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December 7-9, 2019
National NewsNational News House passes voting rights bill to restore protections struck down by SCOTUSNational News Leahy urges Senate to move on voting rightsNational News Top US cybersecurity officials to depart as election season enters full swing
ARArkansas Three counties to replace voting gear
COColorado Secretary of state's office rejects requests made in council letterColorado County clerk losing four more of her workersColorado Klobuchar brings campaign to Denver, stresses voting rights at town hall
GAGeorgia Groups claim new voting machines will cost counties millions extraGeorgia Voting site in majority-black district is reopened after grass-roots fightGeorgia After being advised of law, elections board reverses directionGeorgia Education now primary concern on new Ga. voting machines
ILIllinois County clerk redesigns voter registration
INIndiana Experts say 2020 primary election may exceed 2018 record-breaking voter turnout numbers
KYKentucky Online voting not coming soon, officials say
MEMaine Kennebunkport prepares for do-over election
MAMassachusetts Wes Slate retiring as Beverly city clerkMassachusetts Northampton charter changesMassachusetts City election recount underway in BostonMassachusetts Voters in Marlborough's Ward 5 will now cast ballots as Masonic Lodge
MIMichigan Kanine to serve as new Emmet Co. clerk
MNMinnesota Some townships going to mail ballots
MSMississippi Another Mississippi county to return to paper voting ballots
MOMissouri County clerk's office signs up for $3,849.17 grant for canvass
NENebraska Process, not person at center of lawsuit over NE electionsNebraska Officials respond to lawsuit
NHNew Hampshire Tiny Dixville Notch may see its midnight tradition disappear
NJNew Jersey Ravitz files Morris Twp. election appealNew Jersey Morris leads New Jersey in uncounted ballots
NMNew Mexico Half-day off proposed for city of Santa Fe employees to vote
NCNorth Carolina Late notice from voting machine maker as they press for new approvalNorth Carolina Voter photo ID educational mailing being delivered to NC residencesNorth Carolina Will Bladen Co. vote on Sundays? State board will decideNorth Carolina Local BOE approves early voting plan for 2020
OHOhio Election officials increasing cybersecurity ahead of 2020Ohio Few Ohio county BOEs have adopted digital alarm used to detect hacksOhio Deadline looming for Ohio's county BOEs to complete new state security requirements
OKOklahoma Oklahoma increases election security efforts after 2016 election
OROregon Veteran Oregon services head seeks secretary of state
PAPennsylvania Voting-machine upgrade stirs partisan clash in Pa.
TXTexas Land: Discrepancy not because of machinesTexas District judge approved petition to open ballot boxesTexas House passes voting rights bill with Texas in its sightsTexas Floresville officials sue their colleagues over probably illegal move of election date
UTUtah Should Utah skip balloting for areas without a contested election?
VAVirginia Democrats' voting proposals include scrapping photo ID requirement, allowing no-excuse absentee voting
WVWest Virginia County incurs maintenance fees on unused voting machinesWest Virginia Fayette Co. appoints new interim county clerk
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