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Wednesday June 10, 2020
National NewsNational News Here's where your state stands on mail-in votingNational News Voter registration grows amid ongoing protestsNational News LeBron James questions whether voting system is 'structurally racist' after problems in GeorgiaNational News Georgia, Nevada still counting ballots after day of voting problemsNational News The truth about vote-by-mail fraud
ALAlabama Merrill's office to evaluate registrars statewideAlabama State, cities offer joint help for city elections
CACalifornia UCLA launches Voting Matters initiatives for student-athletesCalifornia City council committee to consider ranked choice voting measure
COColorado Ballots mailed for primary; some voting changes
FLFlorida Florida elections supervisors raise concerns about voting during pandemic
GAGeorgia Georgia Primary: Long lines, equipment problemsGeorgia In Georgia, primary day snarled by long lines, problems with voting machinesGeorgia 'This appears to be a widespread issue': Savannah mayor comments on voting machine outagesGeorgia Confusion, technical issues cause voting snags in Richmond, Columbia countiesGeorgia Georgia secretary of state launches investigation after 'unacceptable' voting problemsGeorgia DeKalb Co. voters, officials report issues aplentyGeorgia New voting machines cause lines and problems on election dayGeorgia Voter frustration mountingGeorgia Secretary of state's office blames counties 'poor planning' for poll issuesGeorgia Long lines mar morning voting in Georgia's primaryGeorgia Confusion in Muscogee Co. as voting beginsGeorgia Georgia voting meltdown leads to uproar: 'I refuse not to be heard'Georgia Voters struggle with lines and equipment on election day in GeorgiaGeorgia Equipment delays, confusion, no hand sanitizerGeorgia Parts of Gwinnett Co. report no equipment issuesGeorgia Ga. Speaker of the House calls for investigation into primaryGeorgia Southwest Ga. voters cast ballots in primaryGeorgia Chatham Co. elections board requests an extra hourGeorgia Ga. elections chief vows 'honest' vote as mail ballots smash recordGeorgia About 80 people in line at South Columbus precinct as polls closeGeorgia Heat, rain, long lines: Georgia election plagued by problemsGeorgia 19 Cobb precincts to stay open late due to voting machine issuesGeorgia Chatham Co. election day marred by human error, government squabbles, voter confusionGeorgia Long lines, lack of power outlets create frustration at Chatham Co. poling siteGeorgia Election day goes smoothly in Augusta areaGeorgia Muscogee Co. voter share 2020 election experienceGeorgia Widespread equipment issues reported at voting precinctsGeorgia Primary elections not disrupted by pandemic, new voting machinesGeorgia Atlanta mayor urges people to stay in line to voteGeorgia As some Georgia counties hit voting snags, Athens-Clarke polling places see smooth election dayGeorgia Parts of Gwinnett Co. report no equipment problemsGeorgia Judge orders polls to remain open until 9pm in 37 precinctsGeorgia Macon-Bibb BOE explains state absentee ballot issuesGeorgia Fulton elections chief addresses poll problemsGeorgia Long lines blamed on technical problems, poor poll worker trainingGeorgia Parts of road closed after accident near polling locationGeorgia Driver suffers emergency, crashes into woman at Gwinnett voting location
IDIdaho Heads or tails? Yep, that will decide this Ada Co. GOP precinct election
INIndiana Vanderburgh Dem activist faces felong election fraud chargeIndiana Two Region lawmakers leading push for expanded mail-in voting
IAIowa After record primary turnout, Iowa senate Republicans try to limit vote-by-mail for presidential electionIowa Smith defends proposed changes to absentee votingIowa Woodbury Co. election audit finds no discrepanciesIowa Unusual election draws record number of voters
KSKansas Kansas company makes shields for elections; able to bring back furloughed staffKansas $4.6M in federal funding is being used to make voting safer in KansasKansas Kansas secretary of state not swayed
KYKentucky Jason Nemes, voters file lawsuit against election officials over polling placesKentucky Absentee ballot requests for primary going strongKentucky Lexington mayor, Fayette Co. clerk call for voters to cast mail ballotsKentucky County clerks flooded with phone calls and requests for mail-in ballotsKentucky County clerk preparing for unprecedented primaryKentucky 'Doing the best we can' Local officials scramble to meet ballot demand
MEMaine Secretary of state release resources to help Mainers with absentee voting
MDMaryland Ballot counting slowsMaryland Review of primary election underway ahead of November general electionMaryland Baltimore city BOE nearly done counting
MAMassachusetts Southbridge voters find town elections seamlessMassachusetts Quiet day at the polls: Andover voters trend toward absentee
