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Thursday March 5, 2020
National NewsNational News How Super Tuesday unfoldedNational News Why are 'I Voted' stickers such a big dealNational News Top DHS official says no 'malicious cyber activity' seen on Super TuesdayNational News Super Tuesday gives feds and states at test run for securing November voteNational News Why did it take so long to vote in Texas and California?National News What to know about the election security situation after Super TuesdayNational News US Cyber Command leader says election security is agency's 'top priority'
ALAlabama County probate judge addresses voting machine technical supportAlabama Nunn: Aside from a few minor mishaps, election 'went well'
AKAlaska Traveling exhibit of Alaska suffragists is headed to a town near you
ARArkansas Sebastian Co. sees lower voter turnoutArkansas Washington Co. poll workers have communication delays
CACalifornia Long lines, voting machine problems frustrate votersCalifornia Results are coming in for the primary. Why counting ballots will take weeksCalifornia Super Tuesday was slow for voters in West HollywoodCalifornia LA Co. plagued by polling place problems on Super TuesdayCalifornia Long lines at college voting centers in the South BayCalifornia Confusion, computer mishaps don't seem to slow down Bay Area votersCalifornia What went wrong with the first teat of LA County's new voting systemCalifornia Probe of LA Co. voting problems needed now, supervisor saysCalifornia How to track your California mail-in ballot through the counting processCalifornia Sonoma Co. expects roughly half of votes to have been counted on election dayCalifornia More than 100K ballots remain to count in SFCalifornia Voters rush voting assistance centers at deadline, clerk saysCalifornia Problems inside and outside Ranch Mirage precinctCalifornia County elections office experiences a few hiccups with write-in votes, new voting machinesCalifornia Voter turnout in LA Co. in 2020 nearly half of 2016 primaryCalifornia Voting changes, computer glitches and short staffing mar CA primaryCalifornia LA Co. registrar apologizes for long voting lines, technical glitchesCalifornia Voting in Orange Co. a success, registrar of voters saysCalifornia Official results in Kern Co. might not be ready until AprilCalifornia At least 40% of Sonoma Co. ballots to remain uncountedCalifornia Half of California's votes may still need to be countedCalifornia Roughly 40K ballots remain to be counted in Santa Barbara Co.California 80K ballots left to count in FresnoCalifornia With so many mail ballots, it's no longer Election Day, it's Election MonthCalifornia After election night glitch, ballot counting going smoothly in SLO Co.California Southeast San Diego voters find polling place reassigned
COColorado Lake Co. contacted some unaffiliated voters after failing to record what primary they voted inColorado 'Believe me, that will never happen again'Colorado Fremont Co. Clerk: 'Turnout simply phenomenal'Colorado After primary, some wonder if it's time to move to ranked-choice voting
CTConnecticut Coventry officials still worry about registrar's lack of certification
DEDelaware Wilmington polling place moved back inside city in time for primary
FLFlorida Lake Co. election leaders address voter reg fraudFlorida As concerns grow about coronavirus, SOEs say vote-by-mail is always an optionFlorida Polk presidential primary concerns: Info requests raise privacy issues for mail-in votersFlorida Can Florida voters get an early vote redo?Florida More than 100 falsified voter applications received in Lake Co.Florida Florida polling locations taking extra steps to lower coronavirus risk during primariesFlorida Vote-by-mail allows residents to vote at home amid public health concernsFlorida Local organization wants college campuses to be early voting stationsFlorida Coronavirus fears are keeping poll workers away
GAGeorgia First day of early voting with new machines goes smoothlyGeorgia Elections chief: Voting on new machines 'quite easy'Georgia Athens discards new voting touchscreens over ballot secrecyGeorgia Georgia secretary of state issues tips to local election officials to prevent spread of sicknessGeorgia Lawyer warned Ga. county on dumping new voting system
ILIllinois Champaign, Vermillion clerks have plans to fight coronavirusIllinois Polling places prepare for possible spread of coronavirusIllinois Stephenson Co. begins usage of new voting machinesIllinois Rock Island Co. GOP needs more volunteer election judges
INIndiana Many county officials thought vote center plan was a done dealIndiana Indiana's IDEA touted as replacement for CrosscheckIndiana With 2 months until primary, an update on new equipment, voting options
IAIowa Iowa Senate passes bill tying restitution payment to felon voting rightsIowa Senate passes felon voting restrictions, governor supports compromise
