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Tuesday August 4, 2020
National NewsNational News November election can be held safely, experts contendNational News There have been 38 statewide elections during the pandemic. Here's how they wentNational News ID laws and stigmas are keeping some trans voters away from the pollsNational News 19th Amendment: The six-week 'brawl' that won women the voteNational News Fact-check: Is there a difference between absentee, mail-in votingNational News 'We're not ready': Experts sound alarm as US embraces mail-focused electionNational News Postal changes threaten vote by mail election, Rep. Connolly saysNational News House committee requests hearing with postmaster generalNational News Pandemic affecting November election votingNational News House Republicans introduce leg to give states $400M for electionsNational News Why come mail-in ballots are rejected and how make sure your vote countsNational News President again assails mail-in votingNational News The vital role of U.S. Postal Service in American elections
ALAlabama Secretary of state's office to intervene in Abbeville municipal election over citizen concernsAlabama Secretary of state's office plans to send monitors for upcoming Abbeville election
AKAlaska Three ways to stay safe on election day
AZArizona Voting at polls will look different because of COVID-19. Here's what to expectArizona Yavapai Co. election day voting protocolsArizona Masks won't be required in Mohave Co. polling placesArizona Arizona primary: When does election security become voter suppression?Arizona Maricopa works to make primary day run smoothlyArizona Mohave elections chief expects to get 'thousands' of mail ballots todayArizona Counties navigate restrictions on tribal land for primary
ARArkansas Election advice outlined by state panel
COColorado Effort to recall clerk Tina Peters falls short of needed signatures
CTConnecticut Montville primary for Republican registrar has become a contentious affairConnecticut 'A total challenge from day one': Norwalk works to process over 7K absentee appsConnecticut Some voters still waiting for absentee ballots
FLFlorida States crowd into Florida voting rights case as election nearsFlorida FSU researcher explore eligible inmate voting in Florida county jailsFlorida Pinellas Co. supervisor of elections accused of violating public records lawsFlorida Early voting during a pandemic: Masks required, more polling sitesFlorida Voting by mail popular in Florida during pandemic, but it's not without its issuesFlorida Early voting in Santa Rosa Co. begins, but vote by mail becomes popular optionFlorida Elections supervisors prepare for primaryFlorida Masks encouraged at early voting sites in JacksonvilleFlorida Cybersecurity expert trying to guard against election hackersFlorida Voting by mail popular in pandemic, but no 'panacea'Florida Coronavirus precautions for Tampa Bay voters, poll workersFlorida As early voting begins in Orange Co., people may notice changes at the pollsFlorida Civil rights veterans argue agains Florida voting lawFlorida 13 polling location changes in Manatee Co.
GAGeorgia $7.5M purchase will allow Cobb elections office to move into larger spaceGeorgia Chatham Co. BOE member proposing creation of voter ed advisory councilGeorgia Honors graduate receives national recognition for commitment to voter engagementGeorgia Local NAACP makes formal complaint against elections boardGeorgia Unexpected ballot mailers raise questions in GeorgiaGeorgia Early voting enters final week before runoff
HIHawaii How Hawaii's new voting system could help voters with disabilities
ILIllinois Illinois AG files brief against restrictive voting law in Florida
INIndiana Voter advocates sue over Indiana's absentee ballot deadlineIndiana Former Lt. governors calling for universal absentee voting
IAIowa Most Iowans plan to vote by mail in November
KSKansas Privacy concerns shadow popular voter reg websiteKansas Ellis Co. poll sites ready to go
KYKentucky U of L med students urge governor, secretary of state to allow 'no-excuse' mail-in voting for fall electionKentucky Kentucky calls on young people to help with poll worker shortage in November
LALouisiana Lawsuit: Louisiana doing too little to protect voting rights
MEMaine 6 ranked-choice races will need retabulation after tech problems
MDMaryland Hogan demands action from SBOE on mail-in voting and polling places for general electionMaryland Hogan demands update on elections plans, asks why absentee ballot apps haven't been mailedMaryland Anne Arundel consolidating polling places
MAMassachusetts Lawrence Memorial unusable as Medford voting location
