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Friday October 30, 2020
National NewsNational News Most US states will allow voting without mask to prevent clashesNational News Long lines, broken machines: Why voters should not be too worried about some poll site snafusNational News Is it safe to lick the ballot envelope? Public health officials take on the new challenge of making voting safe amid a pandemicNational News Pandemic spurs election 2020 poll site changesNational News ‘Like a yo-yo’: Election officials grapple with flood of confusing last-minute rule changesNational News How votes are actually counted on Election DayNational News Here’s what each state says about taking photos while you voteNational News Long lines, stressed poll workers, COVID-19: How Stanford d.school is using design to streamline votingNational News Three states announce National Guard troops to assist at voting sites on Election DayNational News US election lawsuits: Less than a week out, where do they stand?National News Hundreds of absentee ballots In Detroit, Pennsylvania missing, not delivered by Postal ServiceNational News Supreme Court readies for possible post-election casesNational News Overstating the foreign threat to elections poses its own risks, U.S. officials and experts sayNational News On poll workers, many election officials breathe sigh of reliefNational News Student voting surges despite efforts to suppress itNational News Within the early voting boom, youth turnout seems to be surgingNational News Does free food (and other election festivities) increase voter turnout?National News Here's a rundown of mail-in ballot cases that have been settled in US courtsNational News Millions of mail-in ballots not yet returned in battleground statesNational News Mask requirements at polling places lead to confrontations and lawsuits as infections rise.National News A journey into the heart of America's voting paranoiaNational News Tracking viral misinformation ahead of the 2020 electionNational News Q-tips, generators and a prayer: How to run an electionNational News Poll worker numbers have many election officials breathing sigh of relief
ALAlabama Ala. lawmakers to re-introduce early voting legislation in 2021Alabama Masks not required at Alabama polling locationsAlabama Doug Jones campaign hints at legal action over Tuscaloosa absentee voting waits
AKAlaska Ballot Measure 2 on Nov. 3 ballot: It’s called “Election Reform” but detractors say “Election Confusion”Alaska A push for election reform in Alaska scrambles party lines on Ballot Measure 2
AZArizona Yuma County gearing up for Election DayArizona Arizona sees massive turnout, smooth process in early voting
CACalifornia Voting guidelines outlined by San Luis Obispo County Clerk-Recorder ahead of Election DayCalifornia Federal officials gear up for Election Day in Sacramento area, but not at polling sitesCalifornia Beverly Hills police, LAPD making security preparations for Election DayCalifornia New, hi-tech voting system put to the test in SB, SLO and Ventura CountiesCalifornia How A’s are transforming Oakland Coliseum into Alameda County’s largest voting centerCalifornia Dozens of ballots deposited at Richmond City Hall drop-off site missing, county official saysCalifornia How a small county got the money to buy “I voted” stickers and other election suppliesCalifornia How to adjust voter access when wildfires interrupt your local electionCalifornia Hotel Figueroa, downtown L.A. landmark, to serve as a vote center tooCalifornia Poll: Which of LA's iconic entertainment, sports venues will be most popular with voters this yearCalifornia LA County launches mobile voting centers to reach people who might have difficulty getting to pollsCalifornia Amazon Studios, Homeboy Industries team to provide meals to LA poll workersCalifornia Inglewood coffee shop Sip & Sonder will serve as a pop-up vote centerCalifornia 168 vote centers to open across OC, including super site at Honda CenterCalifornia For Native Americans, voter outreach is by both wi-fi and radioCalifornia See inside LA Co.'s vast election ballot processing centerCalifornia Huntington Park to get two new voting centers after community outcryCalifornia VoteMobile helps wildfire victims and seniors cast their ballots
COColorado Rejected ballots top 10,000 in Colorado. And election officials are working to get them counted.Colorado City of Aspen gearing up for a spring election pandemic styleColorado Despite chaos of wildfires, election officials in Grand, Larimer counties making sure every vote counts
