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Thursday January 21, 2021
National NewsNational News Why it’s clear Biden won: Fraud claims dismissed, Homeland Security calls it country’s ‘most secure’ election
AZArizona Arizona lawmaker wants to require notarized signatures on mail-in ballotsArizona Maricopa County to give election materials to state Senate for auditArizona Legislature looks at voter roll maintenanceArizona Maricopa County is preparing for a new audit of election results. Here's how it might go
DCDistrict of Columbia DC residents ponder ranked choice voting
GAGeorgia Republican Gwinnett elections chair resists calls to step downGeorgia Georgia election officials: Ballots didn’t omit PSC race
ILIllinois Battle over 2 forgotten votes highlighted in the legal case over who should be Macon County sheriff
KSKansas Sedgwick County election officer says secretary of state told her she’s losing her job
MIMichigan Three Rivers hires former Kalamazoo, Hillsdale clerk French as city clerkMichigan Canton man pleads guilty to misdemeanor charge in voter fraud case
MNMinnesota Newman ready to talk about voter ID again
MTMontana Meet Madison County’s record keeper
NENebraska Nebraska bill would impact early voting timetables
NJNew Jersey New Jersey will likely see another mostly mail primary
NYNew York Essex County’s early voting must move to North ElbaNew York Judge: Oneida County must correct voter registration errors in NY22 Tenney Brindisi raceNew York In Brindisi, Tenney race, judge orders review of 1,000 rejected Oneida County affidavit ballotsNew York Queens College hosts forum on ranked-choice voting ahead of upcoming special election
NCNorth Carolina A look at provisional ballots in North Carolina
OHOhio 18K Ohio voters inactive no more after high 2020 engagementOhio Hamilton Co. BOE hosts COVID-19 vaccine siteOhio Lorain County Democrats to fill vacancy on Board of Elections
PAPennsylvania Hewlett Neck native Kathy Boockvar plays pivotal role in presidential electionPennsylvania Statewide county workers cite need for election changes in the new yearPennsylvania Luzerne County election director search put on holdPennsylvania Commissioners to create interim election-official post
TNTennessee Tennessee senator proposes polling locations at Davidson County jails so eligible inmates can voteTennessee County attorney: Commission can't legally reduce voting precinctsTennessee Two more cities pass resolutions opposing voting center consolidation
TXTexas City considers replacing Dominion voting machines
VAVirginia State election law debates get off to terse beginningVirginia Bill banning guns at Virginia polls advances
WVWest Virginia Proposed voter reforms may raise security issues, Berkeley County elections chief says
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