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Tuesday August 25, 2020
National NewsNational News Key highlights of DeJoy's House testimonyNational News The way to prevent a recount disaster is sitting right in front of usNational News How the historic March on Washington helped impact voting rightsNational News Voting merch is the new concert teeNational News How far feds have come on election security goals since the last electionNational News LeBron James and a multimillion-dollar push for more poll workersNational News BigLaw and the Ballot: The pro bono fight for mail-in votingNational News Election officials are most worried about voter procrastinationNational News Democratic groups launch $7.5M campaign to encourage voting by mailNational News DeJoy says president's attacks on mail voting 'not helpful'National News Grassley says USPS adequately funded to handle mail-in votingNational News A 1981 'task force' intimidated voters at the pollsNational News Black and Latino voters wary of mail-in votingNational News Suffrage anniversary commemorations highlight racial divideNational News President slams mail-in voting while DeJoy calls rhetoric 'not helpful'National News Preventing decline in student voting during pandemic
ALAlabama Here's how Pelham's municipal election results will be counted and postedAlabama Secretary of state checking out potential cases of crossover votingAlabama Alabama cities may postpone elections due to severe weatherAlabama Absentee ballots popular in Tuesday's North Alabama municipal elections
AZArizona McSally backs president's attacks on mail-in voting while assuring Arizonans their vote-by-mail system is safe
ARArkansas Arkansas focusing on safety of votersArkansas County's election officials looking at cutting polling placesArkansas Demand for absentee ballots up 500% in Pulaski Co.
CACalifornia County prepares for mail votingCalifornia SLO clerk-recorder offers ballot-tracking, extended voting days, more locations
CTConnecticut State officials stepping up to help prisoners vote
DEDelaware Carper, Coons request information on election mail delays, postal services
DCDistrict of Columbia Go-Go truck joins second protest outside Postmaster General's homeDistrict of Columbia Women's suffrage mosaic of Ida B. Wells in Union Station stops travelersDistrict of Columbia DC residents can vote at Nationals Park this fall, elections board says
FLFlorida Florida legal battle over digital ballots records goes to appeals courtFlorida Florida election supervisors fight to stop lawsuit over digital ballot imagesFlorida Voters offered free coronavirus testing after election poll worker tests positiveFlorida Election supervisor encourages early, proper submission to ensure vote countsFlorida Palm Beach Co. poll worker tests positive for COVIDFlorida Leon Co. supervisor of elections backs drop box, vote by mailFlorida Ballots rejected over careless mistakes
GAGeorgia County voter offices move to a new facilityGeorgia DeKalb Co. elections board tells people to drop off ballotsGeorgia Georgia seeks more poll workers, quicker glitch fixesGeorgia Ga. congressmen worry about election integrity and absentee votingGeorgia Secretary of state tells lawmakers state will be ready for NovemberGeorgia Ga. GOP members attend election call about challenges election officials face during pandemicGeorgia Georgia, Fulton elections officials promise improvements for November
IDIdaho Half-dozen bills introduced after chaotic start to first day of special sessionIdaho Senate panel approves voting center bill; sends to full Senate with 'do pass' recommendationIdaho Senate passes SB1002, allowing vote centers in NovemberIdaho House State Affairs passes resolution on poll worker pay
ILIllinois Springfield elections board: 'Early, early, early, is what we are really preaching strongly this year'Illinois Drop boxes will be available in suburban Cook Co.
INIndiana Absentee ballot apps surge in Southern IN
MEMaine Presque Isle sets election protocolsMaine Maine court puts GOP ranked choice voting challenges back on November ballot
MDMaryland County election board approves early voting centersMaryland Election, postal officials stress mailing ballots early this yearMaryland Howard Co. looking for election judgesMaryland BOE officials call on high school students to serve as election judges in MarylandMaryland Maryland begins sending out 4M mail-in ballot apps
MAMassachusetts Galvin: Mail-in extension would upset general election calendarMassachusetts Mass. veterans group, feds push back agains extending mail-in ballot deadlineMassachusetts South Shore residents take advantage of mail-in, early primary voting
MIMichigan Board of canvassers demands secretary of state provide control over Detroit election workersMichigan Michigan board requires Benson to oversee Detroit's fall electionMichigan County clerk: Primary election went smoothly with record number of absentee ballotsMichigan Michigan board vote may demand future state takeover of Detroit electionMichigan Lawsuits filed against governor and secretary of stateMichigan Surge in absentee ballots amid USPS changes prompts push for more drop boxes
MSMississippi Elections chief 'a bit concerned' about USPS returning ballotsMississippi Analysis: 315 absentee ballots were rejected in March presidential primaryMississippi Hinds Co. exploring ways to avoid poll worker shortage as election looms
MOMissouri Missouri spent thousands on ballot boxes that won't be used in November
MTMontana How does Montana ensure the integrity of mail-in ballots?
