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Friday March 27, 2020
National NewsNational News COVID-19 delays US primaries, sparks worries for November electionNational News States begin preparations for mail-in voting in presidential electionNational News Coronavirus 'worst case scenario': Could the presidential vote by done by mail?National News Will COVID-19 change the way we vote come November?National News How black women fought to secure the right to voteNational News Safeguarding elections in a pandemicNational News As election security concerns rise, paperless voting fallsNational News Senate Dems vow to keep pushing for more funds for mail-in votingNational News The coronavirus could change how we vote in 2020 and beyondNational News What are the challenges of holding elections in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic?National News USPS issues statement on mail service during COVID-19 outbreakNational News National Guard's 2020 election protection
ALAlabama SPLC: Ivey's statements on absentee balloting 'irresponsible'
CACalifornia Official canvass for PPE has been completed
FLFlorida Florida groups scramble to register voters amid COVID-19Florida Westlake's election day rollercoaster: Rescheduled, then postponed, and now officially offFlorida Federal judge warns Florida: Fix felon voting rights process or 'I will'Florida 2 Broward poll workers test positive for coronavirusFlorida Florida held its primary despite coronavirus. Two Broward poll workers tested positive
GAGeorgia House Speaker Ralston wants primary delayed until summerGeorgia Macon-Bibb BOE holds teleconference meetingGeorgia Ga. House speaker wants election delayed again
ILIllinois Champaign Co. clerk reprimanded for illegally counting early ballotsIllinois Tazewell board approves bonus pay for election judges
INIndiana Most-used vote center will not be available for June 2 primaryIndiana Local election board considers primary without in-person votingIndiana 'Safety, safety, safety': St. Joseph Co. BOE prefers primary by mailIndiana The coronavirus is changing elections across the state and here locally
IAIowa Secretary of state encourage absentee voting due to coronavirus
KYKentucky May primary postponed to June 23
MDMaryland Middletown approves vote-by-mail for April election
MAMassachusetts Town of Bridgewater announces changes to town clerk servicesMassachusetts Concord postpones election to June 11
MIMichigan Sanders supporters find fault with Michigan's primary election processMichigan Secretary of state urges postponement of May elections
MNMinnesota Secretary of State Simon: Minnesota should prepare for 'a different kind of election'Minnesota All-mail ballot system under consideration for 2020 elections
MSMississippi Expanded absentee ballots possible for Missouri's elections
MTMontana Missoula election supervisor ready for mail-in primaryMontana Cascade Co. to go mail-only ballot for June 2 primaryMontana All-mail primary proposed for Butte-Silver Bow; no school board election needed
NENebraska Nebraskans urged to vote by mail in May 12 primaryNebraska Douglas Co. voters will soon receive early voting applications in their mailboxesNebraska Nebraska primary still set for May 12Nebraska Platte Co. election commission encouraging early voting
NJNew Jersey VBM election votes has challenges, state AG saysNew Jersey Candidates offer mixed reactions to mail only May electionNew Jersey AC special election ballots already cast must count, state senator tells Murphy
NMNew Mexico Thousands have requested absentee ballots
NYNew York Comptroller report: Early voting cost, coronavirus spread reason to rethink voting
NCNorth Carolina NCBOE wants easier mail voting along with state holiday for Election DayNorth Carolina NC elections board wants to make Election Day a holiday because of virus
NDNorth Dakota Counties can hold June election via mail-in ballots onlyNorth Dakota ND, Richland, Wahpeton modifying June election practices
OHOhio Former elections official: Ohio 'well positioned' to transition to an all-mail ballot stateOhio Mail-in deadline for ballots expected to be April 28Ohio County discusses mail-in voting
PAPennsylvania Cumberland Co. commissioners urge governor to postpone primary
RIRhode Island Primarily by mail primary set for June 2Rhode Island RI presidential primary moving toward mailbox
SDSouth Dakota Nothing in state law allows delay of upcoming city election
TXTexas City of Waco planning to move forward with May 2 electionTexas Fort Worth hopes to delay May 2 election until summerTexas Port Isabel delays municipal election; Laguna Vista undecided
VTVermont Barre Town must hold election during pandmeic
VAVirginia How to have elections during a pandemic? Some Virginia officials want everyone to vote by mail
WVWest Virginia WV launches plan to send absentee ballot applications to all voters
WIWisconsin County clerk's guidance on voter ID amid pandemic irks WI GOPWisconsin State GOP will try to block Green Bay lawsuitWisconsin Racine leaders pressure Evers to postpone primaryWisconsin La Crosse taking precautions for voter reg and in-person absentee votingWisconsin Third election lawsuit against WEC filed by voting rights groupsWisconsin Beloit to offer drive-thru voting on election dayWisconsin What do you do if you need a witness signature on your absentee ballotWisconsin Wisconsin election commission issues urgent appeal for poll workersWisconsin City of Eau Claire opens parking lot for drive-thru absentee votingWisconsin Poll workers fear for their safety during April's electionWisconsin In a state used to political drama, Wisconsin's April 7 election is awash in doubt, dispute and uncertaintyWisconsin Cities pressure federal judge to postpone April election; Milwaukee adds absentee ballot drop-off sitesWisconsin Election mailing causing confusionWisconsin Lawsuit seeks to bar signature requirement for absentee ballotsWisconsin Judge: No immediate decision on Green Bay election lawsuitWisconsin Shortage of poll workers prompts Menomonee Falls to move all voting to the high schoolWisconsin Janesville reduces number of polling places
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