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Wednesday October 28, 2020
National NewsNational News CISA chief rips IG report, touts election security effortsNational News How transgender voters are fighting to make their votes countNational News Election Day technical difficulties won't mean democracy is overNational News Desperate voters book last-minute flights to the polls: ‘Five hours of flying is more than worth it’National News One week out, election IT officials project calm, with cautionNational News Cybersecurity and U.S. Election InfrastructureNational News White Castle is closing restaurants and giving workers paid time off to vote on election day, in a move few fast-food giants are willing to makeNational News Young 'Heroes' come to the rescue to fill poll-worker shortageNational News Voters in some states unable to cast early ballots in personNational News For people with visual impairments, truly secret ballots are elusiveNational News U.S. voter info has always been public — but now it's getting weaponizedNational News For abuse victims, registering to vote brings a dangerous tradeoffNational News What the US can learn from how other countries voted during the pandemicNational News Voting rights advocates urge calm before election stormNational News How state courts – not federal judges – could protect voting rightsNational News Voting by mail isn’t so easy on Native American reservationsNational News For Southern ‘get out the vote’ groups, COVID-19 forced new ways of doing thingsNational News How long will vote counting take? Estimates and deadlines in all 50 statesNational News The anxious person's guide to the 2020 electionNational News A week from the election, this poster harnesses the power of Native voting rightsNational News A week before election, time is running out to vote by mailNational News Jeering sign-wavers. Caravans of honking trucks. Voter intimidation or free speech?
ALAlabama Alabama law requires companies to give workers time off to vote, but there are limitsAlabama Marshall County election officials make preparations for election dayAlabama Mobile lawmaker will push with in-person early voting law next sessionAlabama Merrill says no-excuse voting won't lead to higher turnout
AKAlaska Palmer early voting location reopened after COVID closure
ARArkansas BC clerk issues advice on absentee ballot handling, proper identificationArkansas 100-year-old Arkansas woman proves there's no excuse for not votingArkansas Pulaski County Election Commission preps for counting absentee ballots on election day
CACalifornia Kern County Election officials receive ‘several hours of training’ to verify the signature on your ballotCalifornia Aromas resident claims mail-in ballot was tampered withCalifornia Fire cancels pop-up voting site, closes 4 drop boxesCalifornia Voters undaunted by 3-hour wait, power outage as San Bernardino County begins early votingCalifornia Yolo Co. registrar pushes back against email
COColorado Boulder County DA, clerk’s office partnering to prevent voter intimidationColorado Voter turnout almost 50% as workers count 120k ballots with a week left until Election DayColorado Poll workers signing up in large numbers, after concerns during primaries
CTConnecticut New Haven police to step up presence at polling locationsConnecticut As coronavirus cases continue to spike, Connecticut officials say it will be safe to go to the polls on Election DayConnecticut Middletown clerk ‘overwhelmed’ by 6,000-plus absentee ballotsConnecticut Meriden residents report voter reg issueConnecticut New Haven preps for election day registration
DEDelaware High percentage of Delawareans voting by mail have sent in their ballotsDelaware Ahead of Election Day, Attorney General Jennings reminds voters of rights and responsibilities
DCDistrict of Columbia Viola Hubbard has worked every election since 2008. Covid-19 won’t stop her.District of Columbia Chef José Andrés is feeding DC voters while they wait in long lines at the pollsDistrict of Columbia Despite some hiccups, voting by mail seems popular with DC residentsDistrict of Columbia Baseball fans will have to settle for early voting at Nationals ParkDistrict of Columbia On first day of early voting, DC voters savor a new experience: Casting a ballot at Nats Park
