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Wednesday June 12, 2019
National NewsNational News John Lewis' tears over ancestor's voter card stir emotionsNational News Prisoners in just two states can vote. Here's why few doNational News Elizabeth Warren sounds very open to ranked choice votingNational News McConnell: Senate will hold election security briefingNational News House Aprops allocate $63.8B to DHSNational News Your right to vote depended on where you livedNational News House panel approves $408M boost for CISA
CACalifornia Riverside Co. proposes spending millions to replace vote-counting systems by 2020
FLFlorida Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott raises more than $3K for Project HUNGERFlorida Voting advocates keep registering felons despite new restrictions
ILIllinois Illinois elected women celebrate 100 years of women votingIllinois Officials may close NIU voter reg center
KSKansas Kansas submits three delinquent, one corrected annual report on use of federal voting grant
MEMaine Power outage delays some Eliot voting resultsMaine AVR bill moves step closer to law in Maine
MAMassachusetts Maynard town clerk's office is a 'doorway to local government'
MIMichigan Michigan elections board starts work on new petition rulesMichigan Flint mayoral candidate calls for clerk to resign--just before he's removed from the ballotMichigan Clerks certified
MOMissouri Some Jasper Co. voters have a new polling place
NHNew Hampshire Charlestown mother investigated for voter fraud after helping disabled son vote
NYNew York Expansion of voting rights expected to pass before session endsNew York NY bill would set 2020 presidential primary dateNew York Browncroft primary voters must go an extra mile
NCNorth Carolina Voter ID seminars to aid residents
OHOhio May primary election results affirmed in vote recountOhio Ohio elections chief orders security upgradesOhio Ohio elections chief orders counties to upgrade security
PAPennsylvania Bucks Co. hosting voting machine demonstrationPennsylvania Voters test new voting machines with paper records
PRPuerto Rico Puerto Rico seeks to move presidential primary to March
SCSouth Carolina Abbeville special election heads to a recount
TXTexas Changes made for Harris Co. voters during 2020 primariesTexas Tomahawks, brass knuckles, maces will still be banned from polling placesTexas Harris Co. wants joint primary elections for 2020Texas Harris GOP chair opposes Dem county clerk's primary idea
VAVirginia Stafford school wins voter registration challengeVirginia Voting kicks off quietly around ArlingtonVirginia Temporary technical snag hits Roanoke polling placesVirginia Voting slowly underway around TysonsVirginia Low voter turnout during primary elections in Va.Virginia Virginia election officials report low turnoutVirginia 'It's not a happy election': Primaries see low turnout and confusion over new districts
WVWest Virginia Secretary of state's office helping with nearly 100 municipal elections
WIWisconsin Voters who moved will have longer to fix registrationWisconsin 100 years later, Wisconsin celebrates ratification of amendment giving women right to voteWisconsin Election commission delays deactivation of voters who appear to move
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