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Wednesday March 18, 2020
National NewsNational News Primary states voting Tuesday take steps to limit coronavirus risksNational News Voters confront pandemic-fueled confusion at the pollsNational News Minorities, youth and poor face longest lines in primary electionsNational News Election commission hires cyber-savvy advisorNational News Experts urge states to expand voting by mailNational News Illinois stumbles as states see light voter turnout, with many ballots in the mailNational News Dem Party chairman urges state that have not yet held primaries to vote by mail, expand early votingNational News Federal agency allows states to use security funds for cleaning supplies to fight coronavirus
ALAlabama Attorney general says runoff election can be potponedAlabama AG says governor can postpone March 31 runoffs
AZArizona Voting steady despite coronavirus concernsArizona Maricopa Co.: Short lines and little confusion so farArizona Handful of polling places late to openArizona Maricopa Co. voters no longer have assigned polling placesArizona Arizona presses ahead with primary in shadow of coronavirusArizona Officials report steady turnout, smooth votingArizona Names of 78 'protected voters' in AZ mistakenly revealedArizona Early voting makes for big turnout in primaryArizona Primary draws few people to the polls in Graham, Greenlee counties
ARArkansas After wrangle, Jefferson Co. to proceed with runoff as scheduledArkansas Think safety for runoffs, counties told
CACalifornia Blocked from the ballot: Meet Jack Vaile, who as cerebral palsyCalifornia Contra Costa Co. clerk-recorder and elections limit public access
COColorado Colorado secretary of state's office suspending in-person meetingsColorado Delta Co. municipal election will an all mail election
CTConnecticut Connecticut, other states talk about delaying 'Acela Primary'Connecticut Registrars and clerks push for delay of primary
DEDelaware Newarkers urged to vote absentee in April 14 council election
FLFlorida Several polling precincts in PBC reporting issuesFlorida Follow our coverage of the PPP in Collier Co.Florida Turnout low in early hours of voting Tampa BayFlorida Voters across South Florida head to the polls amid coronavirus concernsFlorida Delray Beach precincts fail to open on timeFlorida Missing polling sites, confusion as voters contend with coronavirus falloutFlorida After serving her time in prison, Sarasota woman goes to the pollsFlorida Poll workers not showing up in PBCFlorida Supervisor of elections talks election day amid coronavirusFlorida Election day in the Bay Area with concernsFlorida Duval elections chief: Voting will look, feel differentFlorida Low turnout in Martin Co.Florida Polls remain steady Tuesday despite fear of coronavirusFlorida St. Lucie Co. voter turnout extremely low amid concerns over coronavirusFlorida Florida primary elections continue despite coronavirus fearsFlorida Florida rejects requests to offer voting accommodations despite coronavirusFlorida Primary voting in Leon Co. going 'very smoothly'Florida Voting goes smoothlyFlorida Poll worker shortage forces South Florida voters to scrambleFlorida Citing coronavirus, activists sue to extend vote-by-mail deadlineFlorida Amid coronavirus crisis, Florida's top elections official defends primaryFlorida PBC voters deal with closed polls, late openings, broken machines, long linesFlorida Flagler Co. sees decrease in voter turnout, increase in vote-by-mailFlorida Tabulation smooth after virus fears cause poll worker no-shows
ILIllinois Illinois primary continues during coronavirus concernsIllinois Voting hours extended at 40 Suburban Cook Co. precinctsIllinois Election Day: Low turnout, polling problems and political squabbling amid coronavirusIllinois Election volunteers taking precautionsIllinois Voters turnout at polls in Batavia despite coronavirusIllinois Shortage of judges, voting equipment reported on city's North SideIllinois Illinois officials point fingers over primary voting issuesIllinois Illinois, Chicago election officials spar over coronavirus decisionIllinois Polling places moved last minute, missing ballot boxes, no hand sanitizer: 'This election day is a disaster'Illinois As voting gets off to shaky start in Chicago, officials blame Pritzker for not postponing electionIllinois Pritzker fires back at Chicago elections boardIllinois Lake Co.'s election moves forward with fewer election judges, some polling sites busier than othersIllinois Voter turnout in McLean Co. light because of coronavirus and early votingIllinois County clerk: Slow equipment to blame for voting delaysIllinois Voters shrug off virus worries as they head to the pollsIllinois Coronavirus forced polling place changes in Arlington Heights and Buffalo GroveIllinois Shortage of election judges causes shifting in Champaign, Macon CountiesIllinois All metro-east polls open, despite cancellations by judgesIllinois In Aurora area, a primary election in the age of coronavirus 'wasn't a normal time'Illinois Workers not showing up at one Barrington area polling place, no hand sanitizer at anotherIllinois 'If I'm living, I'm voting'Illinois Meet one of the poll workers who helped democracy happenIllinois Some polling places turn away voters amid 'extremely low' turnoutIllinois Low turnout, some polling problems amid pandemicIllinois At Decatur-area polls, masks and hand sanitizer are part of the coronavirus normalIllinois Election volunteers take precautionsIllinois Voters head to the polls in Clay Co.Illinois Some Cook Co. polling places open an extra hourIllinois DeKalb Co. Clerk: Election day ran smoothIllinois Will Co. clerk, poll workers manage electionIllinois 2 Barrington voters turnout to cast their ballots and ended up being election judgesIllinois McHenry Co. polling locations rely on former election judgesIllinois Ela Library polling place staying open till 7:55pm
