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Tuesday November 24, 2020
National NewsNational News President's election fight includes over 30 lawsuits. It's not going well.National News How misinformation 'superspreaders' seed false election theoriesNational News Biden picks Alejandro Mayorkas for Homeland Security secretary
ALAlabama Alabama’s State Canvassing Board certifies November 3 election resultsAlabama Alabama certifies election results; turnout fell short of earlier projections
AZArizona After weeks of fighting, ballot counting may be near finish in ArizonaArizona Mohave County certifies election results, becoming final Arizona county to do so
CACalifornia 11K ballots still to count in Kern
DCDistrict of Columbia DC Council Judiciary Committee advances six bills
FLFlorida Despite 2,000-vote defeat, Charles Smith reviews ballots for error in Palmetto race
GAGeorgia State Farm Arena, Mercedes-Benz Stadium to offer early voting for Jan. 5 runoffGeorgia 'We can't wait': Macon-Bibb BOE prepares for Senate runoffs after audit, amid recountGeorgia GA Republicans want 'signature audit' of absentee ballots. Why it likely won't happenGeorgia No purge of voters ahead of Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs, Secretary of State's office saysGeorgia Postal Service likely to play big role in Georgia's runoffGeorgia State Election Board member fact-checks fraud claims, including 'secret counting' in FultonGeorgia Record amount of absentee ballots requested for Georgia runoff electionsGeorgia Westmoreland judge tosses more than 200 ballotsGeorgia DeKalb preps for presidential recount, January runoffsGeorgia Georgia to begin campaign-requested recount of presidential contest TuesdayGeorgia State Election Board extends two key rules for January runoffGeorgia Georgia presidential recount begins todayGeorgia Georgia election boards seeing tight timeline amid recount announcementGeorgia Dougherty Elections officials ready for voters' return to polls in January
IAIowa Miller-Meeks campaign alleges missing votes, 'illegal' method in Scott County recount
LALouisiana Thousand votes cast early so farLouisiana Secretary of State's statistics reveal over 32,000 Louisianans have already shown up for early voting
MEMaine Maine certifies election
MIMichigan Detroit had more vote errors in 2016 when president won Michigan by a narrow margin. He didn’t object then.Michigan Supreme Court denies appeal seeking audit of Wayne County's election resultsMichigan Board ends controversy over Michigan election after certifying resultsMichigan Michigan board certifies Nov. 3 election
MNMinnesota How Becker County election results somehow ended up in a campaign lawsuit
NVNevada Rodimer's election case will be reassignedNevada Campaign takes aim at Nevada Native Vote Project
NHNew Hampshire Ballot panel upholds Windham election recountNew Hampshire Representatives propose more oversight of absentee voting, provisional ballots for New Hampshire
NJNew Jersey Lawmakers push for in-person early voting by 2021. County election officials fear it's not doable.New Jersey Republican in local N.J. election files for recount after losing by 3 votes
NYNew York Ranked choice voting remains an uphill battle in NYNew York Push to delay ranked-choice votingNew York Lawmakers push to delay ranked choice votingNew York The field is nearly set for NYC’s first ranked-choice electionNew York New Democrat Dutchess elections commissioner chosenNew York Absentee ballots in limbo over lost sticky notes in Brindisi-Tenney House race
NCNorth Carolina allot re-check finds double votes and wrongfully rejected ballots in Forsyth County
OHOhio Voter advocates see a future for curbside voting
PAPennsylvania It’s official. Lehigh and Northampton counties certify their election resultsPennsylvania Wheeler: No issues with Dominion voting machines in York CountyPennsylvania Allegheny Co. BOE certifies election resultsPennsylvania Pa. election audit effort resolution rejected by bicameral legislative committeePennsylvania Some counties will miss Pennsylvania’s election results certification deadlinePennsylvania With audit rejected, lawmakers shift focus to future changes to Pa.’s election codePennsylvania PA Supreme Court rules certain mail-in ballots without declaration date may be countedPennsylvania In rare move, bipartisan panel rejects Pa. House request to audit 2020 electionPennsylvania Most Pa. counties certify election results by deadline; a few will take longer
RIRhode Island Rhode Island Board of Elections audits election results
TNTennessee Coin flip to determine tied White Bluff election race winnerTennessee Shelby County Election Commission certifies election results
TXTexas County seeking to make countywide polling program permanentTexas Gregg County election administrator to retireTexas El Paso County passes election audit, close to election certification
UTUtah Record-breaking election year in Utah, officials say
VAVirginia Fairfax supervisors praise ‘almost superhuman’ efforts of elections staff
WAWashington Franklin County only place in WA state to use controversial voting software system
WVWest Virginia Wood County completes canvass with aid from Caretaker CommissionersWest Virginia Eastern panhandle legislator proposes hiking pay for poll workersWest Virginia ’13 Gives Back’ recognizes West Virginia poll workersWest Virginia Marion County Clerk begins election recount, which could take 20 days
WIWisconsin City of Racine to conduct voting system auditWisconsin WI recount stokes anger about perceptions of Black votersWisconsin Fourth day of Wisconsin's partial recount shows few changes to vote countWisconsin Presidential recount continues in Milwaukee and Madison on Monday (Photos)Wisconsin Cedarburg woman charged with voter fraud
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