CTConnecticut Wrong absentee ballots sent to voters in Stratford House of Representatives districtConnecticut Connecticut cities and towns expect to report unofficial results on Election Night despite record number of absentee ballotsConnecticut Conn. broke its voter reg record just days before the election
DCDistrict of Columbia From Capital One Arena to Nats Park: Inside voting at DC's sporting venues ahead of 2020 ElectionDistrict of Columbia Bowser: D.C. Election Day preps to include parking restrictions, potential road closures
FLFlorida Voting twice for president in NJ and Florida is possible for 300 double-registered votersFlorida Preparing for long lines at the pollsFlorida Collier County Supervisor of Elections asking residents to vote earlyFlorida Butt of election jokes in the past, Florida believes its election system is readyFlorida Duval County judge leading vote-counting board donated to Trump 12 times. That's not allowed.Florida Formerly incarcerated women speak out on voting rights for Florida felonsFlorida Chair of Duval County Canvassing Board resignsFlorida Central Florida elections chiefs, law officers stand at the ready to fight voter intimidationFlorida Supervisors plan to revive effort to remove voter registration information from public recordFlorida Palm Beach County leaders stress calm, coronavirus caution in election homestretchFlorida Central Florida counties hire ballot drop box security guards to discourage copycat arson attacksFlorida Hurricane Zeta cuts early voting hours short in Santa Rosa CountyFlorida Florida failed to spend $10 million for election security, COVID-19 protection at pollsFlorida Tampa Bay elections supervisors seeking “cures” for mail ballot signature issues
GAGeorgia Some Sandy Springs voters are surprised by polling place changesGeorgia Early voting knocked offline in several counties after storm blows throughGeorgia Hall election files leaked by hackers, reports showGeorgia Georgia election networks untouched by Hall County ransomware attackGeorgia ACLU latest group feeling jilted after offering DeKalb elections help
HIHawaii A majority of Hawaii voters have already cast their ballots
IDIdaho Moscow Police take proactive measures to keep voters safe at polling sitesIdaho 5 Canyon poll workers test positive for COVID-19, some elections staff out...Idaho Canyon County switches to out-of-state ballot printer this year
ILIllinois The United Center will be a polling place on Election DayIllinois Rockford, Winnebago County election offices brace for Election Day unlike any otherIllinois Ballot rejections and the election in IllinoisIllinois McLean County continues to work with sheriff's department, helping those in jail vote
INIndiana Pulaski County Election Board preparing for large voter turnoutIndiana State: Masks, distancing, etc. can't be forced at polling sites
IAIowa Iowa confident rejected ballots won't be an issueIowa What to expect on Election Day in Story County: Prep for long lines and wear a mask, auditor saysIowa Secretary of state promises strengthened election securityIowa Judge backs Iowa's limits on absentee ballot drop box sitesIowa Keeping poll workers safe and healthy ahead of and during the election
KSKansas ACLU files complaint for Ellis Co. election worker over lack of mask mandate
KYKentucky Adams: Voter intimidation will be taken seriouslyKentucky Secretary of state wants some COVID-era voting changes to become permanent
LALouisiana Louisiana secretary of state, governor focusing on power restoration at polling locations hit by ZetaLouisiana Parish Clerk, Secretary of State assessing conditions at New Orleans voting sites after Hurricane ZetaLouisiana A critical mission after Hurricane Zeta: Racing to survey damage to polling places
MDMaryland Many voters confused about ballot status, county election official saysMaryland More than 70,000 Harford voters have cast ballots already, either early or by mailMaryland Maryland mail-in ballots at historic levels before Election Day
MAMassachusetts 'We know where our ballots are at all times'Massachusetts Mass. ACLU training thousands of nonpartisan poll watchers
