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Thursday July 30, 2020
National NewsNational News Is Britney Spears allowed to vote?National News Racing the clock on election securityNational News The U.S. Postal Service and a vote-by-mail electionNational News Senate GOP package excludes additional elections fundingNational News What could go wrong on Election Day 2020?National News Fact checking Barr's claim that it's 'common sense' that foreign countries will counterfeit mail-in ballotsNational News States begin modifying general election voting proceduresNational News Poll: More than half of young people lack resources to vote by mailNational News USPS considers downsizing, Senator and union leader sayNational News Experts warn about domestic election disinformation, local preparedness
ALAlabama Alabama voter outreach project receives SPLC grant
AZArizona GOP asks Supreme Court to reinstate Arizona voting rules deemed racially biased
CACalifornia Longtime Petaluma city clerk retiresCalifornia 4 sentenced for their role in voter fraud scheme that bribed people on Skid Row with money, cigarettes
COColorado Election Dept. employee alerts clerk to voter fraud leading to arrest
CTConnecticut 'Huge wave' of absentee ballots for August primary has officials bracing for more in NovemberConnecticut Wilton registrars test voting machines
FLFlorida Tests conducted on voting machines to be used in Broward Co.Florida Election supervisors say mailings are eroding voter confidenceFlorida Florida's LWV working on ex-felons' votingFlorida How Duval Co. plans to keep people safe during election seasonFlorida Volusia Co. piloting program that allows visually impaired to vote from homeFlorida Elections office will not require face masks at polling placesFlorida Bay Co. tests equipmentFlorida Storm unlikely to affect South Florida early votingFlorida COVID-19 causing poll worker shortage for VolusiaFlorida What to expect when you cast your ballot
GAGeorgia Voter registrations rise in Ga.Georgia Chatham Co. announces 7 temp polling sites
HIHawaii Getting the vote outHawaii Coalition to consider legal action if state does not increase number of polling placesHawaii Hawai'i's first all-vote-by-mail election has begunHawaii Voter services center opens inside Honolulu HaleHawaii Scott Nago on the primaryHawaii NIC Hawaii deploys online ballot request system
ILIllinois LaSalle Co. Clerk explains how to vote by mailIllinois Rock Island Co. Clerk: Absentee ballot requests from Peoria legal, but causing confusion
INIndiana Council approves funds for voter reg deputyIndiana Election board mulls potential vote center optionsIndiana Vigo Co. election board looks ahead to general electionIndiana Clay Co. election official encourages online app for mail ballot
IAIowa Black Lives Matter protestors demand Reynolds deliver on promise to sign felon votings rights orderIowa Special election to replace Coralville city council member could cost $20KIowa Iowa lawmaker on lack of movement on felon voting rights executive order
KSKansas Judge dismisses Democrats' voting lawsuit against SchwabKansas Kansas federal court pick defends work in support of voter ID lawsKansas Head of elections for Wyandotte Co. says they're ready for primaryKansas Shawnee Co. election officials encouraging young volunteers
MDMaryland 'Unnecessary suicide mission': Health experts, election judges blast Hogan's election planMaryland Some counties reducing number of polling places due to election judge shortage
MAMassachusetts Reading Public Library to celebrate women voting rightsMassachusetts New law allows Mass. residents to vote by mail. Here's how it's already changing thingsMassachusetts Returned ballot applications piling up
MIMichigan Secretary of state on expectations for primary electionMichigan Coronavirus challenges elections, as longtime poll workers sit out to avoid virus exposureMichigan Ypsilanti Twp. trustee concerned about open ballot boxes, report issues to stateMichigan 4 times as many absentee ballots issued in Jackson Co. ahead of primaryMichigan Secretary of state calls mail-in voting successfulMichigan Detroit city clerk explains the importance of votingMichigan Large number of mail-in ballots could slow vote countMichigan Kent Co. clerk: Adjustments being made for primaryMichigan Clerks note big shift to absentee ballotsMichigan ACLU praises Flint clerk's actions after it sued her over absentee ballot issues
MNMinnesota Bloomington will ask voters if they want to rank their choices
MOMissouri St. Louis experiencing shortage of poll workers, encourages residents to applyMissouri All polling places are ADA compliant
NHNew Hampshire Dr. Chan advises local election officials to require masks, distancing at polls
NMNew Mexico Secretary of state announces notice of proposed rulemaking
NYNew York Lawsuit over NY voter reg deadlineNew York Groups demand more time for New Yorkers to register to voteNew York NY reps quiz state BOE about 2020 preparedness, absentee votingNew York NY Dems ask for rejected absentee ballots to be countedNew York NYC BOE finishes counting absentee ballots
NCNorth Carolina Blind voters re being disenfranchised, NC lawsuit says, and coronavirus doesn't helpNorth Carolina Early voting schedules amended, extra sites may be neededNorth Carolina Swain Co. BOE director Joanie Weeks retiresNorth Carolina False elections workers pose alarm for officialsNorth Carolina Top elections officials now agree: No special electionNorth Carolina BOE urged to include Sundays in one-stop early voting plan
OHOhio Petition seeks to have OH pay postage on ballots and apps
OKOklahoma Thousands of absentee ballots rejected in June primary, no sign of election fraud
PAPennsylvania What Lehigh Co. is doing to brace for national spotlight in '20 election nightPennsylvania Montco plans for massive mail-in ballot influxPennsylvania Election officials gear up for November electionPennsylvania Lehigh elections board asks county, state prosecutors to investigate Allentown election judgePennsylvania National legal battle over mail-in voting reaches Clearfield Co.
RIRhode Island Narducci takes over as board of canvassers manager
SCSouth Carolina Election officials push state to expand absentee voting accessSouth Carolina Results could be catastrophic if changes aren't made soon, SC officials say
TNTennessee Tennessee high court hearing Thursday on mail vote expansion
TXTexas Texas faith communities advocate for mail-in votingTexas Texans with disabilities sue to challenge mail-in ballot process
VTVermont Voting by mail? Do it soon Condos says
VAVirginia City's office of voter registration to operate at reduced scheduleVirginia Lawsuit claims Virginia's absentee voting system violates ADAVirginia Half of Henrico voters expected to vote absentee in November
WAWashington A new drive-thru voter services center in OlympiaWashington Hear Washington secretary of state candidatesWashington Major win for voting at Pierce Co. AnnexWashington Thurston Co. makes changes ahead of primary to prevent spread of COVID-19Washington Clerk's office provides plan for voting at August primary
WVWest Virginia Voting rights groups urge Warner to keep WV's absentee voting consistent with primaryWest Virginia Commission asks for absentee ballots to be sent to all WV votersWest Virginia Disputed ballot count changes makeup of Harpers Ferry town council
WIWisconsin Here's how to avoid common absentee ballot mistakesWisconsin Milwaukee seeking new generation of poll workersWisconsin Cities still address concerns about voting in pandemic
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