INIndiana Lake Co. still preparing to hold May 5 electionsIndiana Clerk encouraging mail votingIndiana Lake election board approves new consolidated precincts for May primaryIndiana 'Everything is on the table': Election board holds emergency planning meeting
IAIowa Woodbury Co. officials urge residents to vote by mailIowa Officials encourage people to vote by mail in upcoming special elections
KYKentucky Jefferson Co. clerk says to stop visiting office, offers optionsKentucky Trigg Co. clerk's office closing to public
MDMaryland Maryland postpones primary, shifts special election to mail votingMaryland Maryland primary moves to June; special election moves to mailMaryland Washington Co. BOE prepares for delayed primary
MAMassachusetts With sanitizer and social distancing, Bedford holds its town electionMassachusetts Norton town election postponed in wake of coronavirusMassachusetts A clerk was in charge of Brokton's health dept. when coronavirus hitMassachusetts Niko Vangjeli chosen to be Worcester city clerk
MIMichigan Mich. election officials: Ocasio-Cortez's 'voter suppression' comment 'dangerous'Michigan Secretary of state explores options for May 5 election
MOMissouri Four metro counties join effort to get courts to move April 7 election June 2Missouri Will coronavirus mean more Missourians can cast absentee ballotsMissouri Lennon joins petition to reschedule municipal election
MTMontana Candidates calling for all-mail balloting in June
NENebraska Sarpy election commissioner to send mail-in ballot applications to all registered votersNebraska Lancaster Co. looks to reduce the number of people going to the polls on election day
NHNew Hampshire Will NH expand vote-by-mail options in response to coronavirus
NJNew Jersey Thousands of former NJ prison inmates can now register to voteNew Jersey County clerk advises college students, others to vote by mailNew Jersey In Bergen, barriers to all VBM elections
NYNew York Cuomo: No plans yet to postpone April 28 primary
NCNorth Carolina Runoff election may see changes
OHOhio OH BOEs adapting to primary day changeOhio Elections boards moving ahead with directiveOhio 'We tried to get the word out': Butler Co. adjusts to election postponementOhio Ohio's primary postponement sows confusion among votersOhio Ohio primary postponed: Legal filings spark 'wild ride' for poll workersOhio Paulding Co. election officials, residents react to postponed primaryOhio With voting postponed, Clark Co. absentee applications risingOhio Ohio primary voter confusion dealt with locally on TuesdayOhio Ohio elections delayed, but plans in place for JuneOhio Secretary of state: 'It was simply untenable' to tell Ohioans to go to the pollsOhio Stark Co. officials informing voters amid election confusionOhio What you need to know about changes made to primaryOhio Thousands of poll workers confused by conflicting messages about primaryOhio Decision to delay primary followed by 12 hours of chaosOhio Despite confusion from the state, Ross Co. BOE kept workingOhio A few Ohio voters still go to closed pollsOhio 'We're in the fog of war.' Here's how Ohio canceled an election and sent the state into confusionOhio How coronavirus, official miscues delayed Ohio's primaryOhio Ohio elections delayed, but plans in place for JuneOhio BOE director accused of stealing political signsOhio Late night at board of electionsOhio An unprecedented 24 hours
PAPennsylvania Latrobe voting machine demonstrations postponedPennsylvania Some voters brave coronavirus warnings for special electionPennsylvania County officials fear they can't pull off April 28 primary without changesPennsylvania Pa. elections officials are pleading with the state to move the primaryPennsylvania Clearfield Co. cancels demos on new voting systemPennsylvania 'Our poll workers are warriors,' director says as polls remain open in Pa.Pennsylvania County asks state to delay April 28 primaryPennsylvania State touts mail-in option for primary
RIRhode Island Elections board votes to move RI primary to June
TNTennessee Election commission OKs its new budget proposal
TXTexas Governor, local candidates feel May elections in doubtTexas What happens when two Texas counties forget to put a race on the ballotTexas Runoff elections, local races in flux
VAVirginia Anyone can vote by mail in May city electionsVirginia Va. officials say all voters can cast ballots by mail for May municipal elections
WAWashington Secretary of state asks gov to cancel April special elections
WIWisconsin More than 173K Wisconsin voters request absentee ballotsWisconsin Lena Taylor files complaint with election officials over mayor's visit to polling place
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