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Thursday January 7, 2021
National NewsNational News Election Fraud Claims: a State-by-State GuideNational News Election Officials Warned 'Someone's Going To Get Shot,' But That Didn't Stop The PresidentNational News Fact-Checking the Congressional Debate on Ratifying the Election ResultsNational News Reforms spurred by pandemic drive new battles over voting rights after electionsNational News McConnell: Congress not a "national board of elections on steroids"
ALAlabama 137K at risk of being taken off Alabama voter roll
AKAlaska Assembly to consider voting processes for future elections
ARArkansas Pulaski Election Commission controversy continues
CACalifornia Contra Costa County Supervisors Dismiss Conspiracy Claims, Renew Contract With Election Software FirmCalifornia CA's First Black Secretary of State Plans to Prioritize Voting Rights
GAGeorgia Answers sought after Columbia County emergency ballotingGeorgia Georgia’s Senate Elections Elicit Claims Of Pervasive Irregularities, But No ProofGeorgia ‘Takes the cake’: Lee Co. election officials talk recent election cycleGeorgia Georgia counties push on in second day of vote countingGeorgia 40-acre tribute to Rep. John Lewis debuts on Georgia Senate runoff dayGeorgia ’It’s gone pretty well:’ Runoff election goes smoothly for Glynn CountyGeorgia Georgia secretary of state’s office evacuatedGeorgia Fulton pauses counting final ballots due to security concernsGeorgia Barron: Fulton’s runoff election among ‘smoothest’ everGeorgia Frustrated poll workers say they're done after contentious electionsGeorgia Bibb County BOE: ‘Poll workers are tired, anxious’Georgia Military absentee ballots are still being counted in Georgia Senate runoff racesGeorgia Votes continue to be counted in Richmond County after issue at two polling placesGeorgia Runoff cost Thomas County close to $25K
ILIllinois After recount, Cabello will not pursue election challenge
KYKentucky Kentucky’s top election official Secretary of State Michael Adams condemns riot on Capitol Hill
LALouisiana Legislators want look at Dominion contract, voting machine bidsLouisiana Councilman arrested on election fraud chargesLouisiana AG Landry and Secretary of State Ardoin talk ‘protecting election integrity’
MAMassachusetts Town clerk says election machines will need to be replaced by the next presidential election
MIMichigan Detroit files request to sanction, potentially disbar Sidney Powell and other 'Kracken' lawyersMichigan President repeats debunked Michigan election claims, wants review to 'save our democracy'Michigan Experts explain the most common Michigan voter issues on Election Day
MOMissouri Missouri SOS Ashcroft condemns how 4 states ran elections, sparking Democratic backlash
MTMontana UM survey shows county voters confident of no election fraud
NJNew Jersey Judge sets April 20 as date for do-over Atlantic County election
NMNew Mexico New Mexico Secretary of State wants judge to dismiss president's election lawsuit
NYNew York Coalition to Cuomo: Restore voting rights for incarcerated people nowNew York New York state court upholds ranked-choice voting for Feb. municipal special election in NYCNew York Judge seems skeptical of Brindisi effort to revive ‘purged’ votes in NY22nd fight
OHOhio Franklin County Board of Elections names new director
PAPennsylvania Gov. Wolf calls Republicans’ Pa. election claims ‘shameful’ lies for political gainPennsylvania Pennsylvania governor, secretary of state discuss 2020 election resultsPennsylvania Fact-checking president's false claims about Pennsylvania’s election before his supporters attacked the CapitolPennsylvania Luzerne County may have new election director this month
SCSouth Carolina SC Sen. Scott introduces bill for committee to study potential 2020 election fraud
TNTennessee Madison County selects new administrator of elections
VAVirginia Culpeper special election will cost $86K as pandemic skyrockets costs for voting
WAWashington Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman Responds to President Pressuring Georgia Officials on Votes
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