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Thursday February 18, 2021
National NewsNational News A top official urged Congress to guarantee election security fundingNational News Despite Security Concerns, Online Voting AdvancesNational News RNC launches 'Committee on Election Integrity'National News Voting in 2020 Was Less Fraught for Disabled Voters Than in Years PastNational News In wake of 2020 election, Democratic senators urge Biden to expand voting rights protectionsNational News Why So Few Absentee Ballots Were Rejected In 2020
ALAlabama Bill to eliminate straight-party voting introduced in the HouseAlabama GOP state lawmakers and election officials launch commission to examine voting lawsAlabama Tuscaloosa to host Saturday drop-offs for municipal election absentee ballots
AZArizona Battle of the ballots: The county is auditing November's election. The Arizona Senate wants to. Which should we trust?Arizona A closer look at who is auditing Maricopa County's election and why it mattersArizona New Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer On Subpoenas, Restoring Faith In ElectionsArizona State legislature voting bill could harm ASU students who vote early
FLFlorida Lawyers ask judge to require Gov. DeSantis testify in voter registration meddling caseFlorida Sen. Bracy looks for scholarships in push for 1920 Ocoee massacre reparationsFlorida Some Florida lawmakers discuss fingerprint voting to ensure safer electionsFlorida Elections Supervisors Voice Support For Allowing 'Super Voting' Sites Statewide
GAGeorgia Several bills move forward to change absentee voting in GeorgiaGeorgia Ga. senators advance bills to end at-will absentee voting, require IDGeorgia ow The Atlanta Hawks Bet On Experience — And Safely Opened Georgia’s Largest Voting PrecinctGeorgia Report Shows No Fraud But Many Problems With Fulton Voting ProcessGeorgia Commissioners at standstill on decision to fire Fulton County elections directorGeorgia Confusion over firing Fulton election head continues; state monitor weighs inGeorgia Gwinnett may make voting materials available in Korean, Vietnamese
INIndiana Commissioners approve vote center resolution
IAIowa Republicans seek to shorten Iowa's early voting, tighten absentee ballot rules, set criminal charges for county auditors who don't obeyIowa Linn Co. Auditor calls bills restricting early voting 'vindictive'
KSKansas Amid renewed postal service concerns, Kansas legislators weigh tightening mail ballot deadline
LALouisiana Louisiana elections chief asks to resume voting tech search
MAMassachusetts Could Massachusetts actually, ‘finally’ pass same-day voter registration?
MIMichigan Push to move Michigan primary elections gets bipartisan support
MTMontana Paid postage for statewide elections gets tabled in committeeMontana Funding for Missoula County Elections Center improvements sought
NENebraska Nebraska's election chief pushes voter ID proposal, but opponents push backNebraska Winner-take-all & Voter ID bills pushed in NE Unicameral
NVNevada Las Vegas man pleads guilty to voter fraud in 2016 election
NHNew Hampshire Questions about Windham vote tally remainNew Hampshire Absentee Voting Drove Record Turnout in 2020, But Its Future in N.H. Is Still Up for Debate
NYNew York How a pay cut led to $30,000 extra for Onondaga County elections commissioners
NDNorth Dakota Results on House’s election reform bills
OHOhio ACLU of Ohio Continues Pushing for More Ballot Drop Boxes
PAPennsylvania Wolf admin has paid lawyers $3.4 million for two dozen election lawsuitsPennsylvania Strasburg Township approves polling place in township building, discusses moving it to Refton Fire Company
SDSouth Dakota Slow ballot counting in Minnehaha County grabs attention of South Dakota lawmakers
WAWashington Election fraud claims continue to divide Washington state GOP
WVWest Virginia Warner announces that county clerks have removed 253,263 abandoned voter files in the last four years
WIWisconsin Wauwatosa West grad named one of PBS' 20 under 20 storytellers of the year for vlog about working the 2020 primary
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