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Tuesday September 10, 2019
National NewsNational News Poor People's Campaign to register voters on 20-state tourNational News Rights group: Southern U.S. states have closed 1,200 polling places in recent yearsNational News With next goal to secure 2020 elections, feds seek to absorb lessons from 2016National News Former DHS chiefs discuss the future of election interference
ARArkansas Voting machines get primary checkup
CACalifornia San Joaquin Co. to implement new voting systemCalifornia Elections officials prep for upcoming contestsCalifornia Long Beach LWV explore new voting approachCalifornia Santa Clara Co. supervisor wants more focus on election security
CTConnecticut Blumenthal, Merrill call for funding to keep elections secure ahead of 2020Connecticut No concerns for Tuesday's primaries, but elections officials say security funding sorely needed
FLFlorida Broward groups form Citizen Audit to oversee 2020 election process
GAGeorgia Lowndes gets new voting systemGeorgia In conversation about voting rights, people with disabilities often feel overlookedGeorgia Secretary of state visits Columbus to speak on new voting machines
INIndiana University senate passes voter ID resolutionIndiana IU encourages students to register to vote
IAIowa Student organization encourages students to register to vote
KSKansas Canvass yields few suprises
LALouisiana Study: Louisiana voters have fewer polling places after dozens shuttered in recent years
MEMaine Ranked choice voting and how it's being used in MaineMaine Local expert: Ranked choice will make 2020 presidential election 'historic'
MOMissouri First ever 'mail-in election' set for Franklin Co.
NHNew Hampshire 200 voters with no photo ID referred to NH AG
NJNew Jersey New Jersey and DHS are teaming up to spot potential election security risksNew Jersey Murphy undecided on VBM funding freeze
NYNew York Onondaga Co. elections commissioner denies driving for Uber on county timeNew York Governor looks to combine primary electionsNew York New York's election administration vacuumNew York The people who could overhaul New York's elections
NCNorth Carolina Homeland Security inspects county's election processNorth Carolina Dorian impacts 3rd Congressional District special election turnout
OHOhio Why using Ohio BMV list to register voters misses many: Far fewer young people driveOhio Wood Co. voter registrations culled as part of state effortOhio New server was installed in Allen Co. BOE
OKOklahoma Election board looking for hundreds of poll workers
PAPennsylvania Cumberland Co.'s choice for voting machine passes state reexaminationPennsylvania Pennsylvania to let voters apply online for absentee ballotsPennsylvania Pa. will allow voters to request absentee ballots online. That could help more votes get counted
SDSouth Dakota Legislators clean up elections rules ahead of 2020
TNTennessee Lawsuit against voter registration law can move forward, federal judge rulesTennessee Williamson Co. to debut convenience voting system in 2020Tennessee Local group concerned about voting machine reliability in upcoming electionTennessee Last of 2018 election lawsuits lingers with calls for forensic audit of voting machinesTennessee New Shelby Co. voting center to be named after James Meredith
TXTexas How a decade of voting rights fights led to fewer redistricting safeguards for Texas voters of color
VAVirginia Leesburg cookout to celebrate Voter Registration Day
WIWisconsin Probation plus jail time for Milwaukee man prosecutors say threatened to 'air out' polling place
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