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Tuesday August 3, 2021
National NewsNational News New spotlight on secretaries of state as electoral battlegroundsNational News Threats of violence spark fear of election worker exodusNational News More Than 100 Lawmakers From Nearly 30 States Arrive in D.C. to Rally for Voting RightsNational News 'A moral obligation': Black ministers are leading rallies for voting rights just as they did during the civil rights eraNational News Making voting easier for previously incarcerated people
AZArizona In Arizona recount fight, Maricopa County and Dominion Voting Systems defy new subpoenas by state Senate
CACalifornia Butte County elections officials test equipment ahead of recall election
FLFlorida Elections supervisor expects more than 100,000 registered voters by 2022; seeks to add staff
GAGeorgia 57 House Republicans back Georgia against DOJ voting rights lawsuit
KSKansas As Kansas district attorney refuses to enforce election law, voter groups won’t resume registration drivesKansas Kansas AG says he’ll enforce new election law after county DA pledged not to prosecute
MDMaryland Anne Arundel judge expected to rule this week in Annapolis vote-by-mail lawsuitMaryland An Attempt To Limit Mail-In Ballots In AnnapolisMaryland Frederick's city election offers variety of voting options
MIMichigan Macomb County clerk adds digital trail to election ballotsMichigan More Lansing voters are switching to absentee ahead of Aug. 3 primary electionMichigan Detroit clerk expects absentee voting to overtake in-person for Aug. 3 primaryMichigan Detroit election officials work to counter voter mistrust ahead of Tuesday's primaryMichigan ‘Our Goal Is To Be 100% Balance,’ City Clerk Janice Winfrey Prepares For August 3rd Primary Elections, Wants Ballots BalancedMichigan Kalamazoo County unveils new website aimed at increased election transparencyMichigan Still Have to Prepare For It: Small August Election Day Keeps Clerks Busy
MOMissouri Greene County Clerk explains preparations and precautions at polling sites for Tuesday’s election
NHNew Hampshire Sununu vetoes early voting for state primary
NYNew York NY senators to seek ideas from voters at Syracuse hearing on how to improve electionsNew York War brewing in Rockland County over who will become next Democratic BOE commissioner
NCNorth Carolina Elections board discusses One Stop, office security
OHOhio Ohio Secretary of State approves of Ohio voter ID lawOhio Ohio Secretary of State says voter turnout is tougher in summer elections
PAPennsylvania Pennsylvania GOP legislator speaks out against death threats over county refusal to turn over voting machines for auditPennsylvania Federal guidance poses yet another problem for the GOP-backed effort to review the 2020 election
TXTexas Online voter registration becomes permanent part of updating drivers’ licenseTexas Texas GOP perpetuates debunked voter fraud claim in fundraising mailer
UTUtah Search underway for new Utah elections director
VAVirginia County to Test Ranked-Choice Voting in Mock ElectionVirginia Chase calls for 'forensic audit' of Virginia's elections
WAWashington Amid 15-way race for Seattle mayor, candidates express support for ranked-choice votingWashington Election Day In King County: Primary Ballots Due Tuesday
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