion
PAPennsylvania New voting machines debut Tuesday in MontCoPennsylvania How to you use Northampton Co.'s new voting machines?Pennsylvania Troutville voting precinct down to two poll workersPennsylvania Westmoreland voters might be using current voting machines for the last timePennsylvania Pennsylvania website offers voting informationPennsylvania Get ready for Montco's new modern voting system: Paper ballotsPennsylvania Elections require poll workers. And there's a critical shortage of them
RIRhode Island Secretary of state secures grants for election security
SCSouth Carolina Congresswoman falsely says Ohio sold its 'awful' voting machines to SC
TXTexas Travis Co. rolls out new touch screen voting machinesTexas Texas House committee signs off on controversial election billTexas Controversial voter fraud bill dies in Texas HouseTexas Controversial Texas voting bill likely dead this year after failing to be set for debate
UTUtah Utah voter turnout vaults from 45th in the country to 13th in four yearsUtah Runoff, ranked-choice or jungle primaries? Lawmakers consider options to deal with plurality
VAVirginia Fairfax seeking those who speak Vietnamese to work the pollsVirginia A group in Chesapeake wants to change local elections date
WVWest Virginia Preparations are underway for Weirton general electionWest Virginia City clerk job is tough, rewarding
WIWisconsin History of women's voting rights on display in new exhibit
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