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Wednesday November 11, 2020
National NewsNational News Postal worker admits fabricating allegations of ballot tampering, officials sayNational News Election officals nationwide find no evidence of fraudNational News Attorney General William Barr's election fraud memo brings new storm to Justice DepartmentNational News Posts falsify ties between election tech firm and DemocratsNational News What are election observers?National News Election breathes new life into false ‘dead voter’ claimsNational News States cite smooth election, despite president's baseless claimsNational News Stacey Abrams: Fighting voter suppression 'changed the trajectory of the nation'National News Democrats' lackluster performance in downballot races is a double-edged sword for election and voting rights reformNational News Postal Service continues to receive thousands of ballotsNational News DoJ officials condemn Barr's approval of voter fraud inquiries without evidenceNational News Bipartisan group of scholars, officials push back on voter fraud claimsNational News Pence doesn't provide evidence of voter fraud in meeting with GOP senatorsNational News Echoing President, congressional candidates refuse to concede, make unproven fraud claimsNational News Growing discomfort at law firms representing campaign in election lawsuitsNational News Fact check: False QAnon claim that Trump secretly watermarked mail-in ballots to prove fraudNational News Most mail and provisional ballots got counted in past U.S. elections – but many did notNational News Most Republican lawsuits challenging election results in battleground states haven't gone farNational News Postal Service facilities report receiving thousands of ballots on MondayNational News Campaign election lawsuits have mostly failed. Here's what they've tried
AKAlaska Alaska counts almost 50,000 more ballots
AZArizona Arizona secretary of state rejects GOP lawmaker's request for tests of voting machinesArizona As Arizona count ticks on, volunteers race to make sure ballots are not rejected
ARArkansas Tensions detailed as votes tallied
CACalifornia Elections czar: All-mail voting could be the future for L.A. CountyCalifornia Goodbye to neighborhood polling places? California may go all-mail in every electionCalifornia L.A.'s $300-million voting system gets high marks as votes trickle in across CaliforniaCalifornia San Diego Co. registrar of voter sorts out what happens if an election is tiedCalifornia Less than 6K votes left to count in Nevada County racesCalifornia Nearly 200K ballots remain to be counted in LA Co.California Assemblyman moves to make mailed ballots permanent
FLFlorida Polk elections chief says voter fraud is unlikely
GAGeorgia Trump campaign seeks hand recount in Georgia, could get itGeorgia VERIFY: No, there were not extra ballots cast in Gwinnett County during the electionGeorgia County election officials gearing up for Georgia’s audit, recountGeorgia Former Ga. Secretary of State Cathy Cox calls out GOP over election fraud accusationsGeorgia Campaign demands recount by hand statewideGeorgia Newton elections board considers three advanced voting sitesGeorgia Tight turnaround: Georgia Senate candidates, voters, election officials prepare for runoff
IDIdaho Fueled by absentee ballots, Idaho set multiple records on Election Day
ILIllinois Student election judges reflect on experienceIllinois Count on future mail voting — even if hundreds of thousands of ballots are still being countedIllinois Sangamon Co. election official says its rare if a mail-in-ballot is rejectedIllinois Pandemic can't deter 89-year-old election judgeIllinois White County clerk files for injunction against commissionersIllinois Few mail-in ballots rejected in Sangamon County, deadline to fix errors approaching
INIndiana Gaskill, Phipps respond to residents' voting issues
IAIowa Scott Co. poll worker hospitalized with COVID-19Iowa Woodbury Co. Elections Board complete audit, find no errorsIowa Audit affirms corrected results in one Jasper Co. precinctIowa Secretary of State orders audit of Lucas County precinct due to error, requests countywide recount
KSKansas Kansas Senator works to introduce new election fraud protection bill
KYKentucky With general election behind it, Calloway board looks to future
MEMaine King demands evidence of 'widespread wrongdoing,' says otherwise president should concedeMaine Ranked choice voting decided three municipal elections
MAMassachusetts More than 43K mail-in ballots received on or after Election Day
MIMichigan Campaign says new lawsuit seeks to stop certification of Michigan election resultsMichigan Michigan AG to right-wing website: Take down misleading videosMichigan Campaign says it will sue MI again, claiming irregularitiesMichigan Grand Rapids company, confused with election tech company, receiving threatening callsMichigan Election results certification underway in Michigan countiesMichigan Fact check: Videos showing crowd locked out of Detroit TCF Center with windows obstructed are missing context
MNMinnesota Minnetonka voters approve ranked-choice voting for city elections
MSMississippi Tupelo making precinct changes ahead of next election cycle
MOMissouri Greene County’s check against voting machine tampering comes back clean
NENebraska Sarpy Co. poll worker says he caught COVID on election day
NVNevada Clark County Registrar of Voters; ‘We’re coming to a close’ on ballot counting
NHNew Hampshire AG declares election success in NH; staff answers 275 voter concerns
NJNew Jersey Worker at Prudential Center polling site tests positive for COVID-19 after working Election DayNew Jersey Ballot counting halted in Ocean Co. as staff member tests positive for COVID
NYNew York Poll workers at Franklin West precinct infected with COVID-19New York Gianairs introduces bill to speed up counting of absentee ballotsNew York Thousands of New York voters can now fix faulty mail-in ballotsNew York Jefferson County begins counting record number of absentee ballotsNew York NYC’s first ranked-choice election is coming to Queens. Are voters ready?New York At least 26 lawsuits filed in NY legislative races amid mail-in ballot countNew York Why does it take New York so long to count absentee ballots?
