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Thursday July 15, 2021
National NewsNational News Corporate giants call on Congress to pass voting rights measureNational News Voting Rights Advocate Tapped for Appeals Court Faces Pushback From GOP SenatorsNational News More than 150 companies back update to Voting Rights ActNational News Group founded by Stacey Abrams launches voting rights initiative
Tech NewsTech News Runbeck Election Services Joins Forces with FlexMet to Offer Vote Center Hubs
AZArizona Maricopa County will spend millions to replace voting machines turned over to the Arizona Senate for auditArizona House Dems launch investigation into Arizona ballot review
ARArkansas Board eases sanctions tied to election inquiry
CACalifornia California Supreme Court will be asked to grant extra time for state’s redistricting panelCalifornia SLO County supervisors spar over the selection of a new clerk-recorder
DCDistrict of Columbia DC might follow other cities in ranked voting
GAGeorgia New Bulloch Co. elections supervisor hoping to help educate voters on new rulesGeorgia Fulton OKs delayed election staffing contractGeorgia Georgia Republicans center campaigns on false claims of election fraud
HIHawaii Proposal looks to change council districts, election of members
INIndiana Secretary of State Holli Sullivan helps Tippecanoe County get new voting equipmentIndiana Fort Wayne voter rights activist invited to share experience with Vice President Kamala Harris
KSKansas Judge to decide if Kansas’ top election official can withhold records by altering software
KYKentucky Kentucky offers advice on possible federal election reforms
MDMaryland St. Mary's commissioners approve third early voting centerMaryland Changes coming to Washington County Board of Elections
MIMichigan Hamtramck settles Voting Rights Act lawsuit, will provide Bengali language assistance
MSMississippi Miss. lawmakers discuss voter access amid nationwide reform
NENebraska Nebraska election officials take steps to make voting accessible for disabled voters
NHNew Hampshire Gardner proud of Granite State's voting procedures
NYNew York New elections commissioners work to revamp office
NCNorth Carolina NC election officials won’t let GOP lawmakers inspect voting machines. Here’s why.North Carolina New county election board to be sworn in next week; only three known so farNorth Carolina One new member appointed to Watauga County Board of Elections
OHOhio Elections board requests legal advice on new office locationOhio LaRose defends Ohio’s elections while casting his vote for 15th District Congressional race
OKOklahoma Oklahoma Election Board Secretary Shoots Down Republican's Request For Audit Of 2020 Results
PAPennsylvania Tioga County won’t offer up voting machines to election auditPennsylvania Luzerne County Election Board exploring heftier mail ballot drop boxesPennsylvania York County officials still mum, but Tioga commissioners won't cooperate with Mastriano's election 'audit'Pennsylvania The election claim at the heart of Bill McSwain’s feud with Bill Barr came from Delco. And it’s been debunked.Pennsylvania Rockdale has new voting site; other changes eyed
SCSouth Carolina Florence County election commission names new voter registrations director
TXTexas How will the voting experience change if Texas passes proposed restrictions? Harris County election administrator explainsTexas Webb County elections administrator resignsTexas The Battle Over State Voting Rights Is About the Future of TexasTexas 'Angry and affected': Young voters in Texas protest restrictive new voting lawsTexas Texas Senate Republicans talk about approval of their elections billTexas Sorting Through Details Of SB 1 As Texas House Remains At Standstill
USVIUS Virgin Islands Board of Elections Asks Chairman To Respond to a Member’s Attempt to “Delegitimize the V.I. Elections”
VAVirginia Voter precincts are changing for some Bristol, Virginia residents
WAWashington What happens to your ballot after you vote in Washington?
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