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Friday May 14, 2021
National NewsNational News House Panel Advances Bipartisan Postal Overhaul Measure, USPS Board Gets New MembersNational News Sweeping election reform bill faces Senate buzz sawNational News Fact check: Posts draw misleading comparison between Colonial Pipeline hack and unfounded election fraud claimsNational News How Jim Crow-Era Laws Suppressed the African American Vote for GenerationsNational News Manchin breaking with Democrats on voting rightsNational News Concerns about sweeping voting rights bill grow among Senate DemocratsNational News Senate Panel Ties on Biden Pick for DOJ’s Civil Rights Division
AKAlaska Palmer council approves vote by mail feasibility studyAlaska Anchorage mayoral race remains uncertain as ballots continue to be counted
AZArizona 'This is dangerous': Maricopa County supervisors plan response to Arizona Senate's election audit concernsArizona Sellers Accuses Arizona Senate Republicans Of Making 'False And Ill‑Informed' Election AllegationsArizona Arizona audit: Thursday is the final day of recounting ballots before pauseArizona Navajo Nation opposes new law for unsigned mail-in ballotsArizona Cyber Ninjas, UV lights and far-right funding: inside the strange Arizona 2020 election ‘audit’
COColorado Husband, accused in wife's murder, charged with submitting presidential ballot in her name
FLFlorida Polk supervisor says 'worst provisions' of initial bill were omitted from new election lawFlorida NYC is using ranked choice voting in their mayoral contest – Florida advocates ask: why not here?Florida Unchecked Polk County mailbox left ballots untouched until after runoff election
GAGeorgia Jody Hice, in pitch to become secretary of state, spreads election falsehoods
ILIllinois DuPage County to seek proposals for new election equipment
IAIowa State auditor to investigate Scott County auditor’s payments to election workersIowa cott County Board of Supervisors votes to appoint auditor to replace Moritz
LALouisiana Calcasieu Parish seeking election commissionersLouisiana Louisiana voting rights suit dismissed, but still on appealLouisiana St. Landry Parish Council considers expanding absentee voting in response to consolidating precincts
MEMaine Maine election changes draw opposition from local clerks
MIMichigan Millington lawmaker wants Michigan voting machines to stay offline during electionsMichigan Michigan Secretary of State asks judge to excuse her from deposition in election fraud lawsuitMichigan Benson: 2020 election was safest in state’s history, GOP reform bills not neededMichigan Republican who challenged Michigan election results now running for Secretary of StateMichigan Oceana Co. lead canvasser removed over letter to SoS about elections
MOMissouri Missouri GOP pitches runoff plan for primaries
NHNew Hampshire New Hampshire Town Clerks Overwhelmingly Oppose H.R. 1
NJNew Jersey Casting a ballot returns to normal
NYNew York Report: No Intentional Interference In Faulty Absentee Ballots For 2020 ElectionNew York Ballot vendor shut out of printing job
NCNorth Carolina Bladen director says they’ll be ready for muni elections as scheduled this fall
OHOhio Elections board concerned with voter access to new officeOhio Two new election board members sworn inOhio Board of Elections makes IT hire
OKOklahoma New laws alter Oklahoma's initiative petition process after narrow passage of SQ 802Oklahoma As some GOP states seek to limit ballot access, Oklahoma expands early voting
PAPennsylvania Berks County election officials delay plan to buy electronic poll booksPennsylvania return to normal? Winners, losers could be known on election nightPennsylvania Mail-in ballots, preparedness examined in Montgomery County ahead of May 18 primaryPennsylvania Westmoreland officials say voters who receive mail-in ballots this weekend should use drop boxesPennsylvania Channel 11 takes inside look into the Allegheny County election warehousePennsylvania Allegheny County Elections Division ready for primaryPennsylvania Allegheny County Election Officials Say Tuesday’s Primary Should Be A Smoother Process Than November
TNTennessee Eldridge Appointed to Tennessee State Election Commission
TXTexas Recount confirms tie in District 4 raceTexas Dallas County Commissioner Agrees With City Refusal to Pay Election Cost
UTUtah Two Dozen Utah Cities Adopt Ranked-Choice Voting
VTVermont 5 numbers to know about mail-in voting in Vermont as House approves election bill
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