NCNorth Carolina Audit shows voting machines worked perfectly in Forsyth County and Winston-SalemNorth Carolina Counties continue counting absentee by-mail ballotsNorth Carolina 17 North Carolina counties, including Mecklenburg County, are still counting votesNorth Carolina 'Check every record': County election officials find answers for thousands of provisional ballots cast in 2020 electionNorth Carolina Wake elections officials approve bulk of absentee ballotsNorth Carolina Here's what's next for Randolph elections staffNorth Carolina Envelopes still trickling in as deadline to count absentees approaches
OHOhio New machines play key role in helping with large voter turnout in Brooke CountyOhio Mystery solved surrounding Stark County voter’s ballotOhio Athens County Board of Elections finds voting booth signs saying votes for O’Neill wouldn’t count were a result of human error, not election fraudOhio Seven Hills mayor talks about Election Day mess at schoolOhio Cuyahoga County poll worker tests positive for COVID-19 days after the election
OKOklahoma State election board certifies Nov. 3 election
OROregon Oregon election clerks: Voter registration system is weak point
PAPennsylvania State lawmakers call for creation of a panel to investigate, audit electionPennsylvania Bedford County responds to use of Sharpie pens on election ballotsPennsylvania Only 2 ballots that arrived late and had Nov. 3 postmark came from Erie postal facilityPennsylvania Meet the men and women behind the scenes of the Erie County Elections officePennsylvania Pa. received 10,000 late ballots that arrived after polls closed on Election DayPennsylvania Election day mishap in Berks County highlights need for culturally competent poll workersPennsylvania Pennsylvania secretary of state says she will ask judge to promptly toss ballot lawsuitPennsylvania Delaware Co. election board explains why workers filled out new ballotsPennsylvania Experts: Campaign lawsuit targeting Allegheny County election not legally soundPennsylvania Proud to be from Pittsburgh: Volunteers and election workers tirelessly working to count ballots
PRPuerto Rico Puerto Rico unearths uncounted ballots 1 week after election
SCSouth Carolina South Carolina GOP lawmakers call for more election regulationSouth Carolina S.C. Republican congressional delegation calling on election reform to weed out “voter irregularities”South Carolina Gov. McMaster opposes early voting remaining permanent in SCSouth Carolina Historic early-voting window tamped down Election Day lines in Richland and LexingtonSouth Carolina In-person absentee voting opens for Sumter mayor, city council runoff racesSouth Carolina Polling place change reminders delivered to voters after the election
TNTennessee Madison Co. Election Commission finishes counting 64 paper ballotsTennessee Coronavirus case closes Hardin County Election Commission office
TXTexas Elections official: More than 8 races left off 270 ballots in Comal CountyTexas Beckley pushing for voting centers in Denton CountyTexas Travis County clerk halts ‘media room’ sequestration of poll watchersTexas Lt. gov offers up $1M reward for 'voter fraud whistleblowers and tipsters'
VTVermont Will Vermont make this year’s expansion of vote-by-mail permanent?
VAVirginia Local registrars address concerns; Williamsburg, James City, York election tallies releasedVirginia Powhatan County sees 43 percent voter turnout before Election DayVirginia COVID-19 outbreak reported at Henrico Voter Registration OfficeVirginia Two Carroll County poll workers test positive for coronavirus after working Nov. 3 elections
WAWashington Whatcom legislator seeks end to Washington’s all-mail voting
WVWest Virginia Morgan Co. clerk sees smooth general election as canvass endsWest Virginia Cabell canvass complete, expected to be certified ThursdayWest Virginia Illness slows Wood County canvassWest Virginia Canvassing begins across West Virginia
WIWisconsin ACLU of WI says election officials 'did a great job' in general electionWisconsin Wisconsin Elections Commission debunks 'unfounded rumors' about state's election resultsWisconsin County election canvassing continues, clerks prepare for expected recountWisconsin Wisconsin Republicans seek issues they can raise in a recount, but no major problems have surfacedWisconsin Wisconsin clerks reported 237 possible voter fraud cases since 2016Wisconsin Republican seeks independent audit to examine election, claims of irregularities lacks evidence
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