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Thursday March 19, 2020
National NewsNational News These 2020 primary voters face extra hurdles in pandemicNational News Tuesday primary turnout slumps amid coronavirus anxietyNational News Hart InterCivic commit to safe, secure electionsNational News Only Congress could change date of November electionNational News Nationwide drive to safeguard voting intensifies as coronavirus spreadsNational News Dems introduce bill to promote mail-in votingNational News The Thorny Road to the 19th AmendmentNational News Voting by mail is the hot new idea. Is there time to make it work?National News Coronavirus has already disrupted the election. Some states are looking to vote-by-mail as a solutionNational News States urged to clarify election procedures during pandemic
ALAlabama Alabama primary runoff election delayedAlabama Gov. Kay Ivey postpones March 31 runoff
AKAlaska Senate celebrates 100th anniversary of women's suffrage
AZArizona Arizona elections chief seeks move toward all-mail electionsArizona Secretary of state wants all-mail voting across AZ for 2020
ARArkansas Runoff vote stays, county says
CACalifornia Nevada Co. suspends in-person clerk-recorder and elections services beginning March 19California San Bernardino Co. elections officials continue ballot count during coronavirus outbreakCalifornia As coronavirus spreads, will key congressional election in LA co. still happen?California California counties looking at all-mail elections
CTConnecticut Vernon staging drive-up voting for crucial town meetingConnecticut Absentee ballots could be available for all as CT primary still on schedule
DEDelaware Delaware to move forward with April 28 primary
FLFlorida Hillsborough elections offices to close due to coronavirusFlorida Celebrating 100 years of women's suffrageFlorida PBC hit hardest by poll worker shortageFlorida Turnout down in Escambia and Santa Rosa countiesFlorida Coronavirus contributed to voter turnout plunge for TuesdayFlorida Coronavirus could change the way Florida holds August electionFlorida In-person voting in FL was down during coronavirus. Are mail ballots the answerFlorida 99-year-old poll worker shows up
GAGeorgia Voting by mail safest bet, Augusta election official says
IDIdaho Idaho Dems call for all absentee mail-in ballot election for May primary
ILIllinois Election judge: Turnout at one precinct half what it usually isIllinois Whiteside Co. residents face virus fears to voteIllinois Mail-in ballot will sway tied Winnebago Co. raceIllinois Nearly all votes tallied in Cook Co.; about 71K mail-in ballots haven't arrivedIllinois 'We held an election'Illinois Chicago voter turnout down from the 2018 primaryIllinois Early voting a key player in election across stateIllinois Pandemic-closed polling places spurred confusion at some precinctsIllinois Election officials: Tuesday 'no average election'
INIndiana Indiana political parties want vote-by-mail for May primaryIndiana Porter Co. gearing up for primary early votingIndiana Election board talks voting centersIndiana Congressional candidate calls for postponing primaryIndiana State might ease absentee votingIndiana Vote absentee or by mail, Porter Co. election officials urge
IAIowa County auditors stress voting by mailIowa Cedar Falls special election postponed
KYKentucky Jefferson County clerk's offices temporarily close building to public
MDMaryland Election rights advocates call for Maryland to send ballots by mail in June primaryMaryland Maryland's primary is postponed because of coronavirus. Here's what voters need to knowMaryland 7th Congressional District race will be Maryland's first test of a mail-only ballot system
MAMassachusetts Coronavirus concerns sparking debate over canceling March 31 special senate electionMassachusetts Town clerks want state senate election postponed
MIMichigan Coronavirus outbreak causing May election concerns for Kalamazoo Co.
MSMississippi Lowndes elections to return to paper ballotsMississippi Natchez leaders seek to delay municipal election cycle
MOMissouri Missouri municipal elections delayed to June 2Missouri Missouri gov pushes April elections to JuneMissouri Local election authorities, candidates OK with voting delayMissouri County clerk: Hopefully things 'settle down' by delayed election dateMissouri Johnson Co. clerk gives update on specific details related to postponement
MTMontana Elections chief says wait and see about primariesMontana State elections chief monitoring coronavirus situation as primary nearsMontana Montana officials advocate for voting by mail
NENebraska Gage Co. prepares for election amid virus concernsNebraska No plans to move Nebraska's primaryNebraska LPS wants to closed schools on election day to avoid congestion at polling placesNebraska County getting ready for regular election--so far
NJNew Jersey 2 parolees first to re-register to vote as NJ returns right to former prisonersNew Jersey Future of AC special election could be decided Thursday
NMNew Mexico No plans to delay primaries, and SOS encourages vote-by-mail
NYNew York Herkimer Co. BOE to Cuomo: Delay primaries
NCNorth Carolina Four who lost in Dem primary in Winston-Salem file election protest
OHOhio Ohio considers vote-from-home primaryOhio Franklin Co. considering paying poll workers for postponed primaryOhio Mead: Coronavirus election postponement allows voters to cast ballots safelyOhio Election postponed? What happens next for Butler Co. voters?Ohio Jefferson Co. poll workers caught up in confusionOhio Ohio Supreme Court moving to rule quickly on primary election disputeOhio Coronavirus delays primary; County BOE assures integrity of voteOhio Poll closings lead to chaos for election workersOhio What the heck just happened: Your questions about Ohio's primary election
OKOklahoma State election emergency declaredOklahoma Oklahoma elections secretary: Localities can reschedule April 7 electionsOklahoma Concerns could result in expanded mail-in balloting
OROregon How do you safely vote in pandemic? By mail of course
PAPennsylvania PA special elections run without problems, despite coronavirus concernsPennsylvania Pennsylvania primary could be postponed due to coronavirusPennsylvania Berks Co. elections officials urge state to delay primaryPennsylvania New voting machine demo canceled in MurrysvillePennsylvania Who actually has the power to postpone the Pennsylvania primary?
RIRhode Island RI secretary of state concerned about rescheduling primary
TNTennessee Madison Co. election commission discusses election, coronavirus
TXTexas Gov. Abbott allows for postponement of local elections amid coronavirus outbreakTexas Harris Co. officials settle lawsuit agreeing to disclose records of foreign nationals who voted in TXTexas Lubbock's May elections could get postponedTexas Election officials consider reroute of senior voting centerTexas Coronavirus could postpone Texas municipal elections until NovemberTexas County elections official encourages postponing May election
VAVirginia Vote absentee from home in Accomack town electionsVirginia Absentee voting by mail encouraged for Fredericksburg electionVirginia Bristol registrar working to accommodate absentee voting
WAWashington Auditor's office to close to public beginning on March 18
WVWest Virginia Secretary of state opens absentee voting to virtually all votersWest Virginia Facing coronavirus, WV secretary of state expand access to absentee ballotWest Virginia Lewis Co. clerk stresses absentee voting
WIWisconsin April 7 election will be 'drastically changed' because of coronavirusWisconsin Dems sue to extend Wisconsins' deadlines for online voter reg and counting absentee ballotsWisconsin Democrats sue to change WI election laws amid coronavirusWisconsin Drive-through absentee voting starts March 23Wisconsin State election officials spar over possible postponement of April 7 election
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