KYKentucky Beshear launches felony voting rights restoration websiteKentucky A new website allows 152K KY felons to see if their voting rights were restored
MEMaine Lewiston officials apologize for election day woesMaine Secretary of state's office updates lawmakers on automatic voter regMaine Maine election officials surprised by high turnout after polling places run out of ballotsMaine Higher voter turnout drives long lines; some towns forced to photocopy ballots after running low
MAMassachusetts Long line, warm collars at Precinct 15 in PlymouthMassachusetts City clerk apologizes for running out of ballotsMassachusetts Taunton High students get real life civics lessonMassachusetts Voter mishaps highlight need for same-day registration, advocates say
MIMichigan Meridian Twp. officials question missed deadlines for appointing precinct workersMichigan Ann Arbor sees surge of absentee ballot requests for primaryMichigan Kent Co. preparing for primary turnoutMichigan Absentee ballot trend continues to growMichigan Some municipalities use absentee ballot counting boardsMichigan Dearborn schools to remain open during primariesMichigan 8,121 Michigan residents have 'spoiled' their primary ballotsMichigan Bollin opposed to early counting of absenteesMichigan Meridian Twp. clerk under fire after missed deadlinesMichigan More than 8,100 absentee ballots have been recastMichigan Houghton Co. adding 'selfie stations' for primary
MNMinnesota Former felon cast ballot on Super TuesdayMinnesota Secretary of state: Super Tuesday website mistake won't be repeatedMinnesota For some southern MN voters, the primary wasn't the only change they saw this electionMinnesota Lawmakers question election security funding after poll finder errorMinnesota Early votes for non-candidates in MN lead some to call for primary changesMinnesota MN voter turnout was up 177% over 2016 caucuses
MSMississippi Secretary of state says MS prepared for primaries
MOMissouri New voting machines in St. Louis Co. ready for TuesdayMissouri Election officials preparing for coronavirus concernsMissouri Local poll workers explain how they keep voters safe at the polls
NVNevada Nevada women's suffrage marker unveiled in Las Vegas
NCNorth Carolina Super Tuesday in North Carolina: How the election was runNorth Carolina Slow election returns caused by problems elsewhere in stateNorth Carolina ECSU students asked to show ID at the pollsNorth Carolina BOE director praises new voting machinesNorth Carolina How did Guilford's new voting system work?North Carolina Another voting lawsuit in NC, this time over new absentee fraud rulesNorth Carolina Snafu doesn't slow local elections
NDNorth Dakota County election officials in Bismarck for training
OHOhio Voting location changes for primaryOhio Preparing for first-ever St. Pat's primary revealed some problemsOhio Tuscarawas Co. BOE seeks new deputy director
OKOklahoma Nearly 70 years watching the vote
OROregon State Sen. Mark Hass wins endorsement of Teamsters in secretary of state race
PAPennsylvania Clearfield Co. elections office outlines voting changesPennsylvania New Pa. voting law allowing mail-in ballot to impact statewide votersPennsylvania New voting processes in Luzerne Co.Pennsylvania Philly may almost double the budget of its elections office
TNTennessee County sees 'relatively good turnout' with rollout of vote centersTennessee Official: Nashville voters turned out in tornado's aftermath
TXTexas Long lines in Texas renew accusations of voter suppresionTexas Bexar Co.'s new voting system 'crashed' 3 times, tying up race results, election chief saysTexas Super Tuesday brought 25 voting centers in Collin Co. wait times over 40 minutesTexas Human error blamed for extreme wait times at some Travis Co. polling sitesTexas Bexar Co. elections dept. investigating glitchTexas Harris Co. to add voting machines, expand community outreachTexas Dallas, Tarrant county judges believe voting issues on Super Tuesday will help prepare for upcoming electionsTexas Travis Co. voters faced long lines on Super Tuesday, but they had choices, clerk saysTexas Shorter wait times, more poll workers the goal for November electionTexas Dallas Co. to step up outreach on countywide polling locationsTexas Voting lines in Texas spotlight concerns about access to the pollsTexas Bexar Co. officials point to tech issues to explain delayed resultsTexas Five reasons Election Day lines were so long in TexasTexas County election staff prep for next electionTexas Who's to blame for long lines on Super Tuesday? Depends on who you askTexas Candidate left off the ballot in two counties. What happens next?
UTUtah Utah sees record-breaking turnout during first Super Tuesday primaryUtah Weber Co. has just one polling station. Is that enough?
VTVermont Vermont sees strong turnout
VAVirginia Provisional Super Tuesday ballots counted in Roanoke
WVWest Virginia Secretary of state opts for different voting app
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