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Tuesday December 8, 2020
National NewsNational News House conservatives urge president not to concede and press for floor fight over election lossNational News Scores of US poll workers tested positive for Covid over election periodNational News How private money from Facebook's CEO save the 2020 electionNational News Conservative nonprofit group challenging election results around the country has tie to Jenna EllisNational News Election officials face threats amid turmoilNational News Christopher Krebs unloads on president's disinformation "threat"
ALAlabama Merrill, Marshall laud ruling on felons’ voting rights
AZArizona Federal judge to hear lawsuit Tuesday against Arizona's election resultsArizona These lawsuits challenging the election outcome are in Arizona courts this weekArizona Election lawsuits withdrawn under threat of sanctions
CACalifornia Orange County staff planned election details down to the “I Voted” stickersCalifornia Alex Padilla would bring election security chops to the Senate
COColorado GOP demand for probe of Colorado’s Dominion voting system part of “debunked conspiracy theories,” House speaker saysColorado GOP state rep asks for election investigation in spite of audit that uncovered no problems
FLFlorida Leon Co. considering purchase of voting operations center buildingFlorida Florida GOP leaders stand solidly behind voting by mail, despite unfounded cries of fraud
GAGeorgia State election official calls Ware Co. voting machine allegation ‘nonsense’Georgia Georgia election official: President's attorneys 'chose to mislead' the public about voter fraudGeorgia A-CC Elections Board meets, voting machines getting testedGeorgia Angela Mantle resigns as elections director in NewtonGeorgia Judge dismisses lawsuit challenging Biden’s win in GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia high school students call on peers to register to vote ahead of Senate runoffs: "Why wouldn't you?"Georgia Voting rights groups alarmed after Cobb County reduced early-voting sites for Ga. Senate runoffsGeorgia Cobb under fire for limited runoff early voting optionsGeorgia 2nd Columbus elections worker contracts COVID-19Georgia Local elections officials preparing for runoff races
KYKentucky Despite voting restoration, thousands are still disenfranchised in the Ohio Valley
MEMaine Maine’s new secretary of state plans to address voting access
MAMassachusetts Report delivered: Ranked-choice voting advancing in Amherst
MIMichigan Sheriff asks judge to block Michigan order for clerks to delete election dataMichigan Federal judge upholds Michigan election: 'The people have spoken'Michigan MI secretary of state on how an armed group protested in front of her houseMichigan Howell clerk weathers 'most challenging' election before retirementMichigan Campaign takes election challenge to Michigan Supreme Court
MNMinnesota Private money helped pay to conduct Minnesota’s election
NVNevada Recount begins in Clark Co. District C election
NJNew Jersey New Jersey audit of flawless vote could change future electionsNew Jersey Murphy still wants early voting, but future of all-mail elections unclearNew Jersey NJ election worker dies of COVID-19 after office outbreakNew Jersey Parties spar over extend of recount in Atlantic Co. race
NYNew York Rift opens up over rollout of ranked-choice voting in NYCNew York Education is the next big step for ranked-choice votingNew York Ranked-choice voting, overwhelmingly approved by NYC voters, comes under attack in City CouncilNew York Brindisi-Tenney NY-22 congressional race: More votes found, election worker has COVID-19New York Oneida Co. Board of Elections employee tests positive for COVID-19
NCNorth Carolina NC's voter ID fight, on multiple tracks, re-exposes partisan riftsNorth Carolina GOP lawmakers face uphill battle to join voter ID case at en banc court
PAPennsylvania Campaign appeals another ballot case in Pa.Pennsylvania New Penn course to examine the voting controversies of the 2020 electionPennsylvania With time running out, GOP state reps file new challenge to Pa.’s election results, citing already rejected claims of fraud
TXTexas Rep. Ron Wright calls for investigation of election amid unsubstantiated fraud claims
VTVermont Lawmakers poised to expand vote-by-mail to Town Meeting Day
WIWisconsin Milwaukee elections staff to make changes after 386 ballots uncounted, 65 lostWisconsin 'People have such tough lives': Disability rights advocates push back on election lawsuit
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