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Wednesday July 28, 2021
National NewsNational News Harris hosts voting rights conversation with Native American leaders, Secretary HaalandNational News One-third of states have passed restrictive voting laws this yearNational News DOJ tells former officials they can testify about efforts to overturn election
AZArizona Maricopa County weighs subpoena response, unlikely to turn over routers
FLFlorida Challenges to Florida’s new election law will be heard by federal judge in January
GAGeorgia Under half of Georgia voters checked their paper ballots, study showsGeorgia Floyd Co. commission to repost chief elections clerk position
INIndiana New Indiana secretary of state vows to boost voter confidence
IAIowa Floyd County Short on Precinct Officials for Special Election
KSKansas Kansas county won't prosecute violations of new voter law
MDMaryland Leaders Urge Early Voting Site for White Oak
MAMassachusetts No ranked choice voting in Amherst this year
MIMichigan Lawyers cite election 'suspicions' in fight against sanctionsMichigan Dearborn provides Arabic-language ballot after concerns raised by advocatesMichigan Secretary of State Benson: State auditors want to 'recreate' election reviewsMichigan This is how Detroit’s city clerk candidates would improve elections
MSMississippi Mississippi Votes advocates voting rights at town hall meeting
MTMontana Montana Tribal leaders meet with VPOTUS to discuss voter rights
NVNevada Poll: Majority of Nevada voters in favor of moving from caucuses to primary elections
NHNew Hampshire Sununu says former president 'misinformed' after former he repeats false voter fraud claims
NJNew Jersey Phil Murphy appoints two women to fill Bergen County's top elections postsNew Jersey Francica, Sheehan-Willis will get top Bergen election posts
NYNew York Cuomo signs bill to legalize virtual election worker trainingNew York State Senate to Launch 2021 Election Oversight with Series of Voter-Centered Hearings
NDNorth Dakota Vice President Kamala Harris meets with Native American leaders to discuss voting rights
OROregon Catherine McMullen to run for Clackamas County clerk
TNTennessee Election Commission chairman says County Commission not cooperating on voting machines
TXTexas Young County shows off new voting technologyTexas This Is Why You Check With Election Administrators Before You Draft A BillTexas 'This is our Selma moment,' clergy leaders announce on eve of 27-mile voting rights march to AustinTexas Texas Lawmakers To Testify As U.S. House Oversight Committee Plans Hearing On Texas Voting BillTexas Election reform bills could lead to automatically rejecting mail-in ballot applications, Texas Monthly report finds
WVWest Virginia Local West Virginia county clerks value lessons, networking opportunities during Election Training Conference
WIWisconsin Republican vows 'forensic examination' of Wisconsin ballots despite no evidence of widespread fraudWisconsin Robin Vos on Republican call for new election probe: 'I don't know what that would prove'
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