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Wednesday April 22, 2020
National NewsNational News Two-thirds of voters back vote-by-mail in November 2020National News Amid coronavirus, two-thirds of voters support mail-in ballots for NovemberNational News Give voters lots of options, guidance, elections experts tell Common Cause webinarNational News Bipartisan Senate report reaffirms intelligence findings that Russia meddled in 2016 electionsNational News The Webby Awards teams up with Vote.org on voter reg driveNational News Lawmakers debate bailing out Postal Service
Tech NewsTech News Elections 2020: Pandemic may accelerate online voting solutions
CACalifornia Kern supervisors reject prospect of all-mail election in NovemberCalifornia San Francisco officials scramble to make voting in November pandemic-proffCalifornia Council president emeritus calls on secretary of state to increase number of vote centers
COColorado Town hall with secretary of state highlights youth turnoutColorado Just 16 people voted in Glendale's municipal primary
DEDelaware Health, voting should not be in collision, Coons says
FLFlorida Alachua Co. SOE is encouraging voters to complete the vote-by-mail regFlorida Municipal super Tuesday moving forward while following CDC guidelinesFlorida Sides square off as felons' voting trial nearsFlorida Florida sued again over COVID-19 voting protocolsFlorida PBC elections office posts vote by mail deadlinesFlorida Civil rights groups renew push to expand Florida voting access amid pandemic
GAGeorgia Lawsuit seeks delay, better sanitation for Ga. primaryGeorgia Voting changes in Henry Co.Georgia Federal lawsuit demands health protections for Ga. primary votersGeorgia Georgia election officials navigate seas of absentee applications while polling places pull outGeorgia Ga. to mail out 323K new absentee ballot request formsGeorgia Fulton Co. elections employee dies of COVID-19Georgia Post office will deliver ballots with or without stamp
GUGuam GEC prepares to conduct special election during pandemic
INIndiana Talk discusses effect of virus on electionsIndiana Lawrence Co. election board makes changes to voting locations due to pandemicIndiana 25 large venues approved to host voting in primaryIndiana New in-person polling locations get approval
IAIowa Early voting in Iowa's primary election begins April 23Iowa June primary will see fewer polling places in North IowaIowa June 2 primary will have just one polling site in Dickinson Co.Iowa Lee Co. election officials prepare for June primary
KSKansas Ballot by mail applications comingKansas Coronavirus causing some uncertainty as officials plan for upcoming elections
LALouisiana New proposal for Louisiana elections amid coronavirusLouisiana La. secretary of state announces emergency election plan
MDMaryland Lawmakers: Precinct-level voting data needed to protect election resultsMaryland Havre de Grace 2020 Election: Date, methods for voting may change
MAMassachusetts Amid the pandemic, lawmakers push vote-by-mail law in Mass.Massachusetts Legislature urged to add COVID protections to electionsMassachusetts Springfield-area senators favor efforts to expand voting optionsMassachusetts Truro postpones Town Meeting, electionMassachusetts Mass. secretary of state crafting vote-by-mail package
MNMinnesota DFL lawmakers continue to push for mail-in votin
NENebraska Early ballot requests set record for stateNebraska Rural vote centers cut from in-person voting for primary
NJNew Jersey Ocean Co. outlines election changesNew Jersey As NJ prepares for first vote-by-mail election, nonprofit launches voter ed campaign
NYNew York Island GOP chairman calls on state to move June primary to September as Cuomo eyes mail-in systemNew York NYGOP chairman calls Cuomo's absentee ballot plan unconstitutionalNew York Not even a pandemic can stop ballot access politics in NYC
NDNorth Dakota North Dakota residents to receive applications for absentee ballotsNorth Dakota Burleigh Co. ready for new election equipment
OHOhio Secretary of state gives election update one week before primaryOhio Turnout looks pretty paltry for pandemic primary
PAPennsylvania Cameron Co. offers mail-in voting for primaryPennsylvania Officials hope vote-by-mail will help residents feel safe
RIRhode Island What you need to know about Rhode Island's 'mostly mail ballot' primary
TNTennessee City election to be held in June
TXTexas Bexar Co. leaders brace for increase in mail-in ballotsTexas County preps mail-in ballots for July, braces for different scenariosTexas TX Dems plan to mail registration forms and postage to potential votersTexas How will you be voting next election? Dispute puts counties in limbo
USVIUS Virgin Islands BOE asking Senate to expand absentee voting
VTVermont Women's suffrage: 100 years ago today
VAVirginia Groups urge Va. lawmakers to move election dateVirginia Virginia senators push for June elections
WVWest Virginia Boone Co. clerk outlines ballot plans
WIWisconsin Milwaukee common council unanimously approves plan to mail ballots for fall electionWisconsin Milwaukee will mail 300K absentee ballot apps for general electionWisconsin Broad failures fueled Wisconsin's absentee ballot crisis, investigation showsWisconsin Green Bay city clerk responds to spring election concernsWisconsin 2 weeks after election, effect on in-person voting on coronavirus spread unclearWisconsin 19 new cases of coronavirus linked to election activities
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