MIMichigan GR city clerk: 100% increase in voter turnout so far thanks to absentee ballotsMichigan Here's how Michigan ensures your absentee ballot is secureMichigan Ann Arbor election reform proposal would allow voters to rank candidatesMichigan Local clerks prepare for safe election day experienceMichigan Detroit sees uptick in absentee ballots ahead of primaryMichigan State workers asked to take day off Tuesday to staff pollsMichigan Election officials say 66% of absentee ballots returned so far in Kalamazoo Co.Michigan Plymouth Twp. woman faces forgery charge for daughter's absentee ballot applicationMichigan Clerks urge residents to wear masks, bring pen when voting during pandemicMichigan 39K absentee ballots in Washtenaw Co. still not returned day before electionMichigan Confusing design could see absentee ballots mistakenly returned to Detroit votersMichigan Precinct workers ready for primary election day
MNMinnesota Minnesota primary election, pandemic editionMinnesota Judge extends vote by mail changes prompted by coronavirus
MSMississippi As election approaches, county works to keep voters safe from COVID-19Mississippi Lowndes Co. voting precinct moving due to COVID-19
MOMissouri Dealing with COVID-19 at the polls: What to expect in Greene Co.Missouri Voting locations implement safety precautions before primaryMissouri New voting options offered for primaryMissouri Will pandemic, mail-in ballots delay primary results? Election officials doubt itMissouri Absentee voters flood election commissionMissouri Secretary of state expects three times as many mail votes during primaryMissouri Several poll workers quite before primaryMissouri Local polling places nearly drop out day before electionMissouri More options, fewer voters: What a Missouri county clerk expects on TuesdayMissouri 'Door monitors' to hand out masks at St. Louis Co. polling placesMissouri Cap Girardeau Co. clerk discusses plans for primary
MTMontana Flyer encouraging absentee voting sparks confusion in Yellowstone Co.Montana Montana election officials back option for all mail ballot
NVNevada President threatens lawsuit to block mail-in voting in NevadaNevada Sisolak signs bill ensuring mail-in voting for Nevadans
NHNew Hampshire How much protective gear is your polling place getting for fall elections?
NJNew Jersey All-mail-in primary ballot issues linger in Sussex Co.
NYNew York Disputed ballots must be counted in NY Congressional race, judge rulesNew York Legislators call on president to act on BOE commissioner appointmentNew York Voting machines included in Westchester borrowing plan
NCNorth Carolina NCSBOE director Karen Brinson Bell discusses cybersecurityNorth Carolina Watauga submits two plans for early voting
NDNorth Dakota Burleigh Co. consolidates polling locations
OHOhio Ohio reps introduce bill designating Feb. 21 as 'John Lewis Voter Registration Day'Ohio In an unprecedented election year, many Ohioans worry about the integrity of of the voting system
PAPennsylvania Review of primary prompts election agency to seek changesPennsylvania Voter services readies for big Chester Co. mail-in vote countPennsylvania PA wants mail-in ballots sent out earlier, later deadline for returnPennsylvania Westmoreland Co. loses its elections director three months before presidential electionPennsylvania Westmoreland election director resigns three months out
TNTennessee Nearly 600K Tennesseans have already votedTennessee Strong mail-in ballot response boosts early voter turnout; absentee counting could go late into nightTennessee Early voting tops 810KTennessee Absentee ballots 'a very secure process' days Davidson Co. election administratorTennessee Tri-Cities' counties see increase in absentee ballots, but don't expect delay in resultsTennessee Shelby Co. preparing as Tennessee election day approaches
TXTexas In wake of tragedy, El Paso's voter reg boomsTexas Voting at a defunct bank? Election officials get creative in search for safe polling sites in TexasTexas Gray Co. commissioner approve new election equipment
VTVermont Cities ready for primary voting
VAVirginia Campbell Co. registrar trying to double the number of election officials
WAWashington Secretary of state: President's comments about mail-in voting 'undermines confidence'Washington President is 'simply wrong': Washington AG responds to claims of voter fraudWashington A look inside the elections center in Pierce Co.
WVWest Virginia USPS official tells Manchin WV post offices aren't closing--yet
WIWisconsin CDC finds no spike in coronavirus cases in Milwaukee after the April electionWisconsin Voting while masked? Poll workers can still verify your identityWisconsin Wisconsin voters not required to wear masks, but strongly encouraged to do soWisconsin Dunn Co. celebrates 100 years of women's voting rightsWisconsin Wisconsin election head: 'Don't wait' on mailing ballotsWisconsin Haven't mailed your absentee ballot yet? Election officials say don't wait as record numbers are flowing inWisconsin More than 330K absentee ballots already returnedWisconsin Marathon Co. authorizes independent investigation of county clerk's online conductWisconsin County health officials expect no COVID-19 surge after primary
WYWyoming Teton Co. election office encouraging absentee by mail voting
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