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Thursday December 10, 2020
National NewsNational News Election results under attack: Here are the factsNational News Election integrity ad campaign urges conservatives to accept 2020 resultsNational News As president disputes election results, Republicans target voting by mailNational News 27 House conservatives urge Trump to name special counsel on election fraudNational News Members of Congress question postal service efficiency regarding election mail-in ballotsNational News President places hopes in longshot Texas lawsuit that asks Supreme Court to overturn election results in 4 statesNational News 'It's surreal': the US officials facing violent threats as president claims voter fraudNational News 17 Republican Attorneys General Back Trump in Far-Fetched Election Lawsuit
AKAlaska Anchorage state Rep. Lance Pruitt challenges 11-vote election loss in court
AZArizona Las lawsuit to invalidate election ends in loss for GOPArizona Pima County considers renaming fountain in honor of Recorder F. Ann RodriguezArizona Last election challenge pending in Arizona courts thrown out by federal judge in blistering rulingArizona Senate to hold hearings on 2020 elections
CACalifornia Two tight council races in Santa Clara County head to recount after certificationCalifornia Senator Umberg introduces elections reform measures to protect voters and election workers
FLFlorida Mac Horton, Englewood advocate and public servant, dies of COVID-19 at 79
GAGeorgia Secretary of State’s Office investigating handling of recount in Coffee CountyGeorgia Elections office short on personnel, space, equipment, plan to ask for moreGeorgia Georgia Republican lawmakers promise to draft new law to put brakes on absentee ballotsGeorgia After criticism, Georgia’s Cobb County restores some early-voting sites for Senate runoffsGeorgia 4,000 Georgia Republicans seek poll watcher positions during early votingGeorgia Republican lawsuit would limit use of ballot drop boxes in Georgia
ILIllinois LaSalle Co. lawsuit over vote by mail ballots to get new judgeIllinois The question of who was elected Macon County sheriff gets its day in court
INIndiana Indiana AG also encouraging SCOTUS to consider intervening in presidential electionIndiana Lake election office close to reaching $1 million in grants, reimbursements for 2020 elections
KSKansas Kansas signs onto baseless lawsuit seeking to overturn presidential election
KYKentucky Hancock, other county clerks: Next election should feature methods similar to 2020
LALouisiana Plaquemines Parish DA race goes to recount after an initial 14-vote difference
MEMaine Grant funding helped municipalities with election expenses
MAMassachusetts Malden makes improvements on Chinese-language voting rightsMassachusetts Trio of GOP lawmakers call for review of Massachusetts mail-in ballot program
MIMichigan Benson to audit results of state, 200 jurisdictions including Wayne, Antrim countiesMichigan Up in smoke: Antrim voter fraud plaintiff couldn't have voted on pot ordinanceMichigan Michigan House to vote to expand subpoena power in elections inquiryMichigan President intervenes in U.S. Supreme Court suit seeking to overturn Michigan resultsMichigan State of Michigan moves to intervene in Antrim County lawsuit alleging voter fraudMichigan Michigan Supreme Court, in 4-3 decision, refuses to hear election fraud caseMichigan Michigan Bureau of Elections plans for ‘most comprehensive post-election audits in state history’Michigan Kent County Clerk begins post-election audit
MNMinnesota Lawmakers, Secretary of State, spar over election integrityMinnesota Simon warns senators not to spread election lies
MSMississippi Mississippi AG Lynn Fitch announces support for Texas election lawsuit in 4 battleground statesMississippi Mississippi Congressman cosponsors legislation calling for change to mail-in ballot certification
MOMissouri Missouri AG supports lawsuit challenging presidential election results in four statesMissouri No Excuse? No Problem — That’s Where Some Want To Move Missouri’s Absentee Ballot System
NENebraska Nebraska among list of states joining Texas election lawsuit
NVNevada Drawing cards settles Skyland election
NYNew York Election reformer love ranked choice voting, but NYC immigrants see doomNew York Lawsuit seeks to block the start of ranked choice voting next yearNew York Blood or chocolate? Stained ballot’s fate decided in Brindisi-Tenney House raceNew York BOE commissioners react to vetoed pay cut
NCNorth Carolina Ballot problem slowed recount effort in Forsyth Co.North Carolina Mecklenburg Co. finishes hand recountNorth Carolina Protests, appeals and recounts continue to delay NC Supreme Court election results
OHOhio Stark County Board of Elections votes to purchase new Dominion touch screen voting machines
OKOklahoma Oklahoma joins in support of Texas’ lawsuit challenging presidential election results in 4 states
PAPennsylvania Voter registration chief says county’s first big mail-in election ran well, offers six areas for state-level improvementPennsylvania Pa. appellate court delivers another loss to president's GOP allies seeking to void state’s election results
SCSouth Carolina South Carolina AG throws support behind Texas election lawsuit
TXTexas Paxton’s election fraud lawsuit is a non-starter but smart politics, legal experts say
WVWest Virginia West Virginia certifies Nov. 3 election results
WIWisconsin Election lawsuit involving La Crosse GOP chair dismissedWisconsin Wisconsin Elections Commission chair says she’s been threatenedWisconsin The Republican leading a hearing on Wisconsin's election won't say whether he believes the state went to Biden
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