MIMichigan Clerks must pick up absentee ballots, but you need to request it and conditions applyMichigan Issues with absentee ballot instructions in Deerfield TownshipMichigan Detroit election clerk addresses turnout, absentee ballots at press conferenceMichigan "We are prepared for 100%" Detroit voting officials ready up for busy election dayMichigan Two conservative operatives charged in a robocall scam are ordered to call 85,000 people back.Michigan Detroit city clerk says 500 ballots were not lost in mail, but spoiledMichigan Michigan court rejects appeal on gun ban outside polling placesMichigan Extra sheriff’s deputies assigned to prevent voter intimidation at Washtenaw County polls
MNMinnesota GOP campaigns ask for late ballots to be separatedMinnesota Judge bars Atlas Aegis from placing armed agents near Minn. polling locationsMinnesota Area counties head into Election Day with plan, staff in placeMinnesota Simon explains poll challenger lawsMinnesota Court: Late Minnesota absentee ballots must be separated amid ongoing litigation
MOMissouri Springfield City Utilities offering free rides to the polls on Election Day, providing polling place
MTMontana Counting down the days: 30,000 ballots already have been returned in Cascade CountyMontana In final days of campaign, secretary of state candidates trade accusationsMontana Cascade County leads the state in ballot returns so farMontana Glacier Co. declining to place ballot drop boxes on Blackfeet ReservationMontana Ravalli Co. elections sees high early voting numbersMontana Missoula Co. officials give election updateMontana Glacier County sets up ballot drop boxes on Blackfeet Reservation
NENebraska What happens if a Nebraska voter dies after voting early and other questions answered
NJNew Jersey Voting twice for president in NJ and Florida is possible for 300 double-registered votersNew Jersey Morris County Clerk clarifies Election Day in-person voting optionsNew Jersey County workers begin scanning ballots in N.JNew Jersey Burlington County receives $2.9 million grant from nonprofit to fund election expenses
NMNew Mexico Secretary of State talks about what to expect on election nightNew Mexico Turnout in NM passes 660,000, 82 percent of 2016’s total turnout
NYNew York Agreement reached on Bard voting locationNew York Determination, uncertainty about Election Day lines drive Lower Hudson Valley early votersNew York DeBlasio calls for board of elections overhaulNew York Long lines at polls persist on day 6 of early voting in NYCNew York Ulster Democrats sue to compel longer early-voting hours and added site to shorten waitsNew York NYC BOE grants Manhattan one extra early voting site to alleviate long linesNew York NYC BOE secretary responds to criticism: 'I think a lot of it is unfair'
NCNorth Carolina Despite COVID concerns, teams venture into nursing homes to get out the voteNorth Carolina Stanly Board of Elections works through COVID-19 restrictions to serve votersNorth Carolina A Black voting rights activist confronts the ghosts of racial terror in North CarolinaNorth Carolina Young NC voters less likely to trust that the 2020 election will be legitimateNorth Carolina Last day of early voting in North Carolina is Saturday, when polls close earlierNorth Carolina Grand Forks County election officials begin to process mail-in ballotsNorth Carolina County election staff, observers and voters report election law violationsNorth Carolina Absentee ballot rejection rates down in NC despite record number of mail-in votesNorth Carolina Carrboro rejects state’s request to remove Black Lives Matter flags from Town HallNorth Carolina How one rural county struggles to find polling places
NDNorth Dakota ND man accused of threatening to blow up polling location
OHOhio Voided votes: Why did 8 local counties reject 5,800 ballots this spring?Ohio Return your ballots, Lake Elections Board director urgesOhio Mahoning County elections board wins $785K grantOhio Two conservative operatives charged in a robocall scam are ordered to call 85,000 people back.Ohio More than 56,000 Ohioans trained to work the polls for 2020 electionOhio Truckloads of ballots delivered to Cuyahoga County Board of Elections
OKOklahoma 'However long it takes': Voters line up in rain at ONEOK Field to get ballots cast earlyOklahoma Massive lines & eager voters on day one of early votingOklahoma Thousands cast ballots on first day of early voting at ONEOK Field
OROregon In Oregon, vote by mail has been going strong for two decadesOregon Heightened concerns about voting integrity prompt calls to elections officials in Clackamas Co.
