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June 26-28, 2021
National NewsNational News DOJ to launch task force to address rise in threats against election officialsNational News ‘So what’s next?’: After voting rights loss, Democrats and allies seek alternativesNational News William Barr calls Trump's election fraud claims: 'bulls---' in new bookNational News The ride for voting rights: Inside the journey to build Black voting powerNational News Black activists travel the South to push for voting protections, honor Freedom RidersNational News Voting rights activists on ‘Freedom Ride’ say their work will continue even after Senate Republicans block election reform bill
ALAlabama Voting protections rally held for 8th year
AZArizona Arizona election ballot review enters new phase as ballot count endsArizona Arizona House passes legislation that weakens secretary of stateArizona Arizona poised to enact new election restrictions, strip power from Democratic secretary of stateArizona CEO of Arizona audit contractor Cyber Ninjas appears in movie about U.S. election fraudArizona Maricopa County Election Audit Finishes Counting Ballots
CACalifornia Conservative activists push voter fraud claims to recruit an army to police California recall pollsCalifornia How a racist myth about immigrants voting continues to fuel unproven claims of voter fraudCalifornia Future of LA County election recounts could hinge on Long Beach Measure A lawsuitCalifornia Vigilantes claimed voter fraud. A thousand false leads later, investigators found one case
CTConnecticut Officials React As State’s Top Election Official Says She Will Be Moving OnConnecticut Connecticut Restores Voting Rights to People with Felony Convictions on ParoleConnecticut Vacancy for Secretary of the State could mean a logjam of candidates
GAGeorgia Justice Department sues Georgia over new voting lawGeorgia Case launches battle over Georgia voting law in courts and campaignsGeorgia Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke Delivers Remarks on Justice Department Lawsuit Against the State of GeorgiaGeorgia New Legal Battle Over Voting Rights Begins In GeorgiaGeorgia DeKalb GOP chooses ex-commissioner Nancy Jester for elections boardGeorgia Secretary of State predicts federal suit will not affect Newton city elections
ILIllinois In 190 years, this Illinois county has never had a female clerk. That changes July 1
IAIowa Half of Iowans oppose Joe Biden's handling of voting laws; most disapprove of Iowa shortening early voting period
KYKentucky New voting machines on the way
MIMichigan Senate to review voting bills passed by House
MSMississippi Canton mayor claims conspiracy underway to block election results
MTMontana Jefferson Co. EA Bonnie Ramey retires after nearly 40 years of service
NHNew Hampshire New Hampshire Legislature Approves Earlier State PrimaryNew Hampshire Lawmakers send bill moving state primary, other election law measures to governor’s desk
NJNew Jersey NJ Gov. Murphy to speak at voting rights summit focused on young peopleNew Jersey Bill expanding poll worker hours for minors clears AssemblyNew Jersey Livingston BOE Postpones Vote on Board Size for Further Consideration
NYNew York Council member continues fight against RCV post-electionNew York Rockland Elections Commissioner Heads To State BOE
NCNorth Carolina Lee County's new election director comes full circleNorth Carolina Is the partisan Craven Board of Ed elections a power grab, or a move to 'transparency'?North Carolina Could Charlotte City Council split up elections this year? Here’s what to know
OHOhio Board of Elections moving forward with new voting equipment
PAPennsylvania Pa. Senate Passes Constitutional Amendment To Require Voters To Show IDPennsylvania Pa. Senate sends election law rewrite to Wolf, who promises veto over Voter ID languagePennsylvania The political rhetoric over Pa. Republicans’ election bill obscures the truth: It’s complicatedPennsylvania County Looking At Creating New Elections Position
SCSouth Carolina Three finalists picked for top Anderson County election position
TNTennessee Davidson Co. Election Commission votes to appeal judge's ruling on charter referendum
TXTexas Armed Texas man enters elections office after firing shots in hotelTexas Luci Baines Johnson sees fighting for voting rights as a daughter honoring her fatherTexas Elections administrator selection nearsTexas Buckley confident election issue will be in special sessionTexas Progressive groups unite to oppose Texas GOP's voting restrictions
VAVirginia New voting rights bills taking effect in Virginia as efforts stall in Congress
WAWashington GOP lawmaker tours Cyber Ninjas ‘audit,’ considers changes in Washington called unnecessary
WIWisconsin Racine now has a mobile election vehicleWisconsin Wisconsin GOP leaders say Trump is 'misinformed' after the former president claimed they are hiding election corruptionWisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court tosses lawsuit against ballot boxesWisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court throws out latest election lawsuit because the issues weren't 'cleanly presented'Wisconsin Former supreme court justice to oversee Vos election investigation
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