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Thursday December 12, 2019
National NewsNational News National Democratic groups litigate 2020 in the courtsNational News U.S. to enhance cybersecurity ahead of elections
AZArizona Gila County recorder's Apache voter outreachArizona Maricopa Co. officials approve 2020 election plans
CACalifornia El Dorado Co. registrar of voters urging residents to check their mailCalifornia Computer glitch changes voters' party affiliation
COColorado Carbondale avoids hand counting 2020 ballots
CTConnecticut Wallingford considers moving eastside polling place over concerns about access
FLFlorida Florida officially joins national voter database networkFlorida Florida's elections overhaul delayed, supervisor say
GAGeorgia Georgia elections chief says 2020 could top 5M votersGeorgia County leaders want to remove precinct-based voting locationsGeorgia Ga. secretary of state stops in Savannah ahead of new voting machine rolloutGeorgia Here's how Georgia's new voting machines work
INIndiana National and regional voting challenges encourage students to vote
IAIowa Panel recommends streamlined application, but not executive order on felon voting rightsIowa Iowa prisons take step to facilitate felon voting rights restoration
MAMassachusetts Galvin calls resignation letter voter suppressionMassachusetts Candidate sues Salem over one-vote election lossMassachusetts Ryan sues election officials in Ward 6 vote
MIMichigan Lawsuit: Detroit has thousands of dead people on voter listsMichigan Advocacy group attacks Detroit's voting rolls
MOMissouri Boone Co. LWV celebrates 100th anniversary
NENebraska School ballot initiative would be first all mail-in election in North Platte
NYNew York NYS GOP chairman sues governor, NYSBOE over special election
NCNorth Carolina Commissioner hear plan to consolidate precincts, buy new voting machinesNorth Carolina New Hanover to spend nearly $1M to buy new voting equipmentNorth Carolina Mecklenburg Co. elections officials working on 'plan B' amid voting concerns
OHOhio 18 people illegally voted both in Ohio and other states in 2018 secretary of state saysOhio Why one Ohio county was left out of the voter 'purge'Ohio LaRose alerts Summit, seven other counties to possible voter fraud cases
OKOklahoma Some residents don't realize they're eligible to vote in Oklahoma City elections
PAPennsylvania Clarion Co. chooses voting machine vendorPennsylvania Pike Co. voters getting more comfortable with paperPennsylvania Schuykill commissioners OK plan to buy new voting machinesPennsylvania New voting machines arrive in WashingtonPennsylvania Beaver Co. to scan absentee ballots at courthousePennsylvania Lackawanna Co. OKs purchase of new voting system
SCSouth Carolina Judge: South Carolina GOP can cancel its 2020 primary
TNTennessee No paper trail by Super Tuesday for 2nd big Tennessee county
TXTexas How Thursday's Midland ballot count will play outTexas Direct Action Texas discusses Midland bond electionTexas County commissioners set vote center hearing
WVWest Virginia Warner asks residents to respond to postcard confirming their voter registrationWest Virginia Council proposes selective recount in ballot battle
WIWisconsin Spreitzer introduces ranked choice voting bill
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