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Wednesday September 29, 2021
National NewsNational News On National Voter Registration Day, Harris encourages all eligible Americans to register to voteNational News Voting registration advocates grapple with new election lawsNational News Vice President Harris Statement on Federal Agency Actions to Promote Voter ParticipationNational News VA medical centers, other federal agencies to offer voter registration under Biden orderNational News As former president hints at 2024 comeback, democracy advocates fear a ‘worst-case scenario’ for the country
AZArizona Agnes Laughter, Navajo weaver who challenged voter ID restrictions, has died
CACalifornia 3 conservative SLO County supervisors want more clerk-recorder choices, upending search
DEDelaware Four new markers honor the fight for equal voting rights in Wilmington
FLFlorida Voting rights activist Desmond Meade wins prestigious MacArthur Fellowship ‘Genius Grant’Florida Palm Beach County helps teens get ready for the polls on National Voter Registration DayFlorida Marion Supervisor of Elections warns against inaccurate voter registration letters
GAGeorgia Chatham Elections Board wrestles with new voting law, 2020's effect on poll workersGeorgia Number of Georgia voters without state ID declinesGeorgia DeKalb Elections Board approves Sunday voting
INIndiana Secretary of State celebrates ‘National Voter Registration Day’ at Snider High School
MDMaryland Local college teams up with Washington County Board of Elections to get students registered to vote on National Voter Registration Day
MAMassachusetts Northampton holds preliminary election Tuesday, Sept. 28
MIMichigan Michigan Secretary of State launches “MI Vote Matters” initiative to get high school seniors registered to voteMichigan Bill would penalize Michigan election inspectors who falsify party affiliation
MOMissouri Elections are secure, says Greene County Clerk while promoting National Voter Registration DayMissouri Boone County Clerk celebrates Voter Registration Day with MO Secretary of StateMissouri A Kansas City Group Is Helping Formerly Incarcerated People Reclaim Their Voting Rights
MTMontana Secretary of State's Office, election officials recognize National Voter Registration Day
NENebraska Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen positive for COVID-19
NVNevada NV good-government groups celebrate NVRD
NJNew Jersey Countdown to the election: Mail-in ballots sent, new machines deliveredNew Jersey Bordentown Township Municipal Building Home to New Secure Ballot Drop BoxNew Jersey Hundreds of Emerson voters get mail-in ballots with candidates' names omitted
OHOhio Secretary of state asked to break tie
PAPennsylvania Facing voters maybe in 2023, Pa. Republicans aim for big election changes in constitutionPennsylvania To avoid Wolf’s veto, Pa. GOP proposes giving voters final say on stricter ID rules, other election changesPennsylvania Pa. GOP advance bill to loosen poll watcher rulesPennsylvania 'It can very well cause issues': reaction to Luzerne Co. election director resigningPennsylvania Wayne County voters inducted into Pennsylvania Voter Hall of FamePennsylvania Luzerne County officials react to growing concerns with the County Bureau of Elections
RIRhode Island Nellie Gorbea gives tips to RI voters on National Voter Registration Day
SDSouth Dakota SD Secretary of State visits local colleges to encourage students register to vote
TXTexas Texas 2020 election audit of four counties to be carried out in two phasesTexas Harris County Attorney Seeks Texas Secretary Of State Documents Over Proposed Election AuditTexas Days after disclosing election “audits” in four Texas counties, secretary of state’s office gives some details of their scopeTexas Harris County Election officials ‘pivoting‘ ahead of new election law changes
VAVirginia More early voting locations open in Richmond after public outcry
WVWest Virginia West Virginia celebrates Voter Registration Day, Month
WIWisconsin Gov. Tony Evers says election officials should be 'lawyered up' as partisan review of 2020 ramps upWisconsin ‘It’s a big day for everybody:’ voting groups use new, creative methods on National Voter Registration Day
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