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Thursday June 18, 2020
National NewsNational News Amid accusations of violence, some say National Guard should no longer staff voting stationsNational News Blue Apron will make Election Day a paid day offNational News How secure are e-poll books and vote reporting tools? New program aims to find outNational News Two civic groups launch campaigns to register newly naturalized citizens to voteNational News Administration faces bipartisan calls to end citizenship delaysNational News Amazon Studios acquires Stacey Abrams untitled voting rights documentaryNational News 'We're not going to know who the president is until well into November.' These are the scenarios worrying election officialsNational News Long voting lines are latest hurdles for officials prepping for November pollsNational News Older poll workers and COVID-19 present another 2020 problem
ALAlabama Secretary of state plans to appeal ruling that would loosen absentee ballot restrictionsAlabama Staying safe while voting during the pandemic
AKAlaska Vote-by-mail will be up to Alaskans, state says
CACalifornia LA Co. has found the cause of its hourslong poll lines. It wasn't the new voting machinesCalifornia LA Co. primary voting was plagued with technology flawsCalifornia President sees voter fraud, but election chiefs in red counties do notCalifornia Former elections chief charged with 34 felony counts of illegal campaign spending, perjuryCalifornia Vote by mail: Not much change for California
COColorado Polis signs executive order activating National Guard for election cybersecurity
DEDelaware Delaware quietly fielded an online voting system, but now is backing away
DCDistrict of Columbia DC plans to mail every voter a ballot for November general election
FLFlorida Pandemic prompts more vote-by-mail responses in Broward, Miami-DadeFlorida DeSantis offers Election Day help as Republicans say they'll cast ballots in personFlorida DeSantis issues emergency elections order ahead of primaryFlorida Florida elections officials asked DeSantis for coronavirus help. They're still waitingFlorida Postage paid return of vote by mail ballotsFlorida Elections association at odds over executive order
GAGeorgia Georgia election chief wants power to intervene in coutiesGeorgia Elections chief calls for more polls, training, tech support to avoid November meltdownGeorgia Georgia elections chief launches plan to avoid repeated problemsGeorgia Bill proposes remaking Fulton elections board after litany of problemsGeorgia Voting reform bills stall in Ga. despite election problemsGeorgia Fulton elections official under fire from residents, commissionersGeorgia Elections board decides to rescan all June 9 absentee ballotsGeorgia End in sight of ballot counting in CobbGeorgia Voting machines cause delays at Haralson Co. polls
IDIdaho 'Grueling process' to get ballots countedIdaho Idaho has nearly 37% turnout in 2020 primary
IAIowa Iowa Poll: More Republicans say they're likely to vote in person on Election Day than vote by mail or early
KSKansas Wichita man worried limited DMV access could impact voter reg
KYKentucky State to supply masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and face shields to all 120 counties for electionKentucky KY voters urged to check info after resident gets wrong ballotKentucky County clerk and candidates talk mail-in voting ahead of primaryKentucky McCracken clerk: Nearly 16K ballots sought for primary
LALouisiana Absentee voting requirements extended due to pandemic
MEMaine Maine clerks, MMA team up to recruit election workers
MAMassachusetts Primary election poses challenges for city clerk
MIMichigan Benson says state dealing with mail fraud concerns
MNMinnesota Ranked choice voting moves to Minnetonka Charter ReviewMinnesota Republicans decry secretary of state deal on absentee ballotsMinnesota Minnesota waves absentee ballot witness signature mandateMinnesota Judge's order to make voting by mail easierMinnesota Wanted: Election judges amidst COVID-19 pandemicMinnesota Brainerd to condense polling places for 2020 election
NVNevada Only 1K ballots remain uncounted in Clark Co.
NHNew Hampshire Could NH make 'no excuse' mail voting stay?
NJNew Jersey Mercer Co. clerk says ballots going out in 'waves'New Jersey New ballot signature match rule for NJ July primaryNew Jersey NJ voters get chance to fix signature problems on mail-in ballots--at least for July primaryNew Jersey Bernardsville GOP voters will receive corrected mail-in ballots
NMNew Mexico Grisham adds mail-in ballots to session agenda
NYNew York Onondaga Co. sees surge in mail-in ballots for primary electionNew York COVID concerns hover over electionNew York A large number of absentee ballots could slow results for some primary contests
NCNorth Carolina Voters warned of possible invalid ballot request forms
NDNorth Dakota Mail ballot precincts on the rise in Nobles Co.North Dakota Recount set for tied council race
OHOhio Secretary of state expects record voter turnout for November electionOhio Ohio e-signature ballot case appealed to U.S. Supreme CourtOhio Huge majorities of Ohioans support broad, convenient voting optionsOhio Board of elections deputy director resigns
OKOklahoma Church notarizes absentee ballots amid COVID-19 voting concerns
OROregon Interview with Oregon Republican secretary of state candidate Sen. Kim Thatcher
PAPennsylvania Counties still finalizing Pa. primary vote count as election integrity concerns emergePennsylvania Bucks forms election task force to address voting issuesPennsylvania Westmoreland Co. extends primary election certificationPennsylvania Allegheny Co.'s preliminary primary vote count shows 42% turnout
SCSouth Carolina Hearing scheduled for 3 Horry Co. candidates protesting primary resultsSouth Carolina 'Prepare for the worst, expect the best': Elections board prepares for Tuesday runoff
TNTennessee Shelby Co. election commission working on COVID-19 precautions
TXTexas Organizations urge Abbott to extend early voting, increase polling placesTexas By mail or in person, the July 14 election is loomingTexas How Potter and Randall Co. prepare for an election during a pandemicTexas Nacogdoches Co. election coordinator discusses purchases related to COVID-19 precautions
UTUtah Elections director outlines voting changes
VAVirginia Primary elections will take place June 23
WAWashington Kitsap Co. auditor to change voters' guide after accusations of censorship
WVWest Virginia Canvassing process finished in Cabell Co.; over half of ballots cast by mail
WIWisconsin Wisconsin panel to give final approval on absentee ballotsWisconsin Elections commission approves sending 2.7M absentee ballot request forms to voters
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