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Tuesday August 27, 2019
National NewsNational News U.S. officials fear ransomware attack against 2020 electionNational News Groups push lawmakers for hearings on voting machine securityNational News DHS moves to defend voter registration databases
ALAlabama League honors 99 years of voting rights for womenAlabama Montgomery Co. elections prepared for big turnoutAlabama Polling places are changing in three Houston Co. precincts
AZArizona Why election results take days to report and how to change it
ARArkansas Sebastian Co. election panel chooses new officersArkansas Benton Co. adds vote center in Highfill
CACalifornia Workshop introduces high school students to voting process
FLFlorida Federal appeals court sides with former Broward election official on voter roll cleanupFlorida Longtime supervisor of elections not running again
GAGeorgia Chatham BOE looks to November
ILIllinois Davis gets look at efforts for election securityIllinois Illinois officials see positive steps on state election security
LALouisiana Registrar of voters office is doubling in size for easier votingLouisiana Louisiana to reintroduce 'I Voted' stickersLouisiana Secretary of state explains election security measures
MEMaine Senate passes ranked choice voting for March primariesMaine Janet Mills will decide on bill to switch Maine to ranked-choice voting
MIMichigan Voter registration tent aimed at MillennialsMichigan Secretary of state discusses new voter reg policiesMichigan County clerks have conference in Harris
MSMississippi Preparation underway for primary runoff electionsMississippi Appeals steam ahead after judge partly rejects voting suitMississippi Mississippians head to the polls for primary runoffsMississippi Poll workers prepare for Tuesday's runoff races
MOMissouri Green Co. clerk's office planning ahead for 2020 electionMissouri Boone Co. voters get first look at new voting machinesMissouri Big-name organizations challenge the state's voter ID law
MTMontana Touchscreen voting machines could debut in Montana this November
NJNew Jersey NJ lawmakers seek to clarify, fund state's vote-by-mail overhaulNew Jersey Senate approves vote-by-mail fix during rare summer sessionNew Jersey NJ hustles to solve problem with mail-in ballots
NMNew Mexico Las Cruces preps for first ranked choice election
NYNew York Early voting becomes unfunded mandate
NCNorth Carolina Over 900 new voters register during App State's move-in weekendNorth Carolina District 9 defendant: Didn't know actions were illegal 'don't know nothing about politics'North Carolina Charlotte teen registered people to vote as they waited in Popeyes line
OHOhio Voting rights group proposes new changes to voter registrationOhio Democrats call on secretary of state to halt deeply flawed voter purgeOhio Ohio secretary of state tours BOEOhio State election chief 'confident' in process to remove inactive voters
PAPennsylvania Privacy screens approved for Bradford Co. voting machines
SCSouth Carolina New paper-based voting system to help with Horry Co. election issues
TNTennessee Memphis Muslims sign up to vote as part of national voter reg drive
TXTexas County to consider elections commission
UTUtah This Utah woman proposed the resolution that led the state to ratify suffrage
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