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Wednesday February 24, 2021
National NewsNational News Election officials defended the 2020 vote. In 2022, they’ll have to defend themselves.National News Bloody Sunday memorial will pay homage to late civil rights giantsNational News Conservatives use new tack to target voting machines
AZArizona Maricopa County's 2020 election votes were counted correctly, more county audits show
ARArkansas Vote limitation bill comes out of Senate committee
CACalifornia Fresno County promotes from within for next elections chief. Some wanted an outsider
COColorado Senate panel rejects GOP voting bill
CTConnecticut Committee starts discussion on changes to voting system
FLFlorida Tampa lawmakers file proposal requiring prepaid postage be enclosed in vote-by-mail ballots
GAGeorgia Georgia election officials to hear from Dominion voting machine companyGeorgia Bill requiring ID for absentee voting passes Georgia SenateGeorgia Augusta Commission votes unanimously to oppose election changesGeorgia ‘Make it easy to vote, but hard to cheat’: Kemp talks proposed election law changesGeorgia Attorney in Georgia election lawsuit faces possible disciplineGeorgia Abrams’ group launches seven-figure ad campaign targeting Georgia GOP voting measures
HIHawaii Hawaii Senate committee passes automatic voter registration
ILIllinois 'Hopefully more will come out.': Low voter turnout continues in primary election for Decatur City Council
IAIowa Opponents of new voting rules in Iowa continue to speak as passage appears certainIowa State Senate Republicans approve bill limiting early votingIowa Sioux County Auditor Testifies Against Voting Bill
KYKentucky Kentucky secretary of state praises election-related bills
MEMaine Secretary of State Bellows to testify before Congress on voter rights bill Thursday
MAMassachusetts Action on consolidating Braintree poll locations remains on hold
MIMichigan Internal emails reveal Antrim Co. response to voting problem that fueled conspiracies
MSMississippi Weather delays Tupelo absentee votingMississippi City of Canton asks Madison County to take over 2021 municipal elections
MOMissouri County clerk: COVID-19 concerns no longer valid excuse to secure mail-in ballot
MTMontana Bill to restrict absentee ballots in Montana faces opposition
NENebraska Proposed bill would put new voting system in placeNebraska Nebraska Legislature addressing election related billsNebraska Sen. Wayne proposes quicker restoration of voting rights for ex-felons
NHNew Hampshire Windham voting machine discussion rescheduled
NJNew Jersey Reps. Kim and Norcross Introduce Alice Paul Voter Protection Act
NYNew York Low voter turnout in early hours of City Council District 31 special electionNew York Voter advocates after NY-22 fiasco: Hire qualified people to run electionsNew York With No Clear Winner on Election Night, Ranked Choice Voting to be Put to the Test in District 31 Special ElectionNew York Can Election Administration Improve in New York?
NCNorth Carolina Delay this year’s local elections and NC’s 2022 primary, state official saysNorth Carolina Another Bladen election board member – again – cleared of complaint charge
OHOhio Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose sticks to limiting ballot boxes, despite judges’ rulings that he doesn’t have to
PAPennsylvania Clarion elections director says office already busy for primary
RIRhode Island Secretary of State Gorbea named to DHS Election Security Group
TNTennessee Tennessee: 28 of 95 counties now have paper trail for votingTennessee Bill to abolish early voting and voting machines is withdrawn
UTUtah Ranked choice voting explained: Here’s how it would shake up Utah elections
VTVermont Poll: Two-thirds of Vermont voters support making mailed ballots permanentVermont Universal Mail-In Ballot Bill Clears Key Hurdle in Vermont Senate
VAVirginia Virginia moving quickly to make expanded absentee voting permanentVirginia Virginia GOP Gov. Candidate Wants ‘NFL-Style Scouting Reports’ On Election Officials
WIWisconsin Here's what election changes Wis. Republicans proposed today & why Dems say there's a 'full-on assault' on votingWisconsin Republican lawmakers introduce absentee voting changesWisconsin State elections commissioner will step aside from deciding complaints he brought
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