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February 14-17, 2020
National NewsNational News CISA outlines its role in helping states with election securityNational News 19th Amendment, 19 Women: NY Philharmonic's 2020 Program Celebrates Suffragettes
Tech NewsTech News Voatz defends blockchain solution for its voting via appTech News Major tech firms have 'fundamental responsibility' to protect US elections, Microsoft's president says
AKAlaska Ballot selfies are now legal in Anchorage
AZArizona Supervisors designate polling places for primaryArizona History buffs celebrate women's right to vote centennialArizona Phoenix debate could scramble voters' and election officials' plans
ARArkansas Running low on Pulaski Co. poll workers, official says
CACalifornia LA Co. built its new voting machines from scratch. Will they be ready?California Wrong ballot or party registration? You can fix it and still vote on March 3California Thousands of SLO Co. voters receive 2 ballotsCalifornia New California law aims to make it faster for voters to update registration on Election DayCalifornia Retirements in key positions cause delay in release of sample ballotsCalifornia County officials aim to change 'abysmal' youth voter turnout in Yolo Co.
COColorado Some Colorado 17-year-olds can vote in the presidential primaryColorado Colorado has both a caucus and a primary next month. Here's how they will work
FLFlorida PBC elections ransomware attack raises security questionsFlorida Zepto, the ransomware that hit Palm Beach Co. elections officeFlorida Supervisor of elections urges voters to consider vote-by-mailFlorida Elections office open late Tuesday to register primary voters
GAGeorgia Georgia ships last of 30K voting machines for March primaryGeorgia Secretary of state says voting machine deliveries completeGeorgia Elections officials preparing to use new equipmentGeorgia Sheriff, NAACP register dozens of DeKalb jail inmates to voteGeorgia League of Women Voters hold voter reg event
ILIllinois Illinois working to protect elections after 2016Illinois Kendall Co. clerk goes over new election securityIllinois DuPage board members question county clerk's decision to spend money on staff bonuses
KSKansas Democrats sue over Kansas delay in start of 'vote anywhere'Kansas Kansas GOP splits over new law making it easier to vote
LALouisiana Groups argue lack of paper trail could threaten Louisiana election's integrityLouisiana Secretary of state speaks about election security
MEMaine Portland voters asked to expand ranked-choice voting
MIMichigan Secretary of state urges businesses to give employees Election Day offMichigan Election officials calling for earlier deadline to finalize ballots amid mail-in ballot spikeMichigan Bills targeting absentee voting move to Senate floorMichigan State blames post office error for returned absentee ballotsMichigan Absentee ballot requests up in MP, not so in the outcountyMichigan County clerk on upcoming primary election
MNMinnesota Judge tosses conservatives from MN voting rights caseMinnesota From disinformation to hackers, new 'cybernavigator' racing to protect Minnesota's 2020 elections
MOMissouri Election officials say online reg expanded voter rolls
NENebraska Rally held in opposition to proposed voter ID law in Nebraska
NHNew Hampshire Portsmouth sees 46% voter turnout in primary
NCNorth Carolina Early voting underway in Lenoir Co. with new voting machinesNorth Carolina Voters like paper ballots in early votingNorth Carolina No one removed from office over Pledge of Allegiance arrest threats in BladenNorth Carolina Veteran election staffer now directorNorth Carolina Voters head to the polls as early voting begins in North CarolinaNorth Carolina Protestors at a polling site during early voting wave Confederate flags, shout slursNorth Carolina NCSBE: 'Bladen Board of Elections...need to get their affairs in order'North Carolina You don't need an ID to vote. You do need a pen
NDNorth Dakota Vote centers could make voting easier in Cass Co.North Dakota North Dakota, Native American tribes reach agreement on voter ID requirements
OHOhio Millions spent to safeguard Ohio elections: What's really going onOhio Elections board member LaRose forced to resign over security concerns fires backOhio Mencer resigns from local board of elections
OROregon Two rumored entrants in secretary of state race indicate they'll stay outOregon MIT finds Oregon voting app vulnerable, Wyden and developers respond
PAPennsylvania New voting system, election laws for primaryPennsylvania County purchases digital ballot scannerPennsylvania Allegheny Co. unveils new voter websitePennsylvania St. Ann polling place in Bristol staying putPennsylvania Luzerne Co. election director issues plea for poll workersPennsylvania Lechman confident county will be ready for voting changes, 2020 electionsPennsylvania What does it take to run an election in PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Pa. officials worry about new voting machines, new law in 2020 elections
RIRhode Island Council divided on playtime at the polls
SCSouth Carolina Advocates raise awareness for accessible voting machinesSouth Carolina Selection process for Richland Co. elections director drags on
TXTexas On voting machines, poll watchers, photo IDs: A Q&A with local election officialsTexas Harris Co. launches multilingual virtual poll worker program for primaryTexas Tarrant Co. wants you to vote so much they'll pay to give you a ride to the pollsTexas Early voting for the Super Tuesday primary begins Tuesday
UTUtah Retelling Utah's suffragette history to empower modern women
VTVermont Vermont missed being the deciding vote on women's suffrage--or did it?
VAVirginia Charlottesville saw fewer new voter registrations than expectedVirginia County proposes moving registrar's office to Albemarle SquareVirginia Russel Co. relocates Cleveland Precinct voting location due to flooding
WAWashington Vancouver eyes ranked choice votingWashington Security concerns ahead of Washington's primary
WVWest Virginia Secretary of state pushes back on claims of vulnerabilities for mobile voting appWest Virginia Death threats and illegal voting: The war over a luxury resort in Harpers Ferry
WIWisconsin What local poll workers are instructed to do if the state thinks you movedWisconsin Election day: What you need to know about Tuesday's Milwaukee-area primaries
WYWyoming Group explores ranked choice voting in forum
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