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Tuesday April 13, 2021
National NewsNational News After Georgia: Here Are 4 States To Watch Next On Voting LegislationNational News GOP Undercuts Vote-Security Push by Going Light on the SecurityNational News 70% of states offer mail and early voting, new report saysNational News How the corporate backlash to Georgia’s new voting law is shaping other fights around the country over access to the polls
AZArizona Ducey blocks transfer of Arizona voter registration websiteArizona Voting center model part of proposed change for Mohave County elections
ARArkansas Giving snacks, water to Arkansas voters outlawed under bill now headed for final approval
CACalifornia California’s elections official exodus
DEDelaware Georgia Republican lawmaker wants to emulate Delaware's 'draconian' voting laws
FLFlorida Election Day arrives Tuesday in two Pasco cities
GAGeorgia 4 long time poll workers retireGeorgia Fulton County Commission chair reacts to new election reform
HIHawaii Auto voter reg bill nears passage
ILIllinois Montelongo questions mail-in ballot counting with letter to Peoria Election Commission
INIndiana Phelps to step down as county clerk to accept new role with Indiana Secretary of State’s office
KSKansas Lawmakers finalize effort to limit mail voting in Kansas
KYKentucky Kentucky county clerks to authenticate via Yubikey
MEMaine Bill co-sponsored by Pingree would override Georgia's controversial voting lawMaine Legislative committee considers allowing semi-open primaries
MIMichigan How a Very Weird Quirk Might Let Michigan Republicans Limit Voting Rights
MTMontana Missoula County elections defends voting process, call legislator’s claims ‘baseless’
NVNevada Officials fear burden of enhanced auto voter regNevada Cegavske, state Republican Party duel over censure resolution
NHNew Hampshire SB 43, The Windham Voting Machine Audit Bill, Is Now NH Law
NJNew Jersey County Election Boards Permitted to Relocate Ballot Boxes
NYNew York Ranked choice education ramping up with early voting two months awayNew York Advocates say New York City is ready for ranked choice voting
NCNorth Carolina Is voter ID unconstitutional? NC’s newest trial on that question is happening nowNorth Carolina Catawba County gets nearly $127,000 for election expenses
NDNorth Dakota Discrepancies found in two North Dakota counties from November election
OHOhio Ohio Supreme Court outlines Dominion voting machine dispute schedule
OROregon Multnomah County Elections Is Ready to Assist Voters with Disabilities; Voters Can Also Get Support in Their Preferred Language
PAPennsylvania Nearly 19K mail-in ballots requested in Luzerne County; all voters may vote in primaryPennsylvania More Than 600,000 Pennsylvanians Have Registered For Mail-In Ballots For May 18 PrimaryPennsylvania Despite efforts to limit mail-in voting, PA voters flock to them ahead of primariesPennsylvania Taxpayers footed Pa.’s bill for election lawsuits. Costs went into the millionsPennsylvania Elections in Pa.: Directors, county officials describe 'breaking point,' need for reform
TXTexas ‘How much fraud is OK?’: In voter fraud debate, Republicans have a trump cardTexas Fact checking Texas lawmaker's claim of 400 voter fraud 'cases'Texas Bowie County hires firm to improve its election security
UTUtah How Recent Elections Impacted New Utah Voting Laws
WIWisconsin Hagedorn and liberal justices signal they may block latest election lawsuit
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