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Thursday September 2, 2021
National NewsNational News Progressives push Senate Democrats to nix filibuster ahead of voting rights fightNational News Justice Department releases Voting Rights Act mapmaking guidanceNational News Heeding Steve Bannon’s Call, Election Deniers Organize to Seize Control of the GOP — and Reshape America’s ElectionsNational News After voters embraced mail ballots, GOP states tighten rulesNational News Cawthorn to introduce resolution condemning political violence after warning of 'bloodshed' if elections are 'rigged'
AZArizona Arizona Senate releases more records of 2020 election review
CACalifornia CA recall election: SF City Hall extending hours for votersCalifornia Merced County officials predict ‘busy’ recall election, as mail-in ballots roll inCalifornia County registrar talks election security ahead of Newsom recallCalifornia Preparations made for recall electionCalifornia Angwin fire station will not host voting center for California recall electionCalifornia Counties prepare for the upcoming special election
COColorado Mesa County Deputy Clerk facing charges for alleged burglary, cyber crimesColorado Voter-fraud conspiracy theorists meet with county officialsColorado Mesa County's deputy clerk faces cybercrime, felony burglary charges
FLFlorida North Florida Voting Rights Advocates Call For More Federal OversightFlorida Jerry Holland hopes to once again be Duval County’s supervisor of electionsFlorida Q&A with St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections Vicky Oakes
GAGeorgia Ga. secretary of state questions who's behind the DOJ's lawsuit against new voting laws
HIHawaii Changes to council elections considered
IDIdaho Collocation of polling precincts undone
KSKansas Kansas’ new law halts voter registration efforts, as local elections draw near
MDMaryland Maryland settles lawsuit over machines used by blind voters
MAMassachusetts Happy Hour, Voter ID, Gig Economy Contractor Questions Approved For 2022 Ballot
MNMinnesota MN Supreme Court to Hear Appeal in Olmsted County Absentee Ballot Case
MOMissouri Top Missouri election official wants ban on helping voters fix absentee ballot mistakes
MTMontana National Voter Registration Month begins
NHNew Hampshire Leavitt wastes no time attacking Mowers on ‘election integrity’ issue
OHOhio Ohio Secretary of State seeks to update voter registration process
PAPennsylvania Delaware County Election Board member resignsPennsylvania Elk County election poll workers honored for servicePennsylvania GOP Lawmakers In Pennsylvania Go To Court To Challenge Mail-In Voting LawPennsylvania Pennsylvanians encouraged to serve as election poll worker
TNTennessee Tennessee Secretary of State Celebrates National Voter Registration Month
TXTexas Texas Republicans launch last-ditch effort to audit 2020 election results - especially in Harris CountyTexas Local election administrators react to passage of new voting bill
VAVirginia Most Virginia Counties Won’t Offer Sunday Voting This FallVirginia Former president fans election fraud theme as Virginia governor candidate Youngkin walks tightropeVirginia Virginia law banning guns near polling places applies to early voting locations, AG Herring says
WIWisconsin Taxpayers will spend $676K on Assembly review of 2020 election results; nearly half on voting machine data analysis
WYWyoming Group marches in Sheridan, reminds citizens to stay abreast of election law changes
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