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Tuesday June 8, 2021
National NewsNational News Rejecting Biden’s Win, Rising Republicans Attack Legitimacy of ElectionsNational News From Vermont to Kentucky, some Republicans expand voting access in 2021National News John Lewis voting rights bill faces steep uphill climb in SenateNational News Schumer recommends two voting rights attorneys for judicial seats
AZArizona Arizona's ballot audit could spread to other states. Here's what to know
FLFlorida Organizers say getting initiatives to expand voting on Florida ballot won’t be easy, but worth the effortFlorida League of Women Voters of Florida Elects New President
GAGeorgia Georgia Election Consultant Says GOP Needs To Move On From Voter Fraud Narrative
INIndiana Knox County officially becomes vote center county following unanimous vote by county election board
KSKansas Douglas Co. election operations to move to new location
MEMaine Senate gives initial support to Sen. Miramant bill to expand ranked-choice votingMaine Election Day arrives in cities and towns across Maine
MIMichigan Michigan GOP officials, activists push for 2020 election auditMichigan Michigan GOP official: Party focused on next election, not audit
MNMinnesota Minnesota Court of Appeals rules Minnesota Voter Alliance failed to establish any violations in absentee ballot boards
MSMississippi Special election to address ballot initiative can happen this year, but it will costMississippi Election Day Tuesday: View local races, election day reminders
NJNew Jersey Judges says no to Foley request for extended primary electionNew Jersey NJ primary 2021: What you need to know before you go to the pollsNew Jersey Effort to Get More Poll Workers for Primary Day in New Jersey
NMNew Mexico Albuquerque City Council set to give final approval to repeal voter ID requirement
NYNew York Judge orders Rensselaer County to select an early voting siteNew York Judge throws out Rensselaer County early voting sites, orders new selection
NCNorth Carolina Appeals court: GOP lawmakers can’t join NC voter ID lawsuitNorth Carolina Federal court says attorney general providing enough defense for NC's voter ID law
NDNorth Dakota Burleigh County Commission approves election committee
OHOhio Ohio House Democrats hold town halls across the state to discuss proposed billOhio Belmont County Board of Elections to undergo new leadership
PAPennsylvania ‘Scattering’ of write-in votes questioned at Luzerne County Election Board meetingPennsylvania Despite pleas of candidate, York County certifies primary votes
TNTennessee Local voting precincts could be cut by threeTennessee Election Commission formulating plans to move its offices
TXTexas Governor signs Rep. Bell bill purging dead from voter rolls
VTVermont Vermont’s Governor Expands Voting Rights, Bucking Republican PushVermont Scott signs bill expanding vote-by-mail in general elections
VAVirginia Here's what you need to know ahead of Tuesday's Virginia primaries
WVWest Virginia Cromley’s office recognized in ‘A Perfect Recount’
WIWisconsin Wisconsin Senate targets more changes in election laws, but not all Republicans are on board
WYWyoming Lawmakers look to change how Wyoming holds statewide electionsWyoming Lawmakers advance ranked choice voting as primary possibility
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