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Thursday September 23, 2021
National NewsNational News Biden allies push for protections for Latino, Asian votersNational News Backers of false fraud claims seek to control next electionsNational News Arizona’s Criticized Election Review Nears End, but Copycats Are Just Getting StartedNational News Advocates spend $5.8 million to press for Democrats' voting bill compromiseNational News Republican-Led Election Reviews Take Shape In Pennsylvania And Wisconsin
ARArkansas Pulaski County Election Board Discusses Early Voting Location Site
COColorado Griswold wanted private security due to threats. One state board said no.
CTConnecticut Norwalk's GOP deputy registrar arrested in landlord, tenant dispute
FLFlorida Leon County Supervisor of Elections warns voters of unofficial voter registration mailingsFlorida Sarasota City Commission plans legal action to advance ranked-choice voting
GAGeorgia Georgia State Election Board Passes Rule Changes To Implement SB 202Georgia Chatham Elections Board will get a new member this week — for the third time this yearGeorgia Democrat Owens launches bid to be Georgia’s top election official
IAIowa Iowa’s Secretary of State mailing postcards to help residents register to vote
MDMaryland Montgomery County Board of Elections approves early voting center In White OakMaryland Annapolis primary election 2021 vote count
MAMassachusetts Getting Answers: why residents were turned away at Holyoke's primary pollsMassachusetts Officials react to low voter turnout in Holyoke, Chicopee preliminary elections
MSMississippi Mississippi voting rights case is argued at US appeals court
MOMissouri Local officials oppose push for partisan municipal elections
MTMontana New lawsuit challenges state law that ends Election Day voter registration in Montana
NVNevada Former Las Vegas news anchor announces run for Nevada secretary of state
NHNew Hampshire Officials have mixed response to auditors’ proposals
NJNew Jersey Majority of voters plan on voting in-person on Election DayNew Jersey Likely scenario this November: Masks required for poll workers, not for voters
NYNew York ‘Guardians of Democracy’ Bristle Under Questioning, Citing Pace of NY Election ReformsNew York Election Reforms Have ‘Put a Burden’ On Local Boards Of Elections, New York Officials Say
OHOhio Republicans select Poland man for seat on county election board
PAPennsylvania Luzerne County receives clearance to continue using its electronic voting system Nov. 2
TNTennessee Election Commission Votes To Add 2 New Early Voting Sites
TXTexas Professor tells Cruz that Texas's voter ID law is racist
UTUtah Election audit confusion in Utah CountyUtah Are voter ID requirements racist? Utah Sen. Mike Lee doesn’t think so
VTVermont Leahy pushes voting rights bill to reluctant GOP
VAVirginia Williamsburg Wins Innovation Award for Drive-Thru Voting SystemVirginia Restoring voting rights for felons who have completed sentences is easier than last yearVirginia Satellite early voting sites in Richmond unlikely to open before Oct. 17Virginia Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney calling on city’s electoral board to ‘take swift action’ on delayed opening of early voting locations
WAWashington Washington Sec. of State: Onslaught of election lawsuits could cause ‘significant damage’
WVWest Virginia Bill to Mandate Campus as a Polling Location
WIWisconsin Clerks and Voters Weigh in on 2020 ElectionWisconsin What's The Status Of GOP-Backed Election Investigations In Wisconsin?
WYWyoming Bill naming Cheyenne federal building after women’s rights pioneer Louisa Swain passes Senate Environment & Public Works Committee
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