FLFlorida South Florida election workers poised to help fix mail-in ballotsFlorida Brevard supervisor of elections deploys guards for security at vote-by-mail ballot boxesFlorida Osceola elections workers process mail-in ballots ahead of Election DayFlorida As election looms, Miami elder-care facility says residents didn’t get mail for a weekFlorida Duval County Canvassing Board continues ban on cameras, instead it’s opting for Zoom meetingsFlorida Duval risks undoing vote counts if board violates Sunshine Laws: 'This is the beginning of Florida delaying the election results'Florida Pregnant Orange County woman in labor votes from polling place parking lotFlorida County early voting sites to close early Wednesday, open late Thursday for Tropical Storm Zeta
GAGeorgia Inside the Vote: Mail-in voting securityGeorgia Georgia releases thousands of pages of election recordsGeorgia Cobb elections director on how the county is managing high turnoutGeorgia Dougherty County Elections Board discusses solutions to early voting issues
IDIdaho Most ballots expected to be counted by midnightIdaho Ada election workers start opening, scanning Idaho absentee ballotsIdaho Idaho officials warn of spread of election misinformation
ILIllinois Will County Republicans question notification for daily mail-in ballot processingIllinois Chicago election officials still looking to assign polling places for 7 precincts in the final stretch to Election Day
INIndiana Quarantined Hoosiers can vote by traveling board. Counties aren't sure how it will work.Indiana 97-Year-Old Wilma Webster Has Never Missed An ElectionIndiana Record early turnout and a delayed opening mark vote centers' first few daysIndiana Long lines, lack of parking at some Marion County voting centers
IAIowa Iowa Secretary of State Office partners with cybersecurity firm for election securityIowa 'Bring a friend that's gonna keep you company': Stories and advice from Iowa's early votersIowa Iowa elections officials concerned over surge in virus cases
KSKansas British paper says 3 men responsible for president pushing voter fraud. Kobach is one
KYKentucky Ex-postal worker charged with tossing absentee ballotsKentucky Ky. National Guard to assist at polling locations for Nov. 3 electionKentucky Election board rejects a few ballots thrown away due to filing errorsKentucky Disinformation causing election confusion
LALouisiana In record-shattering year, crush of voters expected on last day of early voting in New OrleansLouisiana Sec. of State Ardoin running election during pandemic
MEMaine Maine poll workers ‘tense’ as Election Day looms, along with unprecedented flood of absentee ballotsMaine Maine election clerks begin processing flood of absentee ballotsMaine Orono woman charged with voter fraud after allegedly casting former roommate’s ballot
MDMaryland Man who refused to wear mask at polling place arrested, charging docs say
MAMassachusetts What to expect on Election Night in MassachusettsMassachusetts Blind and visually impaired Mass. voters worry about disenfranchisement due to mail-in votingMassachusetts Baker says he opposed ranked-choice voting ballot measureMassachusetts Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito to vote against ballot measure on ranked choice votingMassachusetts Baker would support a vote-by-mail system beyond the 2020 electionsMassachusetts Early returns: Town clerks on Cape Cod begin tabulating ballots
MIMichigan Demystifying Michigan elections: What happens to ballots after you vote?Michigan MI election workers on watch for voter intimidationMichigan Secretary of State: Too late to mail in absentee ballotsMichigan Battle Creek offering free bus fare on Election DayMichigan Detroit NAACP to monitor voting sites for intimidationMichigan Judge blocks Secretary of State's order banning open carry of guns at polling placesMichigan 2020 election is ‘unlike anything we’ve seen,’ says Kent County ClerkMichigan 1 million absentee ballots not yet returned as Election Day nearsMichigan Lawsuit challenges mask, distance rules for poll workers
MNMinnesota Ellison encourages Minnesotans to know their rights at the pollsMinnesota Minnesota ballot extension deadline goes before federal appeals panelMinnesota Week before election, Minneapolis opens two more early voting sitesMinnesota Federal panel weighing Minnesota's expanded window for absentee ballot counting
