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Friday May 29, 2020
National NewsNational News Legal battles over voter roll purges heat up as mail-in ballot fight continuesNational News Kellyanne Conway on voting by mail in 2018 midterms: 'That's called an absentee ballot'National News After president's attacks, Republicans are less confident in voting by mail, poll showsNational News Listener questions on the elections during the pandemicNational News Coronavirus blocks naturalization ceremonies in election yearNational News Voting rights, public health officials roll out guidelines to protect voters from COVID-19National News Rock the Vote eyes 200K new voter registrations with virtual initiativeNational News FEC commissioner: 'No basis' for president's claims voting by mail leads to fraudNational News The president is waging war on vote by mail. The facts don't support itNational News Politicizing vote by mail efforts amid pandemic could disenfranchise some voters: Experts
ALAlabama Secretary of state encourages absentee voting; Lawsuit claims there are barriers to vote during pandemicAlabama Alabama's absentee ballot rules draw increased scrutinyAlabama LWV of Alabama sues election officialsAlabama Talladega commission OKs emergency move of polling place
CACalifornia McEnany falsely says voter reg rate in LA Co. is 112 percent
COColorado Virus prompts effort to recruit younger election judges
FLFlorida DeSantis announces plan to appeal felon voting rulingFlorida Senators ask DeSantis to accept judge's rulingFlorida State seeks to scuttle absentee ballot caseFlorida Pinellas officials prep for more mail-in ballotsFlorida Potential new battleground for Florida voting rights fight starts to show
GAGeorgia Stacey Abrams' voting rights group to track absentee ballot problems in Ga.Georgia Where is my absentee ballot? 50K Georgia voters still waitingGeorgia Secretary of state: COVID-19 still a 'potential threat' to electionsGeorgia Heavy absentee turnout seen in Ga. primary but obstacles remainGeorgia Bibb Co. BOE getting ready to process early votes
IDIdaho Idaho gets 14K more absentee ballot requests after extension
INIndiana With sanitation guidelines in place at polls, voters begin to queue upIndiana Demand for absentee ballots surges in INIndiana Residents turnout for early voting
IAIowa Extra pens, fewer polling places and face masks: How Iowa has prepared for record primary voting in pandemic
KYKentucky Officials prepare for election like no otherKentucky Kentucky leaders form task force to monitor 2020 primary
MEMaine Pandemic has Maine officials in a quandary over conducting elections
MDMaryland Here are the 6 in-person voting locations in BaltimoreMaryland Dorchester board of elections begins counting ballots
MAMassachusetts Proponents confident they'll get ranked choice on the Mass. ballotMassachusetts As North Andover election approaches, few mail-in ballots have been returned
MOMissouri Rescheduled election will feature changes in polling places, proceduresMissouri Cape Co. clerk talks election day health and safetyMissouri What to expect heading to the polls for the upcoming municipal electionMissouri Sanitizer and single-use pens: How Missouri counties are preparing for TuesdayMissouri Thousands use absentee ballot to avoid polls in Boone Co.
MTMontana Missoula Co. elections office 'slammed' with ballot returnsMontana Montanans advised to submit primary ballots in personMontana Yellowstone Co. nearing record turnout for primary
NVNevada Federal judge refuses again to block Nevada's mail-in primary
NJNew Jersey July 7 primary election could be 'a mess'New Jersey Monmouth voters will get primary ballots or applications to vote by mail
NMNew Mexico NM county government falls victim to ransomware, election not impactedNew Mexico Concerns growing over issues with absentee ballots
NYNew York Divisions deepen in Democratic elections commissioner fightNew York Capital Region preps polling sitesNew York Lawmakers OK email requests for absentee ballots
NCNorth Carolina Conservative group files suit against NC, claiming voter reg roll is not up-to-dateNorth Carolina Near-unanimous House passes funding, rules to prepare for spike in voting by mail
NDNorth Dakota Warren Co. commission affirms mail-ballot election
OHOhio Senators to introduce reformed vote by mail process for OhioOhio Fraudulent claims of mail-in voter fraud
OKOklahoma Some Oklahoma polling sites change due to pandemic
PAPennsylvania Want to see how Dauphin Co.'s new voting machines work?Pennsylvania Voting is different in Philly this yearPennsylvania Area municipalities gearing up for Tuesday's primaryPennsylvania Board of elections schedules processing of votesPennsylvania Most Luzerene Co. voters may be casting ballots by mailPennsylvania Judge orders Pa. to launch new voting method for visually impaired voters for primaryPennsylvania Flood of mail-in ballots spurs fight to change deadlinesPennsylvania As president rails against mail-in voting, his campaign tries to make it easier for Pa. supportersPennsylvania Flood of mail-in ballots spurs fight in Pa. to change deadlinesPennsylvania Philly commissioners working to get mail-in ballots by election dayPennsylvania Bucks Co. ballots may take 24 hours to countPennsylvania Westchester officials weigh in on mail-in ballot debatePennsylvania Poll workers learn about, test new voting machinesPennsylvania Voting in-person? Here are a few tips from the Franklin Co. elections boardPennsylvania Primary results in Bucks are expected to take much longer than past electionsPennsylvania 'It's my civic duty': Senior poll worker will show up on TuesdayPennsylvania Erie Co. polling places take COVID-19 precautionsPennsylvania Bucks Co. just went to court to extend Pa.'s mail ballot deadlinePennsylvania Pa. county residents will be required to wait to vote if they don't wear a mask at polling placePennsylvania Pa. offers accessible write-in ballots for voters with disabilitiesPennsylvania Judge orders Pa. to launch new method for visually impaired voters for next week's primaryPennsylvania Philly will have mail ballot drop boxesPennsylvania A Pennsylvania election day like never before: Mail-in balloting, new voting machines, multi-day countsPennsylvania Erie Co. to limit new voting machines at precincts
RIRhode Island RI voters can drop off mail ballots at city, town halls on primary day
SCSouth Carolina Charleston Co. in dire need of poll workers for primary electionSouth Carolina South Carolina voters can expect new 'touchless voting' procedures for primariesSouth Carolina SC election upgrades for voter check-in process won't be read for June primariesSouth Carolina Absentee ballots surge in Greenville Co. Here's what to know about the processSouth Carolina Tri-county election officials receive thousands of absentee requests
SDSouth Dakota Minnnehaha Co. to process ballots early to keep up with record absentee voting
TNTennessee Tennessee suit seeking vote-by-mail for all heading to courtTennessee Election commission schedules June 10 'in-person' meeting
TXTexas Voting rights groups blast Texas Supreme Court for ruling against expanded mail-in ballotsTexas How Brazos Co. mail-in ballots are secured, verifiedTexas As debate over mail-in ballots roars on, requests up in Harris Co.Texas Fort Bend county attorney authorized of file amicus brief supporting mail-in ballotsTexas Cameron Co. elections dept. aiming to increase voter reg amid pandemicTexas There's a massive demand for mail-in ballots during pandemic, Travis Co. clerk saysTexas Texas will extend early period this fall, Abbott saysTexas Brazos Co. election officials adding more polling placesTexas Judges deal Texans more confusion about voting by mail
VTVermont Election officials move forward with system for mail-in voting
WVWest Virginia 'On the light side': 165 votes cast on first day of early votingWest Virginia Preston Co. sent out 5,025 absentee ballotsWest Virginia First day of early voting in Berkeley Co. down more than 60% from 2016West Virginia Secretary of state thanks voter fraud task forceWest Virginia Harrison Co. rescinds mask and temperature check requirements for voters
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