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Wednesday April 7, 2021
National NewsNational News Feinstein signals she’s open to abandoning Senate filibuster for voting rights
ALAlabama Montgomery County, Sec. of State Merrill partner on program to put voter registration kiosks on college campuses
AKAlaska Anchorage voters form long line at Loussac Library for in-person voting on election day
AZArizona Young AZ Voters Wary Of Changes To Voting LawsArizona The next Georgia: Texas and Arizona emerge as voting rights battlegroundsArizona Voting rights groups: Tactics in Arizona election audit are illegal, intimidatingArizona Legal challenge to Arizona GOP's election auditors warns against voter intimidation
ARArkansas Democracy all-stars fight back against Arkansas voting rights attacks
COColorado Colorado Voting Laws In The Spotlight After MLB All-Star Game Comes To Coors FieldColorado MLB All-Star Game moves to Denver, stirs political debate on voting rightsColorado Senate panel approves bill pitting election security experts against disability advocates
CTConnecticut Lamont order will allow absentee voting in spring elections
DEDelaware Progress being made on Del. bill that would eliminate dual voter registration
DCDistrict of Columbia D.C. Elections Board Starts Considering Whether To Keep Mail Ballots And Super Vote Centers
FLFlorida County Commission rejects settlement offer from former elections supervisor Kimberle WeeksFlorida Black Florida legislators call on corporations to denounce proposed voting restrictions
GAGeorgia Atlanta mayor issues order to offset restrictions from state’s new voter lawGeorgia Patagonia to donate $1 million to Georgia voting rights groupsGeorgia MLB All-Star game: What Colorado’s voters have that Georgia’s don’tGeorgia Atlanta mayor issues executive order against Georgia’s new voting law
ILIllinois Voter questions alleged voting irregularity in Saline CountyIllinois Trend continues — more voters in Will and DuPage counties opting to vote early but overall election turnout still lowIllinois Kane County sees jump in early and mail-in voting over same election 4 years ago, but nothing compared to NovemberIllinois ‘We’ve earned the right to vote.’ Election judge still goes strong after 20-plus yearsIllinois 30 polls staying open late in suburban Cook CountyIllinois Precinct judges describe election day in Macon County as slow, steady
INIndiana Proposed Indiana voting law change requiring ID numbers faces corporate criticismIndiana Indiana House committee discusses bill that toughens absentee vote by mail; Lake County officials testify in support, against the billIndiana Lawmakers split on election bill
IAIowa Iowa Secretary of State sending out requests for voter registration updates
LALouisiana Secretary of State Ardoin announces Louisiana commission on Election Integrity and Voting
MEMaine Bill to require election audits receives committee supportMaine Disputed ballots in Hudson election lands selectmen’s race in court
MAMassachusetts Agawam City Council rejects voter ID resolution by thin margin
MIMichigan Antrim County clerk rejects county commissioners decision to count ballots by handMichigan Report on Antrim County error keeps battle over records going in lingering election lawsuitMichigan Ottawa Count clerk calls November election 'very secure,' releases audit results
MNMinnesota Minnesota same-day voter registration change back in playMinnesota Election bills highlight Minnesota’s political divide
MOMissouri Adair County Clerk's Office makes sure every vote countsMissouri Former St. Louis ElectionsMissouri Columbia's April elections see lower turnout despite fewer COVID-19 concerns
MTMontana Election integrity a hot topic in Helena
NENebraska GI teen recognized with first ever Secretary of State CitationNebraska Poll workers and voters participate in Omaha Primary Election Day
NVNevada Lawmakers debate expanding automatic voter reg, implementing top-two primary system
NYNew York After messy race, Tenney forms ‘election integrity’ caucus opposed to Dems’ voting reformsNew York Oneida County in negotiation talks with Department of Justice over voter rights
OHOhio No voting changes in Ohio as other states scramble to tighten or loosen voter lawsOhio In deposition, Ohio Secretary of State LaRose defends rejection of Summit County GOP chair from elections boardOhio Ohio Supreme Court upholds Secretary of State's rejection to Lorain County Board of ElectionsOhio Inez James appointed to Lorain County Board of Elections
OKOklahoma Voter registration campaign called largest in state’s history
OROregon STAR vs ranked-choice: Oregon lawmakers consider changing how you vote
PAPennsylvania Allegheny County election officials say primaries should go smoothlyPennsylvania Montgomery County Election Board authorizes relocation of 15 polling places
RIRhode Island New push to expand early voting meets GOP pushback
SCSouth Carolina Fry introduces bill to require photo ID for absentee voting in South CarolinaSouth Carolina The election reform SC lawmakers want to see
TNTennessee Yvette Tubbs Carver Appointed to DeKalb Election Commission
TXTexas Patrick Tells Corporations to Stop Meddling in Politics, Defends SB7Texas Fort Bend County officials lock horns over proposed legislationTexas The next Georgia: Texas and Arizona emerge as voting rights battlegroundsTexas Voting Rights Groups In Texas Are Asking Corporations To Do More To Fight GOP Election Bills
UTUtah Hyde Park One Of Many Utah Cities Considering Ranked Choice Voting This Year
WVWest Virginia Berkeley Co. Council approves upgrades to voting machines in preparation for future electionsWest Virginia W.Va. Elections Bill Changes Early Voting Dates, Updates Process For Disputed Races
WIWisconsin Wisconsin Assembly elections panel aims to begin ‘formal investigation’ into 2020Wisconsin Voter turnout was low during the first half of Tuesday's spring election in the Milwaukee areaWisconsin Wisconsin Holds Another Pandemic Election, This Time With Added Confusion Over Mask Rules
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