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August 28-30, 2021
National NewsNational News 'Freedom is a constant struggle': Protesters march for voting rights on anniversary of March on WashingtonNational News Thousands March In D.C. For Voting RightsNational News Their work secured the election. It also paved the way for conspiracies.National News Experts Warn of Dangers From Breach of Voter System SoftwareNational News Democrats Are Now Open To New Voter ID Rules. It Probably Won't Win Over The GOPNational News Demonstrators Reflect On The Fight For Voting RightsNational News Partisan vote ‘audits’ are making elections less safe, officials sayNational News New polls suggest broad support for Democrats' voting rights bills
ALAlabama Alabama Secretary of State says Mobile poll workers need more training
AZArizona Chandler testing out digital voting instead of paper ballotsArizona Maricopa County Officials Say Senate Subpoena Enforcement Puts Public Safety At RiskArizona Hundreds rally for voting rights in Phoenix on 58th anniversary of 'I Have a Dream' speechArizona Election officials raise concerns with election review ahead of report
CACalifornia Santa Clara County Registrar Ready For Recall ElectionCalifornia Merced County District Attorney, state investigating Livingston voter fraud allegationsCalifornia California's Recall Process Is Constitutional, Federal Judge RulesCalifornia Judge tosses California recall lawsuit, election to continue as scheduledCalifornia Fresno county clerk: 70,000 recall ballots have been returned, a little higher than we expected
COColorado Griswold permanently adopting rules blocking Arizona-style audit in ColoradoColorado Boulder County joins national calling during Saturday rallies for March On for Voting RightsColorado Ethics complaint filed against Peters
CTConnecticut Longtime Norwich registrar retires after grueling election season
FLFlorida Ballot auditor: Volusia County supervisor of elections did a good jobFlorida 'March on for voting rights' event held in West Palm Beach
GAGeorgia Georgia election officials seek court orders for absentee ballot studyGeorgia Hundreds rally in Atlanta to support federal voting rights legislationGeorgia Appeals court: Postage for absentee ballots isn’t a poll tax
ILIllinois Ex-DuPage auditor Grogan has the cash to pay for full recount of election he barely lost
IAIowa Groups hold march in Iowa City in support of voter rightsIowa New Rock Island City Clerk ready for the responsibility
KSKansas Bourbon County Clerk Resigns
MEMaine Rally for voting rights held in Bangor
MDMaryland Annapolis vote-by-mail election is about to begin. How did we get here?
MAMassachusetts Janey, Boston Election Officials Want To Add More Than A Dozen New Polling Places
MIMichigan Kildee: State Republican election law bids inspired federal John Lewis Voting Rights Act
MOMissouri Ashcroft urges several changes to elections, cites few problemsMissouri Columbia NAACP chapter joins thousands across nation for voting rights rally
NHNew Hampshire Windham emails provide window into election distrust
NYNew York Chenango County considers voting site consolidations as redistricting looms
NCNorth Carolina Activists gather in downtown Fayetteville to rally for voting rightsNorth Carolina Judges won’t delay NC voting rights restoration for felonsNorth Carolina Elections board begins search for new director
OHOhio Richland County Board of Elections changes 2 voting locationsOhio LaRose comments on the new federal voting bill
PAPennsylvania EXPLAINER: Will an election ‘audit’ happen in Pennsylvania?Pennsylvania Bipartisan election reform bill brewing in Pennsylvania SenatePennsylvania Rally for voting rights in Wilkes-BarrePennsylvania New leader of Pa. Senate election review discusses broader approachPennsylvania Westmoreland commissioners continue search for election bureau directorPennsylvania ‘It’s going to happen expeditiously.’ What to know about the newly restructured election probe
TNTennessee Election Commission working to promote voting at the high-school level
TXTexas Voting Rights Rally In San AntonioTexas Texas Republicans clash over measure to stop innocent mistakes from being prosecuted as voter fraudTexas Civil rights organizations ready to sue over Texas voting reformsTexas From polls to ballots, here's what the new Texas voting bill would do
USVIUS Virgin Islands Elections System Seeks Applicants for Supervisor Post
VAVirginia Absentee ballot applications sent to Hampton residents will still work, despite incorrect address for Registrar's OfficeVirginia Stafford Electoral Board rejects Sunday voting in November election
WIWisconsin Robin Vos's dilemma: Building support for election investigation without elevating conspiracyWisconsin We can't celebrate women's suffrage centennial if we don't protect voting rights today, author says while visiting the Fox CitiesWisconsin Top Assembly Republican Robin Vos is leaving it to an investigator to decide on subpoenas for the election investigationWisconsin Clerk: Election officials ‘demoralized’
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