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April 17-19, 2021
National NewsNational News Here’s how new voting laws across the nation sparked a major corporate backlashNational News As America embraces early voting, GOP hurries to restrict itNational News As voting fight moves westward, accusations of racism followNational News Faith leaders across US join in decrying voting restrictionsNational News NAACP, teachers union part of group buying $1M ad spot in federal voting rights bill fight
ALAlabama Sex, lies and the Alabama secretary of state: The fall of John Merrill
AKAlaska City clerk explains election systemAlaska Polarizing election reform bill reintroduced with changes
AZArizona A cybersecurity expert who promoted claims of fraud in the 2020 election is leading the GOP-backed recount of millions of ballots in ArizonaArizona In Arizona, the 2020 presidential election still isn’t over. Republicans start an audit this week. Here’s what we know.Arizona Mohave County Board of Supervisors to consider vote centers, equipment purchases
CACalifornia Arbitrator rules: Palm Desert to pay $555,000-plus to attorneys in voting rights act lawsuitCalifornia Recall election could incur costs for county
COColorado Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold sits at the intersection of elections, politics
GAGeorgia Report: New Ga. Election Law Rates Well For Access But A 'Step Backward'Georgia Pat Jones resigns as Bulloch County elections chief, effective June 30Georgia Georgia’s Abrams navigates voting law fight with eye on 2022
IDIdaho Little signs bill making it harder to bring voter initiatives onto ballots
IAIowa Pate talks 2nd District election results, new elections law
MDMaryland Washington County Board of Elections offices set to move
MAMassachusetts City of Springfield requesting for new election equipmentMassachusetts Polling stations likely to move from Worcester State's Wellness Center due to vaccine site, students returning in the fall
MIMichigan The 'loophole' Michigan Republicans could use to sidestep Whitmer on voting lawsMichigan Fact check: No, an algorithm did not manipulate Michigan’s election resultsMichigan Benson: Michigan voting bills more restrictive than Georgia
MSMississippi MS secretary of state defends comment about 'woke' voters, calls criticism 'hatchet job'Mississippi Initiatives seek to bypass Mississippi lawmakers
MOMissouri Missouri Rep. Ashley Bland Manlove On Election-Related Bills Moving Through Legislature
MTMontana Missoula elections coordinator on secretary of state letter
NENebraska Ricketts praises Georgia election law, but Nebraska unlikely to follow that state's lead
NJNew Jersey Two Atlantic County towns get sneak peek at new voting machinesNew Jersey What Will Be the Same, Different for Primary Election Day 2021?
NYNew York Incarcerated New Yorkers deserve their right to vote, Public Advocate Williams saysNew York What Have We Learned About Ranked Choice Voting Elections So Far?New York Voters receiving mailcheck cards from Onondaga County Board of ElectionsNew York Oneida County Spent Over $100,000 on Legal Fees for the NY-22 Court Case
OHOhio Draft Ohio election bill would ax day of voting, require more ID; Lawmaker says it won't be introduced
PAPennsylvania An ‘off-year’ election? There’s no such thing for these local officials.Pennsylvania Pa. Republicans eyeing tighter voter ID requirements to meet wall of Wolf vetoPennsylvania Lebanon County Commissioners debate mail-in box accessibilityPennsylvania Election Experts Recommend What Pa. Counties Have Been Asking For All Along: More Ballot Pre-Canvassing TimePennsylvania County preparing to send out absentee, mail-in ballots
SCSouth Carolina SC elections could see major changes as lawmakers tackle bills on voter accessSouth Carolina S.C. bill would expand absentee, mail voting
TNTennessee Davidson County Election Commission keeps Metro property tax special election aliveTennessee Hannah Hopper poised to chair election commissionTennessee Washington County election officials propose new early voting site
TXTexas Organizations speak out against voting bills making way through Texas LegislatureTexas Sen. Hughes bill to publish voting history record passes committeeTexas Don't mess with Texas voters: What to know about group's ad campaign over GOP legislationTexas Tarrant had defective mail-in ballots in November. Here’s the fix for May 1 electionTexas Former Harris County clerk: No regrets over voting programs that sparked Texas legislative backlashTexas Activists protest Texas' voter bills at Greater Houston Partnership building downtown
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