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Wednesday February 10, 2021
National NewsNational News Last-Minute Tweaks to Voting Machine Standards Raise Cyber FearsNational News Dominion Had To Use ‘Extraordinary Measures’ To Serve Sidney Powell In Defamation LawsuitNational News 'Jim Crow relic': Senate filibuster stands in way of Democratic voting rights pushNational News ‘Reckless and stupid’: Security world feuds over how to ban wireless gear in voting machinesNational News European monitors: US election was fair but must try harder on voting rightsNational News What Absentee Voting Looked Like In All 50 StatesNational News Google expands election security aid for federal, state campaigns
AZArizona Maricopa County undergoes independent audit of 2020 election
FLFlorida Elections officials seek ways to improve election security after 2020 cycleFlorida Florida Lawmakers, Elections Officials Propose Allowing ‘Super’ Voting Sites
GAGeorgia Georgia GOP to state: Dump new voting machinesGeorgia How Hall legislators aim to streamline voter ID, absentee ballot lawsGeorgia Stacey Abrams, Democratic allies take aim at GOP efforts to restrict ballot accessGeorgia Georgia GOP ‘election confidence’ report splits state RepublicansGeorgia Absentee voting deadline bill tweaked while in committee to find compromiseGeorgia Georgia lawmakers revise bill setting absentee ballot request deadlineGeorgia Arlington still hashing out details on March election
IDIdaho 'Ballot harvesting' bill would make it a felony to carry more than two ballots
ILIllinois Jersey County Preps for Spring Election
INIndiana Indiana House advances bill expanding early, in-person voting access
MEMaine Effort to expand ranked-choice in Maine voting receives hearing this weekMaine Maine officials eye push toward automatic absentee ballotsMaine Secretary of State Bellows hires Maine’s first Latina Deputy Secretary of State
MDMaryland Enoch Pratt exhibit showcases women's suffrage activistsMaryland Middletown officials worry about mail ballots
MAMassachusetts Mail-in, early voting and same-day registration in election reform billMassachusetts Galvin to file legislation to make broad-based voting by mail permanent
MIMichigan 10 ideas Michigan officials have to change the state’s election process
NYNew York Beloved Board of Elections staffer dies after COVID outbreak in Queens facilityNew York Picente asks Cuomo to remove Oneida County election commissioners over NY22 race errorsNew York New ranked-choice voting education campaigns coming soonNew York Brindisi: New York should investigate ‘massive disenfranchisement of voters’
NCNorth Carolina Bladen election board expecting more one-stop opt ins, liquor by the drink on ballot in White Lake
OHOhio Stark Board of Elections seeks firm date on voting machines from commissionersOhio Elections board won’t seek criminal investigations against voters
OKOklahoma Oklahoma lawmakers discuss major bills regarding electionsOklahoma New Enid city commissioners elected; icy weather has varying effects on turnoutOklahoma Turnout increases for Norman municipal elections
PAPennsylvania Pennsylvania mail-in ballot registry isn’t as permanent as the word implies
SCSouth Carolina Alford: Florence City Council primary runoffs 'kind of quiet'
TNTennessee Lee says if every state ran elections like Tennessee, 'we'd have no delays, no scandal'
TXTexas Nearly a year later, records reveal what went wrong during March primary in Bexar CountyTexas Hearing for four charged in vote-harvesting scheme pushed to May
VTVermont Burlington voters will decide on March 2 whether to adopt ranked-choice voting for city council elections
VAVirginia Virginia Democrats Plan To Restore Voting Rights For Felons, But Remain Divided On How Far To GoVirginia After hectic 2020 election, Virginia might change the way absentee votes are counted
WAWashington Washington Senate Considers Election Worker Harassment Bill
WIWisconsin Low turnout expected in Feb. 16 statewide Wisconsin primaryWisconsin WEC Administrator Wolfe on Special Voting Deputies and Commission AuditWisconsin Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association asks for clerks, poll works to be in 1B vaccine group
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