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Friday May 8, 2020
National NewsNational News Experts worry push for 2020 mail voting could leave Native American voters behindNational News EAC takes heat from states for hold-up on voting machine standardsNational News State worried about mail-in ballot access consider online voting optionsNational News GOP group releases ad advocating for voting by mail amid pandemicNational News Postal Service struggles could hurt mail-in electionNational News Coronavirus and Democracy: What will our voting system look like in November?National News Postal Service pick with ties to president raises concerns ahead of 2020 electionNational News Why there's a push to make election day a campus holiday
ALAlabama Mobile Co. officials look at plexiglass windows to keep voters safe
AZArizona Navajo Nation: Arizona's broken compact with tribe discriminates against, disenfranchises Native voters
ARArkansas Arkansas promises to help voters stay registered to settle a federal suitArkansas US signs accord on update of voter rolls, settling claims of a state lapseArkansas Arkansas to ensure voter reg records get updated
CACalifornia Yolo Co. supervisors support expanding vote by mail for November electionCalifornia County registrar opens mobile voting center at COC
CTConnecticut Sen. Sampson opposes proposed CT election plans
DEDelaware Governor moves election day again; State to send vote-by-mail applicationsDelaware Delaware postpones primary for second time, state to mail ballot apps
FLFlorida Eatonville council challenger, who lost by one vote, alleges voter fraudFlorida Manatee elections supervisor removed 'dozens' of felons from voter rollsFlorida Some polling locations may be moved or closed come election timeFlorida Central FL supervisors of elections prepare for increase in mail-in ballots, sanitizing efforts
GAGeorgia Where and how to vote during a global pandemicGeorgia Abrams voting rights group continues fundraising success, even during pandemic
ILIllinois Illinois organization sues over ballot obstables
KSKansas Schwab to distribute $2.6M to Kansas counties for elections
KYKentucky Daviess Co. clerk's office outlines plans for primary
LALouisiana La. emergency election plan draws lawsuit over limits on mail-in voting during pandemic
MAMassachusetts Timetable putting rush on vote-by-mail reformsMassachusetts Vote-by-mail plans proposed in MAMassachusetts Clerks urging voters to get early ballotsMassachusetts Lancaster selectmen approve shorter voting hours
MIMichigan County staff calls May election a success
MNMinnesota Legislature agrees on measure to make voting saferMinnesota Pair of elections bills could make major changes in how we vote
MOMissouri Phelps Co. clerk declines federal grant, citing the burden outweighs the benefitMissouri Missouri Jews can use rabbis' note to get absentee ballotsMissouri Ashcroft to deliver face masks, other polling place supplies to Phelps Co.
MTMontana Missoula Co. to mail 70K+ primary election ballots to votersMontana Montana primary ballots hit mailboxes this weekMontana Missoula Co. elections officials break down details of all-mail primaryMontana Yellowstone gearing up for state's first all-mail election
NENebraska 9,640 Buffalo Co. residents voting by mail ahead of primaryNebraska Otoe Co. taking primary election precautionsNebraska State plans in-person primary elections with precautionsNebraska Early voting 'unprecedented', election official sayNebraska How the pandemic is impacting Nebraska's primary election
NMNew Mexico County cleaning for in-person voting
NYNew York Monroe Co. elections officials react to coronavirus
NCNorth Carolina Absentee ballots being mailed for runoff
OKOklahoma OK Senate gives final OK to absentee voter changesOklahoma Stitt signs bill to reinstate notary requirement for absentee voting
PAPennsylvania What will Luzerne Co. voting be like on June 2Pennsylvania Pa. allows big reduction in poll workers for primary to help counties during pandemicPennsylvania Dauphin Co. changes several polling locations for primaryPennsylvania Berks Co. election board votes to increase poll worker payPennsylvania More Northampton Co. residents choosing to vote by mailPennsylvania Pandemic forces dramatic changes in Delco election proceduresPennsylvania New ballot drop box available outside Erie Co. courthousePennsylvania As PA poll workers worry about safety, staffing for June primary will be a challengePennsylvania Schuylkill Co. prepares for electionPennsylvania County to accept $80K in grants for election expenses
SCSouth Carolina Requests for absentee ballots surge ahead of June primariesSouth Carolina 3 lawsuits filed to change rules of absentee voting in SCSouth Carolina Negotiations break down for Richland Co. elections director, commissioner resigns
SDSouth Dakota Meade Co. looking for primary election workers
TNTennessee Tennessee mural festival to celebrate 100 years of voting rights for womenTennessee Shelby Co. election commission to pick voting machines after secretive bid processTennessee Shelby Co. election commission approves new county voting machinesTennessee Shelby Co. election commission to purchase touchscreen ballot-marking devices for upcoming electionsTennessee Election officials expect increase in voting by mail
TXTexas Officials prepare for July 14 runoff
USVIUS Virgin Islands Senate gets update on 2020 election cycle
VTVermont Scott pushes back on mail-in ballot disagreementVermont Amid COVID-19 threat, Vermont debates holding November election by mail
WVWest Virginia Wood Co. officials discuss efforts going into primary election
WIWisconsin Madison logs over $100K in extra costs for April 7 pandemic electionWisconsin Clerk appointment objected by Green Bay alderWisconsin Superior council backs voter outreach programWisconsin 67 got COVID-19 after visiting polls in state's April 7 election
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