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December 31, 2020-January 4, 2021
National NewsNational News 10 former Pentagon chiefs issue extraordinary warning to president over election fraud claimsNational News Election Day Voting in 2020 Took Longer in America’s Poorest NeighborhoodsNational News State legislatures to start 2021 with focus on election proceduresNational News Fact check: Over 159 million people voted in the US general electionNational News A 2020 Surprise: Fewer Absentee Ballots Rejections Than Expected
AZArizona Arizona GOP Lawyer Criticizes Judge On Election Lawsuit RulingArizona Mohave County elections director: Elections are an ‘expensive business’Arizona AZ Attorney General: Senate can demand county hand over election material for independent auditArizona U.S. Supreme Court sets hearing date for Arizona 'ballot harvesting' law
CACalifornia Conejo Valley Legislator Pushing To Make Election Day Voter Registration Available NationwideCalifornia Make Universal Vote by Mail ‘Permanent,’ Says California Secretary of State Nominee Shirley WeberCalifornia Westminster voting site prompts concerns that other campaigns will follow suitCalifornia Appeals Rules Against Santa Clara in Voting Rights Act Case
COColorado Douglas County clerk urges Pence to declare some states' elections illegalColorado Colorado County Clerks Association announces Matt Crane as new executive director
CTConnecticut COVID-19 could lead to permanent expansion of voting opportunities
FLFlorida Susan Gill named Chronicle Citizen of the Year
GAGeorgia ‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’: In extraordinary hour-long call, president pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the vote in his favorGeorgia The Post has published the president’s full phone call with Georgia election officials. Listen to the audio and read the transcript.Georgia Threats made against local polling placesGeorgia Georgia elections board member calls for probe into president's call seeking to pressure RaffenspergerGeorgia Threats sparked by disinformation could lead to real world violence in Georgia, activists sayGeorgia Judge seeks deal to limit voter challenges in Georgia runoffGeorgia Judge rules in challenge to 4K+ Muscogee Co. votersGeorgia Georgia Sec. of State’s office warns election hearings are depressing turnoutGeorgia Chatham County elections officials reflect on election seasonGeorgia Georgians worry about voter fraud while casting ballots in Senate runoffGeorgia Georgia’s unique runoff system shaped by long, complicated historyGeorgia Bulloch Co. polling location moved after poll workers test positive for COVID-19Georgia Push intensifies to cure rejected absentee ballotsGeorgia Dougherty Co. elections board denies another voter eligibility challengeGeorgia DeKalb elections board rejects 2 more challenges to voter registrationsGeorgia Dispute over mask threatened U.S. Senate vote-counting in Georgia countyGeorgia Federal judge skeptical of Georgia voter challengesGeorgia Judge restricts Georgia county’s ability to disqualify votersGeorgia Georgia election officials say they will crack down on giving stuff to people in voting linesGeorgia Officials scramble to find poll workers after 7 test positive for COVID at Rockdale Co. siteGeorgia Chatham County Police evacuate polling place after receiving threatGeorgia MARTA to subsidize Uber rides to the polls on Jan. 5Georgia Houston County Board of Elections not expecting long lines for Senate Runoff Race
IDIdaho Behind Scenes, Poll Workers Led to Successful ID Election
IAIowa Iowa Legislature likely to address election recount inconsistenciesIowa 4 voters claim their ballots for Rita Hart went uncounted
KYKentucky Boone Co.: Grant for New Voting MachinesKentucky Adams: Nearly 34,000 dead voters removed from voter rollsKentucky County clerk budget includes funds for office upgrades
LALouisiana U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins falsely claims election fraud, says he will object to certificationLouisiana Louisiana's proposed spring elections plan: Expanded mail-in voting, no extra early voting days
MEMaine Dunlap ending long tenure as Maine's Secretary of StateMaine Shenna Bellows to be sworn in Monday as Maine’s new Secretary of StateMaine Municipal clerks kept cogs of democracy turning despite 2020's hurdles
MDMaryland In Maryland, voter turnout up slightly; more than half used mail-in ballotsMaryland Baltimore City election workers speak out about not being compensated for their work
MAMassachusetts Rockland clerk retires after 32 years working for the town, schools
MIMichigan Michigan election investigation 'has only begun,' state Senate leader saysMichigan How Misinformation Lit The Fire Under A Year Of Political Chaos In MichiganMichigan Pelissero retiring after 20 years as county clerk
MNMinnesota Ely voters will continue to cast ballots at Senior Center
MTMontana Assistant administrator looks back at recent general electionMontana 2020 Election's Success Hinged on Poll Workers
NVNevada Stavros Anthony says he will appeal commission race to Nevada Supreme CourtNevada Voting rights advocate elected Nevada tribe's 2nd chairwoman
NJNew Jersey Hearing Monday on new election for District 3 county commissionerNew Jersey N.J. investigating freeholder for allegedly delivering election ballot of dead man, source saysNew Jersey Melfi will seek fourth term as Hunterdon county clerk
NMNew Mexico New Mexico GOP: Election records withheld from president
NYNew York New year, new ballot: here’s how ranked choice voting will work in New York in 2021New York How does ranked-choice voting work?New York Brindisi, Tenney argue, vote by vote, in epic nail-biter. How perfect does a voter have to be?
NCNorth Carolina Board of Elections hazard pay still up in air
OHOhio Survivor of Kent State Massacre by National Guard Troops during Vietnam War dead at 71Ohio Whoops? Franklin BOE airballs voting shout-out to AKRON native LeBron with hometown gaffeOhio Chris Hamill leaves treasurer's office to continue her public service career at BOEOhio Ohio governor battles with CNN host over election security issues
OKOklahoma Senator Lankford proposes Election Commission to review 2020 voter fraud
OROregon Oregon Doesn’t Have a Lieutenant Governor, but Shemia Fagan Says She’ll Serve in That Role NonethelessOregon Outgoing secretary of state adds chapters to her public life
PAPennsylvania Facing pressure, Pa. GOP aims to limit expanded votingPennsylvania Local officials conduct election amid pandemic, highly-charged partisanshipPennsylvania State Election Officials Dismiss Allegations Of Discrepancies In PA Election CountPennsylvania Everybody wants to change Pennsylvania election law, but mistrust is highPennsylvania Luzerne County voter fraud case might lead to rewardPennsylvania Brewster vs. Ziccarelli: Legal wrangling continues over state Senate seatPennsylvania York County election workers get a pay raise
SCSouth Carolina Florence County voter registration office closed due to COVID-19 exposure
TNTennessee Debunked conspiracy theories quickly took root amid uncertainty after Nashville Christmas bombingTennessee Catoosa County elections official spawns viral conspiracy about Nashville bombing
TXTexas Marion County approves agreement for upgraded voting equipmentTexas Sheriff indicted in Javier Ambler case sues over election loss, claims election fraudTexas Ted Cruz says he’ll object to certification of Electoral College votes that will make Joe Biden’s victory official
UTUtah Utah lawmaker wants to create text, email notifications for tracking ballots
VAVirginia Voting access, eligibility will be key topics in upcoming General Assembly session
WAWashington ‘It’s not our job to find votes’: Spokane County auditor reacts to president pressuring Georgia secretary of state
WVWest Virginia Elkins looking for poll workers for upcoming municipal election
WIWisconsin Voluntary voting machine audit in Trempealeau County finds no errorsWisconsin Janet Geisler’s service appreciated
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