PAPennsylvania Why this swing-state county is investing over $1 million in its voting infrastructurePennsylvania Mail-in voting should lead to shorter lines at the polls, Boockvar saysPennsylvania County commissioners caution against Election Day intimidationPennsylvania Cumberland County under fire, waiting until after Election Day to count mail-in ballotsPennsylvania USPS, Butler Co. at odds over lost ballotsPennsylvania Westmoreland elections officials: ‘Number of residents’ have not received mail-in, absentee ballotsPennsylvania Pennsylvania struggles with how — or if — to help voters fix their mail ballotsPennsylvania One glove per voter: How Philly will keep polling places COVID-safe on Election DayPennsylvania Erie County sets rules for guns at polling places on Tuesday amid intimidation concernsPennsylvania Skipping the neighborhood polls? Allegheny County voters have lots of reasons for using mail ballots insteadPennsylvania Pennsylvania struggles with how — or if — to help voters fix their mail ballotsPennsylvania Behind-the-scenes look at Allegheny Co. elections warehousePennsylvania County canvassing delays met with confusion, frustrationPennsylvania Cumberland County commissioners stick with plan; mail-in ballot count there to start on Nov. 4Pennsylvania Council committee kicks off inquiry into county electionsPennsylvania Pennsylvania emerges as likely hot spot for voting disputes and legal challenges after Election Day
RIRhode Island Board of Elections says they’re ready for Election Day, vote certification processRhode Island RI Election: Vote count already underway
SCSouth Carolina Process of counting mail-in versus in-person absentee ballotsSouth Carolina Upstate voters wait hours after power outage at satellite early vote locationSouth Carolina Heavy winds caused power outages, delays at in-person absentee voting precinctsSouth Carolina Power outages cause hours long wait at Fort Mill polling location
SDSouth Dakota S.D. election officials take new approaches to voting amid pandemicSouth Dakota In South Dakota, Native Americans face numerous obstacles to voting
TNTennessee Tennessee offers post office absentee drop-offs until Nov. 3Tennessee TN vote count could take longer as absentee ballot requests smash recordsTennessee Gardner: Voters can ensure fast delivery of absentee ballotsTennessee Are you COVID-19 positive and still need to vote in Davidson County? There's a way.Tennessee Voters with COVID-19 symptoms will have designated voting location in Knox CountyTennessee Voters with COVID-19 symptoms, exposure to have an option Nov. 3, election commission says
TXTexas These are the ballot machines and systems available in TexasTexas Worried your mail-in ballot still hasn't arrived? Here's how to be sure your vote countsTexas TSU voters waited hours to cast a ballot on Super Tuesday. Harris Co. says it won't happen againtTexas 'A bald-faced lie': Candidates implicated in voter fraud allegations deny claimsTexas Hays and Williamson counties broke voter turnout recordsTexas US judge requires face masks in Texas polling locations; appeals court halts rulingTexas Most Texas voters favor some voting reforms--but they don't agree on what kindsTexas Voters complaining of mail-in ballot delays as Election Day approachesTexas 24-hour voting underway in Harris CountyTexas Number of problem ballots in Tarrant Co. fewer than originally thoughtTexas Harris County breaks all-time voter turnout record, surpassing 2016 election
UTUtah KSL investigators explore voting issues in Utah's rural countiesUtah Utah preps response plans amid national worries over voter intimidation, threatsUtah Counties have plan if civil unrest breaks out on Election Day
VTVermont Condos still not happy about Kavanaugh’s incorrect opinion even with change
VAVirginia Life of Judy: Meet the woman who's been overseeing Loudoun County's elections for three decadesVirginia Saturday is the last day for Virginians to vote early in-personVirginia Virginia voters worry about voter suppression despite recent legislative changes
WAWashington How WA officials are fighting election interference in 2020Washington Incumbent Kim Wyman faces Democratic challenger Gael Tarleton for Secretary of StateWashington Elections officials warn last-minute Washington voters could face hours-long lines
WIWisconsin Madison City Clerk Office implements, details election security measuresWisconsin Election Officials urge patience on election night resultsWisconsin Clerk prepared for surge of absentee ballotsWisconsin State Supreme Court denies Outagamie, Calumet counties advice on broken ballots
WYWyoming Secretary of State: Misinformation is a 'threat'
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