MSMississippi Procedure for COVID patients to vote curbsideMississippi U.S. Attorneys in Mississippi discuss protecting voting rights in stateMississippi Hinds Co. Election Commission files lawsuit against Board of Supervisors over grant disputeMississippi Here’s what Mississippians need to know a week before Election Day, Secretary of State saysMississippi With no early voting, DeSoto County election officials warn of long lines expected on Election Day
MOMissouri Greene County clerk prepares for long lines on election dayMissouri Satellite voting sites present barriers for curbside voters with disabilities
MTMontana UM, Missoula County partner for satellite voting centerMontana Montana election officials recommend dropping off mail ballots in person in last weekMontana New Lake County clerk, recorder appointed, new election administrator hiredMontana Ravalli County election administrator urges people to vote soon
NENebraska Ballot boxes at campaign rally in Omaha are not "official"
NHNew Hampshire US attorney’s office establishes NH Election Day hotlineNew Hampshire Some NH town, city clerks to partially pre-process absentee ballotsNew Hampshire A week out from Election Day, more than 181K ballots have already been returned
NMNew Mexico GOP, county clerks sue secretary of state over balloting processNew Mexico NM Supreme Court denies GOP election petition
NYNew York Greenburgh tries to make long, early voting lines more bearableNew York Thousands of voters deemed 'inactive' may have to file affidavit ballotsNew York Disability advocates ‘don’t play around’ with voting rights, yet challenges remain at the pollsNew York De Blasio joins frustrated New Yorkers waiting hours to vote early in 'third-rate' systemNew York N.Y. lawmakers want to make it easier to shield domestic violence survivors’ voter infoNew York Uproar as NY election honcho in Boston amid hours-long early voting linesNew York Local elections officials mull expanded early voting hours amid high demandNew York Mask-wearing causes tension at St. Lawrence County polling siteNew York NYC BOE extends early voting hours
NCNorth Carolina Electioneering complaints but no voter intimidation at early voting sitesNorth Carolina President encourages people to change their vote but you can't do that in the Carolinas
NDNorth Dakota Auditors test election equipment before early voting and Election Day
OHOhio Ballot scanners and lots of memory sticks: How Ohio counts votesOhio Unprecedented Ohio early voting spurs security worries among voters, local officials look to helpOhio Ohio’s drop-box dispute shows how voting rights groups and Democrats fear president's influenceOhio LaRose says election is 'unchangeable' and will go on in Ohio despite COVIDOhio Ohio Supreme Court rules Secretary of State Frank LaRose was justified in rejecting elections board nomineeOhio Alleged anti-vote-by-mail robocall scammers charged again in OhioOhio State faults Franklin County for not enough double-checking after mailing 50K bad ballotsOhio Despite pandemic, new record for committed poll workers in Ohio
OROregon Umatilla County turnout rises one week out from Election DayOregon Voter turnout in Multnomah County nearly 51 percent a week before Election DayOregon Oregon has added 755,000 registered voters since motor voter law passedOregon Security at the forefront as Multnomah County begins to process ballots
PAPennsylvania More training on the way for Philly’s first-time poll workersPennsylvania What is ‘ballot harvesting,’ and who can and can’t deliver your mail ballot in Pa.Pennsylvania Poll workers preparing for a busy Election NightPennsylvania K-9 at ballot drop box draws concerns about voter intimidation; county addresses issuePennsylvania Officials try to ease Philly voters' minds with $5M ballot-counting operationPennsylvania Northumberland County officials: Ignore scam calls; mail-in voting safe, securePennsylvania A ballot opener that can tackle 40,000 envelopes an hour, and other things to know about Lehigh Valley Election Day logisticsPennsylvania Pa. county’s election board asks Barrett to recuse herself from case; Philly officials weigh asking for National Guard troops ahead of electionPennsylvania Long lines again at York County election office on last day to request mail-in ballotPennsylvania Pa. secretary of state had a big job overseeing election reform in Pa. Then COVID hitPennsylvania A newly sworn in Justice Barrett faces a motion to recuse herself in election case
RIRhode Island RI mail ballots should go in drop boxes starting now