NENebraska Election officials say drop boxes are safe & secure way to vote
NVNevada Automatic voter reg numbers 'fell off a cliff' following DMV closures
NHNew Hampshire How to vote absentee in NH: Secretary of state and Portsmouth city clerk explainNew Hampshire Granite State voters shouldn't wait if they want to vote by mailNew Hampshire Secretary of state reports 72K absentee ballot requests so far
NJNew Jersey DeCroce wants early voting in municipal buildings for 2020
NMNew Mexico County elections official dies in eastern New MexicoNew Mexico Election officials fear coronavirus will cause a poll worker shortage
NYNew York Erie Co. BOE officials to meet with Postal ServiceNew York Cuomo signs executive order focused on election absentee ballotsNew York Defending voting rights in CNY to mark centennial of 19th AmendementNew York Monroe Co. voters concerned about receiving unsolicited absentee ballot applicationsNew York State Assemblymen raise concerns about early voting on Shelter Island
NCNorth Carolina Survey: NC voters nervous ballots won't be countedNorth Carolina Restore voting rights to NC prisoners on probation? Three- judge panel to decideNorth Carolina NCSBOE issues guidelines for students voting by mail
NDNorth Dakota Early voting and vote centers finalized in Stark Co.
OHOhio State lawmakers request more time to consider whether to pay postage for Ohio mail ballots
OKOklahoma Voters in 50 counties head to the polls for runoffs and other elections
OROregon No turning back in the state that pioneered voting by mailOregon Election officials urge people to check voter status, as some may be inactiveOregon As states mull expanding vote by mail, they're turning to Oregon for advice
PAPennsylvania New tool identifies potential bottlenecks for in-person votingPennsylvania Pa. mail-in voting case awaits Supreme Court rulingPennsylvania Fixing Pa. mail-in vote glitches goes down to the wirePennsylvania Bucks receives bid for ballot printer ahead of expected record-turnout general electionPennsylvania Washington Co. will resume training poll workersPennsylvania Luzerne Co. preparing for mail-in votingPennsylvania Federal judge's ruling puts spotlight on state lawsuits over mail-in ballotsPennsylvania Pa.'s senate GOP leaders propose an earlier cut-off date for voters to request mail-ballotPennsylvania Elections director in Berks doesn't see any postal problems so far
TNTennessee FedexForum is a no-go for a November voting siteTennessee Postal problems spur concerns over mail-in ballot delivery
TXTexas How to make sure your vote counts this NovemberTexas Elections administrator adjusts ballot unopposed candidatesTexas Bastrop Co. unveils new electronic voting machinesTexas Commissioners take action on preparations for electionTexas Election administrator turns in resignationTexas Voting sites in Webb Co. approved for general electionTexas County considers more polling places
UTUtah Celebrating voting rights anniversaries in Cache Valley this weekUtah Write-in candidates request a list mailed to voters, naming write-in candidates
VTVermont What does an election look like inside a prison?
VAVirginia Separate budget bill offers quick fix for helping absentee voting in Va.Virginia Registrar to adjust services in prep for more early voting in Newport NewsVirginia Virginia Dems fast-track absentee voting changesVirginia Va. Senate votes to make absentee voting easierVirginia General Assembly advances plan for ballot drop boxes for November
WAWashington As Washington saw record primary turnout in August, election officials remind voters to return November ballots earlyWashington Here is why more than 2K Tri-Cities primary ballots were rejected
WIWisconsin Use of absentee ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin is expanding
WYWyoming Younger residents help fill election judge spotsWyoming County defends poll sites
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