MIMichigan Republican sues to force Michigan to purge ineligile votersMichigan Secretary of state wants more imte to count mail ballots on election dayMichigan Barry Co. sheriff warns of voters fraud from ballots apps sent to wrong addressMichigan Republican voters sues Benson, local clerks alleging suspect voter reg increasesMichigan Secretary of state wants more time to count mail ballotsMichigan Michigan clerks prepare for the worse at coronavirus looms over 2020 election
MOMissouri Taney Co. officials share opinions of drive-thru electionMissouri First COVID-19 era election previews challenges
NVNevada Nevada polls may see fewer lines after shift to mail votingNevada Voter turnout strong today in Washoe Co.Nevada Nevada voters split on mail-in primaryNevada Primary ballots due Tuesday in Nevada's all-mail electionNevada Nevada polls close, long waits reported in Las VegasNevada In mostly mail-in election, voters who opt to cast ballots in person face long wait timesNevada Washoe Co. sees high voter turnout in mostly mail electionNevada Election results delayed statewide after lines lasted into Wednesday in Southern NevadaNevada Democrats slam secretary of state as long lines plague voting sitesNevada Results slowed in Nevada's first mail-in ballot statewide primaryNevada Long lines to delay Nevada election returns
NHNew Hampshire New Hampshire approves letting anyone register to vote by mail
NJNew Jersey Don't throw those vote by mail ballots in the garbage
NYNew York Niagara Co. elections board prepares for primaryNew York McMurray sues BOE over polling place info
NCNorth Carolina Mail-in voting doesn't give either political party an edge, study says
NDNorth Dakota County receives 4650 ballotsNorth Dakota Grand Forks election workers checking, counting thousands of mail-in ballotsNorth Dakota Election workers adapting to new ND mail-in election
OHOhio Secretary of state looks to ensure safe voting in OhioOhio Meton new board of elections directorOhio Vote by mail could double for November election
PAPennsylvania Some counting continues a week after primaryPennsylvania Blair Co. still counting primary votesPennsylvania 103-year-old South Philly woman insisted on going to vote after mail-in ballot didn't show upPennsylvania Pa. nonprofits find voting problemsPennsylvania Lawyer withdraws secrecy envelope objectionPennsylvania Westmoreland expects hand-counting of primary ballots to be done soonPennsylvania Tens of thousands of Pa. mail ballots were turned in after the deadlinePennsylvania Dozens of provisional ballots rejected in Blair Co.Pennsylvania Nearly 40 percent of Beaver Co. voters cast ballots in primaryPennsylvania Some counting continues a week after primaryPennsylvania How Allegheny Co. election officials are making sure all valid votes are countedPennsylvania State house primary challenger files complaint
SCSouth Carolina Voting via cotton swabSouth Carolina Members of National Guard, State Guard being asked to work Richland Co. pollsSouth Carolina Charleston area voters cast their ballots amid coronavirusSouth Carolina Mail-in ballots in Charleston Co. surpass 2016South Carolina Tri-County seeing record numbers of by-mail ballotsSouth Carolina Handwritten ballots being issued in Richland Co. precintSouth Carolina Some Horry Co. voters were given the wrong ballotsSouth Carolina Safety measures at the pollsSouth Carolina Election blogSouth Carolina Many Horry Co. voters rave about new COVID-19 precautions at the pollsSouth Carolina Coronavirus posed challenges leading up to Tuesday in-person votingSouth Carolina Walterboro precinct temporarily closed Tuesday after COVID-19 positive voter arrived to cast ballotSouth Carolina Handwritten ballot issued, long lines at Richland Co. precinctsSouth Carolina 'Worst nightmare': Richland Co. voting problems lead to long lines, frustrationSouth Carolina Election commissioner says voting locations in Richland Co. need more poll workersSouth Carolina Coronavirus to blame for issues at Greenville Co. polling places
TNTennessee Majority of Tennesseans support voting by mai, poll showsTennessee Election commission prepares for voting during a pandemicTennessee Putnam pres for expansion of absentee votingTennessee State, groups clash over compliance in vote-by-mail ruling
TXTexas Smith Co. election administrator expecting higher mail-in and curbside ballots in July and NovemberTexas Volunteer groups register hundreds to vote during Austin's ongoing protests
UTUtah Officials announce Utah's 2020 'I Voted' stickers
VAVirginia Roanoke Co. seeks volunteers to help ensure safe votingVirginia COVID-19 concerns affect June primariesVirginia Arlington officials: Please pay attention when voting by mail
WVWest Virginia Tuesday marks historic primary day in West VirginiaWest Virginia Social distancing changes the way people voteWest Virginia More than 17% of WV voters cast absentee ballotsWest Virginia Light in-person turnoutWest Virginia Kanawha Co. clerk's office pushes through WV primary
WIWisconsin Republicans ask judge to stop Wisconsin election lawsuit
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