SCSouth Carolina SC GOP candidate says poll worker ‘bullied’ her when she refused to wear mask while votingSouth Carolina New directions providing transportation to help homeless cast their ballotsSouth Carolina Beaufort Co. Election Day volunteers not tapped to help absentee voters. Why?South Carolina SC counties ordered to stop rejecting absentee ballots over mismatched signatures
SDSouth Dakota Pennington County looks to get more election workers
TNTennessee Tennessee voters with COVID-19 can now vote in-person at special sites under new guidelinesTennessee Referendum trial wraps with Nashville judge to issue decision on Election DayTennessee Shelby election officials get new ballot scanners for absentee vote countTennessee More than half of registered voters cast ballots early in Loudon CountyTennessee Extra staff and a focus on security: How elections officials in Tennessee are preparing for Election Day
TXTexas Resident’s Old Braeswood garage has served as election polling place for nearly 40 yearsTexas Texas' ability to run accessible, efficient elections is being tested this year. Will Bexar County flunk?Texas An inconsistent signature could decide whether your mail ballot is countedTexas Smith County polling location reopens with new workers after COVID-19 caseTexas Curbside voting options available for disabled voters, those concerned about health risksTexas Tarrant County elections officials re-scanning thousands of ballots after machine errorTexas Some Texas voting machines can't read mail ballots, 22K affected so farTexas Texas hits record high for early voting turnoutTexas Galveston County has processed two thirds of mail-in ballots so farTexas Cold weather closes early voting at old Tom Green County jail until ThursdayTexas Voting rights group launches emergency telemedicine hotlineTexas Texas counties will be allowed only one drop-off location for mail-in ballots, state Supreme Court rulesTexas Texas Secretary of State asks Harris County clerk to clarify ‘apparent discrepancies’ in reporting of early voting totalsTexas National Guard does not plan to patrol polling places in Houston, top Texas military commander says
UTUtah Utah ballots pouring back in 1 week before election
VTVermont Vermont secretary of state outlines voting guidance ahead of Election Day
VAVirginia New processing procedure to keep up with influx of absentee ballots in Montgomery CountyVirginia Virginia voters who mess up their absentee ballots have a chance to fix themVirginia Virginia Democrats sue for list of voters with ballot errorsVirginia City and county police release joint statement on polling place conductVirginia Virginia Democrats sue Richmond Voter’s Registrar over absentee ballot issueVirginia Va. elections website let hundreds of voters request mail-in ballots after deadline, but they won’t get themVirginia Fairfax County extends early-voting hours in the face of long lines and delaysVirginia The Trickbot ransomware is infecting computers in Virginia. Elections officials say they’re readyVirginia Some absentee ballots were filled out incorrectly. Dems are suing to find who filed them
WAWashington 57% of Whatcom voters have returned their ballots. If you haven’t, the auditor has adviceWashington Washington state election officials bracing for last minute misinformation campaignsWashington King County Elections offers Vote Center at ShoWare Center in KentWashington Q&A with Washington State's Director of Elections
WVWest Virginia Poll worker preparations continue ahead of Election Day 2020
WIWisconsin How Wisconsin voters can ‘cure’ the hundreds of ballots already rejectedWisconsin Racing to the polls with drive-thru early voting in Eau ClaireWisconsin WI Attorney General Josh Kaul confident Election Day will be safe and smoothWisconsin Platteville reports 'urgent need' for poll workers for Election DayWisconsin Superior seeks more poll workersWisconsin Mayors of Wisconsin's largest cities lay out election safety plansWisconsin Officials urge shift to in-person return of absentee ballotsWisconsin Milwaukee absentee ballot drop boxes to be replaced this week with permanent versionsWisconsin Municipal clerks join call for Supreme Court to issue decision on misprinted ballotsWisconsin Concerns mount in WI over early voting, ballots, voter suppression as Election Day loomsWisconsin Wisconsin officials stress need for quick return of mail ballots in wake of Supreme Court rulingWisconsin State reports few absentee voting mistakes among ballots that have been returned so far
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